Computer Assisted Language Learning

(The TQCC of Computer Assisted Language Learning is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A/synchronous telecollaborative digital media projects: comparative effects on learners’ macro-and micro-level oral proficiency and intercultural competence97
Data-driven learning of collocations by Chinese learners of English: a longitudinal perspective89
Effects of highlights and annotations on EFL learners’ Reading comprehension: an application of computer-assisted interactive reading model70
Instructors’ and learners’ perspectives on using ChatGPT in English as a foreign language courses and its effect on academic integrity64
But the computer say me the time is up: the shaping of oral turns mediated with and through the screen62
Hyperlink desirability in adolescent fiction: location and absorption61
Comparing student-centered learning in a video-based app to the grammar-translation method in an EFL class60
Raising critical cultural awareness through telecollaboration: insights for pre-service teacher education57
A digital tool designed to support secondary education teachers’ professional development and to develop students’ oral language competence55
Towards a flipped SEF-ARCS decoding model to improve foreign language listening proficiency48
Comparing the effects of digital and non-digital gamification on EFL learners’ collocation knowledge, perceptions, and sense of flow46
The influence of practice contexts on L2 learners’ compliment responses: telecollaborative video-based practice versus face-to-face practice42
An exploratory study of English-language learners’ text chat interaction in synchronous computer-mediated communication: functions and change over time39
Teachers as CALL Customizers: exploring teachers’ perceptions of conceptualizing and customizing CALL materials38
Digital game-playing to enhance English vocabulary and content learning among anxious foreign language students35
How effectively can EFL students use automated written corrective feedback (AWCF) in research writing?35
Effects of task repetition with consciousness-raising in wiki-mediated collaborative writing on the development of explicit and implicit knowledge33
Exploring EFL learner engagement with different teacher feedback modes33
Examining the impacts of learner backgrounds, proficiency level, and the use of digital devices on informal digital learning of English: an explanatory mixed-method study33
Developing and evaluating a mobile app with a self-regulation scheme to facilitate primary students’ self-regulated vocabulary learning32
Combining multimodal technology-mediated and peer feedback: effects on second language (L2) learners’ complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) in writing31
The effect of feedback on metacognitive strategy use in EFL writing31
Incidental L2 vocabulary learning from audiovisual input: the effects of different types of glosses31
Massive online multiplayer games as an environment for English learning among Iranian EFL students30
A mixed-methods study of the incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary and healthcare knowledge through serious game play30
Application of ‘Ġabra’ online dictionary for international adults learning Maltese29
Implementation of web-based dynamic assessment in improving low English achievers’ learning effectiveness29
Comparing concordances of language patterns and words by ESL intermediate learners: a preliminary experiment with two mobile concordancers29
What matters to LMOOC learners: content and sentiment analyses of learner course reviews27
A critical review of design features of LMOOCs27
Out-of-school language learning through digital gaming: a case study from an activity theory perspective26
Critical thinking cultivation in TESOL with ICT tools: a systematic review25
Human versus machine: investigating L2 learner output in face-to-face versus fully automated role-plays25
Situated learning in CALL teacher preparation programs: an ecological perspective to student-teachers’ agency24
Pre-service EFL teachers’ motivational beliefs about instructional use of technology: development and validation of a scale23
Promoting incidental vocabulary learning through watching a French Netflix series with glossed captions22
Supporting dyadic learning of English for tourism purposes with scenery-based virtual reality21
The effects of feedback timing on L2 development in written SCMC21
Effects of speech-enabled corrective feedback technology on EFL speaking skills, anxiety and confidence21
L2 motivational self system and willingness to communicate in the classroom and extramural digital contexts20
The relationships among metacognitive strategies, acculturation, learning attitude, perceived value, and continuance intention to use YouTube to learn English20
Exploring language teachers’ lesson planning for corpus-based language teaching: a focus on developing TPACK for corpora and DDL20
Conceptualizing digital multimodal composing competence in L2 classroom: a qualitative inquiry20
Investigating EFL learners’ inferential listening comprehension skills through computerized dynamic assessment19
The effectiveness of LMOOCs on participants’ attitudinal learning19
Developing and evaluating an academic collocations and phrases search engine for academic writers19
Interactional patterns in the online language classroom: a quantitative analysis across proficiency levels and lesson types19
Examining factors influencing Chinese ethnic minority English teachers’ technology adoption: an extension of the UTAUT model18
The role of EFL learners’ L2 self-identities, and authenticity gap on their intention to continue LMOOCs: insights from an exploratory partial least approach18
Technology-mediated teaching vocabulary: exploring EFL learners’ depth and breadth of lexical knowledge17
Exploring the effects of robot-assisted multimodal composition on students’ audience awareness for English writing17
Exploring AI-mediated informal digital learning of English (AI-IDLE): a mixed-method investigation of Chinese EFL learners’ AI adoption and experiences17
Training Finnish morphology with a smartphone application in adult beginner level learners16
Multiple technologies, multiple sources: trends and analyses of the literature on technology-mediated feedback for L2 English writing published from 2015-201916
The effect of prosody instruction in developing listening comprehension skills by interpreter trainees: does methodology matter?16
Intercultural learning through Chinese-American telecollaboration: results of a song sharing project16
An intervention study to improve primary school students’ self-regulated strategy use in English writing through e-learning in Hong Kong16
Utilising artificial intelligence-enhanced writing mediation to develop academic writing skills in EFL learners: a qualitative study16
Automated writing evaluation (AWE) feedback: a systematic investigation of college students’ acceptance16
Digital simulation games in CALL: a research review15
The effects of mobile-assisted reading on incidental L2 word learning: a processing perspective14
Students’ perceptions of the use of Kahoot! in English as a foreign language classroom learning context14
Interactive digital media assignments: effects on EFL learners’ overall and micro-level oral language skills14
Revisiting the Cognition Hypothesis: the impact of task complexity on L2 learner engagement in task performance in computer-mediated and face-to-face communication14
Technology-mediated task-based language teaching: a CALL evaluation framework and its pedagogical implications14
The effect of using machine translation on linguistic features in L2 writing across proficiency levels and text genres14
Investigating pre-service EFL teachers’ attitudes and challenges of online teaching14
The design and implementation of virtual reality simulations in Spanish for the Health Professions: what are learners’ perceptions?14
Employing e-tandem language learning method to enhance speaking skills and willingness to communicate: the case of EFL learners14
Integrating ARCS motivational model and flipped teaching in L2 classrooms: a case of EFL expository writing13
Online individualized corrective feedback on EFL learners’ grammatical error correction13
The impact of learning support facilitated by a robot and IoT-based tangible objects on children’s game-based language learning13
Effects of intelligent personal assistants on EFL learners’ oral proficiency outside the classroom12
An investigation on the use of automated feedback in Turkish EFL students’ writing classes12