Leonardo Music Journal

(The median citation count of Leonardo Music Journal is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Topology of Networks in Generalized Musical Spaces3
Musicking with Music-Generation Software in Virtutes Occultae2
Music as Epistemic Construct: From Sonic Experience to Musical Sense-Making1
Minding the Gap: Conceptualizing “Perceptualized” Timbre in Music Analysis1
Sociosonic Interventions: Distributed Authorship in Socially Engaged Sound Practices1
Study in three phases: An Adaptive Sound Installation1
Microbial Sensing: Constructing Perception through Technological Layers1
Exploring the Nexus of Holography and Holophony in Visual Music Composition1
Introduction to Special Section: Sound as Evidence1
A Generative Sound Mural, The Whole Inside: Sounding the Body1
Music Gesture and the Correspondence of Lines: Collaborative Video Mediation and Methodology0
The Presence of a Mysterious Black Silhouette: From a Print to a New Form of Usage of Guitar Multiphonics0
Beat Machine: Embracing the Creative Limitations and Opportunities of Low-Cost Computers0
Listening Geopolitics and the Anthropocene Contact zones of the Bali and Georgia Strait0
Transductive Wind Music: Sharing the Danish Landscape with Wind Turbines0
Now I'm Digital, Where Is My Ritual?: Exploring Postdigital Performance Objects as Totems for Agency and Ritual0
Active Imaginative Reading . . . and Listening0
Stowaway City: An Immersive Audio Experience for Multiple Tracked Listeners in a Hybrid Listening Environment0
Deep Listening to the Amazon Rainforest through Sonic Architectures0
The Hearing Test: Evidence of a Vegetal Entity0
Notes on LMJ30 audio tracks0
Sonic Commentary: Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?0
LMJ30 Audio Tracklist0
Sounding Time: Explorations in Audio Time-Lapse and Temporal Layering in Interdisciplinary Collaboration0
The Network0
2020 Leonardo and Leonardo Music Journal Author Index0
30 Years of Leonardo Music Journal0
Tactical Soundwalking in the City: A Feminist Turn from Eye to Ear0
Interspecies Bodies and Watery Sonospheres: Listening in the Lab, the Archives and the Field0
A Conflux of Musical Logics: Memory, History and the Improvisative Music of SLANT0