Statistical Methods in Medical Research

(The TQCC of Statistical Methods in Medical Research is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Detecting the skewness of data from the five-number summary and its application in meta-analysis51
Estimating the sample mean and standard deviation from order statistics and sample size in meta-analysis42
Multiple imputation with missing data indicators39
Predictive performance of machine and statistical learning methods: Impact of data-generating processes on external validity in the “large N, small p” setting36
Comparison of small-sample standard-error corrections for generalised estimating equations in stepped wedge cluster randomised trials with a binary outcome: A simulation study36
Minimum sample size for developing a multivariable prediction model using multinomial logistic regression35
Small sample sizes: A big data problem in high-dimensional data analysis33
Estimation of required sample size for external validation of risk models for binary outcomes31
Conditional copula models for correlated survival endpoints: Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials27
Sample size and sample composition for constructing growth reference centiles27
Spatial scan statistics can be dangerous24
Commentary on the use of the reproduction number R during the COVID-19 pandemic23
Fitting to the UK COVID-19 outbreak, short-term forecasts and estimating the reproductive number20
Adjusting for selection bias due to missing data in electronic health records-based research19
A Bayesian dose–response meta-analysis model: A simulations study and application17
Glucodensities: A new representation of glucose profiles using distributional data analysis17
Mediation effects that emulate a target randomised trial: Simulation-based evaluation of ill-defined interventions on multiple mediators17
Revisiting performance metrics for prediction with rare outcomes16
Propensity score analysis methods with balancing constraints: A Monte Carlo study15
Statistical methods used to combine the effective reproduction number, R(t), and other related measures of COVID-19 in the UK15
Reference range: Which statistical intervals to use?15
The change in estimate method for selecting confounders: A simulation study15
On recurrent-event win ratio14
Unbiasedness and efficiency of non-parametric and UMVUE estimators of the probabilistic index and related statistics14
Sample size estimation for modified Poisson analysis of cluster randomized trials with a binary outcome14
Developing clinical prediction models when adhering to minimum sample size recommendations: The importance of quantifying bootstrap variability in tuning parameters and predictive performance14
Standard error estimation in meta-analysis of studies reporting medians13
Methods for modelling excess mortality across England during the COVID-19 pandemic13
Inferring risks of coronavirus transmission from community household data13
Meta-analysis of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 serial intervals and the impact of parameter uncertainty on the coronavirus disease 2019 reproduction number13
G-computation and doubly robust standardisation for continuous-time data: A comparison with inverse probability weighting12
General regression methods for respondent-driven sampling data12
On estimating the area under the ROC curve in ranked set sampling11
A unified approach to variable selection for Cox’s proportional hazards model with interval-censored failure time data11
Imputation and missing indicators for handling missing data in the development and deployment of clinical prediction models: A simulation study11
Online control of the familywise error rate10
Analysing body composition as compositional data: An exploration of the relationship between body composition, body mass and bone strength10
Variable selection with missing data in both covariates and outcomes: Imputation and machine learning10
Dealing with risk discontinuities to estimate cancer mortality risks when the number of small areas is large10
An overview of propensity score matching methods for clustered data10
Mediation analysis for mixture Cox proportional hazards cure models10
Modified Brier score for evaluating prediction accuracy for binary outcomes10
Regularization approaches in clinical biostatistics: A review of methods and their applications10
Deselection of base-learners for statistical boosting—with an application to distributional regression10
Variable selection for causal mediation analysis using LASSO-based methods10
Class imbalance in gradient boosting classification algorithms: Application to experimental stroke data10
Statistical design considerations for trials that study multiple indications9
Applications of simple and accessible methods for meta-analysis involving rare events: A simulation study9
Extending the I-squared statistic to describe treatment effect heterogeneity in cluster, multi-centre randomized trials and individual patient data meta-analysis9
A family of Gamma-generated distributions: Statistical properties and applications9
Flexible extension of the accelerated failure time model to account for nonlinear and time-dependent effects of covariates on the hazard9
Inferring median survival differences in general factorial designs via permutation tests9
Efficient and flexible simulation-based sample size determination for clinical trials with multiple design parameters9
Change point detection in Cox proportional hazards mixture cure model9
Online control of the False Discovery Rate in group-sequential platform trials9
Estimating a time-to-event distribution from right-truncated data in an epidemic: A review of methods9
A comparison of two frameworks for multi-state modelling, applied to outcomes after hospital admissions with COVID-199
An adaptive seamless Phase 2-3 design with multiple endpoints8
Efficiency of a randomized confirmatory basket trial design constrained to control the family wise error rate by indication8
Two-phase analysis and study design for survival models with error-prone exposures8
A general method for calculating power for GEE analysis of complete and incomplete stepped wedge cluster randomized trials8
Correlation-based joint feature screening for semi-competing risks outcomes with application to breast cancer data8
Sample sizes for cluster-randomised trials with continuous outcomes: Accounting for uncertainty in a single intra-cluster correlation estimate8
Improving convergence in growth mixture models without covariance structure constraints8
Improving the estimation of the COVID-19 effective reproduction number using nowcasting8
Development of a mixture model allowing for smoothing functions of longitudinal trajectories7
Spatiotemporal distributed lag modelling of multiplePlasmodiumspecies in a malaria elimination setting7
Distance-based Classification and Regression Trees for the analysis of complex predictors in health and medical research7
Challenges of modelling approaches for network meta-analysis of time-to-event outcomes in the presence of non-proportional hazards to aid decision making: Application to a melanoma network7
Combining cox regressions across a heterogeneous distributed research network facing small and zero counts7
Exploring consequences of simulation design for apparent performance of methods of meta-analysis7
Testing for treatment effect in covariate-adaptive randomized trials with generalized linear models and omitted covariates7
Nonparametric kernel estimation of the probability of cure in a mixture cure model when the cure status is partially observed7
CWL: A conditional weighted likelihood method to account for the delayed joint toxicity–efficacy outcomes for phase I/II clinical trials7
Ensemble methods for survival function estimation with time-varying covariates7
A robust variable screening procedure for ultra-high dimensional data6
Mid-quantile regression for discrete responses6
Employing a latent variable framework to improve efficiency in composite endpoint analysis6
Inference about age-standardized rates with sampling errors in the denominators6
Continuous(ly) missing outcome data in network meta-analysis: A one-stage pattern-mixture model approach6
A permutation test for assessing the presence of individual differences in treatment effects6
MEGH: A parametric class of general hazard models for clustered survival data6
Statistical reproducibility for pairwise t-tests in pharmaceutical research6
Selecting the number of categories of the lymph node ratio in cancer research: A bootstrap-based hypothesis test6
Uncertainty quantification for epidemiological forecasts of COVID-19 through combinations of model predictions6
A distribution-free control charting technique based on change-point analysis for detection of epidemics6
Re-randomisation trials in multi-episode settings: Estimands and independence estimators6
Bayesian variable selection in logistic regression with application to whole-brain functional connectivity analysis for Parkinson’s disease6
Risk difference tests for stratified binary data under Dallal’s model6
Adjusting for time of infection or positive test when estimating the risk of a post-infection outcome in an epidemic6
A comparison of analytical strategies for cluster randomized trials with survival outcomes in the presence of competing risks6
Intervention treatment distributions that depend on the observed treatment process and model double robustness in causal survival analysis6
CFO: Calibration-free odds design for phase I/II clinical trials6
An effective technique for diabetic retinopathy using hybrid machine learning technique6
A method for systematically ranking therapeutic drug candidates using multiple uncertain screening criteria6
Inference on the overlap coefficient: The binormal approach and alternatives6
Probability intervals of toxicity and efficacy design for dose-finding clinical trials in oncology6
Leveraging historical data to optimize the number of covariates and their explained variance in the analysis of randomized clinical trials.5
Benchmarking survival outcomes: A funnel plot for survival data5
A dose–effect network meta-analysis model with application in antidepressants using restricted cubic splines5
The analysis of COVID-19 in-hospital mortality: A competing risk approach or a cure model?5
Integrating relative survival in multi-state models—a non-parametric approach5
Quantile regression models for survival data with missing censoring indicators5
A semiparametric mixed-effects model for censored longitudinal data5
Multiple imputation for cause-specific Cox models: Assessing methods for estimation and prediction5
A group sequential design and sample size estimation for an immunotherapy trial with a delayed treatment effect5
A review of multistate modelling approaches in monitoring disease progression: Bayesian estimation using the Kolmogorov-Chapman forward equations5
On estimating a constrained bivariate random effects model for meta-analysis of test accuracy studies5
Association of intracluster correlation measures with outcome prevalence for binary outcomes in cluster randomised trials5
Modeling treatment effect modification in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in an individual patientdata meta-analysis5
A Bayesian phase I/II biomarker-based design for identifying subgroup-specific optimal dose for immunotherapy5
Inference under covariate-adaptive randomization: A simulation study5
A support vector machine-based cure rate model for interval censored data5
Regression analysis of multivariate interval-censored failure time data with informative censoring5
Unified approach to optimal estimation of mean and standard deviation from sample summaries5
Estimation of the proportion of true null hypotheses under sparse dependence: Adaptive FDR controlling in microarray data5
Net benefit separation and the determination curve: A probabilistic framework for cost-effectiveness estimation5
Methods of analysis for survival outcomes with time-updated mediators, with application to longitudinal disease registry data5
The asymptotic distribution of the Net Benefit estimator in presence of right-censoring5
Robust statistical inference for matched win statistics5
A survival mediation model with Bayesian model averaging5
Causal mediation analysis with multiple causally non-ordered and ordered mediators based on summarized genetic data5
Bayesian adaptive decision-theoretic designs for multi-arm multi-stage clinical trials5
Generalized quasi-linear mixed-effects model5
Joint space–time Bayesian disease mapping via quantification of disease risk association4
A state-space approach for longitudinal outcomes: An application to neuropsychological outcomes4
Unbiased and robust analysis of co-localization in super-resolution images4
Prediction of cancer survival for cohorts of patients most recently diagnosed using multi-model inference4
Combining multiple biomarkers to linearly maximize the diagnostic accuracy under ordered multi-class setting4
Review of sample size determination methods for the intraclass correlation coefficient in the one-way analysis of variance model4
Quantile regression on inactivity time4
A comparison of various aggregation functions in multi-criteria decision analysis for drug benefit–risk assessment4
Robust regression with asymmetric loss functions4
Weighted functional linear Cox regression model4
Ranking procedures for repeated measures designs with missing data: Estimation, testing and asymptotic theory4
A unified approach to power and sample size determination for log-rank tests under proportional and nonproportional hazards4
Clustered longitudinal data subject to irregular observation4
MISL: Multiple imputation by super learning4
Flexible modeling of multiple nonlinear longitudinal trajectories with censored and non-ignorable missing outcomes4
Optimal two-stage sampling for mean estimation in multilevel populations when cluster size is informative4
Negative controls: Concepts and caveats4
Clustering functional data using forward search based on functional spatial ranks with medical applications4
A proportional risk model for time-to-event analysis in randomized controlled trials4
Promising zone two-stage design for a single-arm study with binary outcome4
Impact of minimal sufficient balance, minimization, and stratified permuted blocks on bias and power in the estimation of treatment effect in sequential clinical trials with a binary endpoint4
Sample size determination for stepped wedge cluster randomized trials in pragmatic settings4
Modeling the probability of occurrence of events4
Marginal structural models with latent class growth analysis of treatment trajectories: Statins for primary prevention among older adults4
Using information criteria to select smoothing parameters when analyzing survival data with time-varying coefficient hazard models4
Estimation of the average treatment effect with variable selection and measurement error simultaneously addressed for potential confounders4
Revisiting Gaussian Markov random fields and Bayesian disease mapping4
Inference for the treatment effect in longitudinal cluster randomized trials when treatment effect heterogeneity is ignored4
Logistic regression vs. predictive mean matching for imputing binary covariates4