Critical Reviews in Toxicology

(The H4-Index of Critical Reviews in Toxicology is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
The synthetic cannabinoids phenomenon: from structure to toxicological properties. A review94
Systemic PFOS and PFOA exposure and disturbed lipid homeostasis in humans: what do we know and what not?83
Consequences of chemical impact of disinfectants: safe preventive measures against COVID-1968
A review of toxic effects of electronic cigarettes/vaping in adolescents and young adults53
Pyrethroid based pesticides – chemical and biological aspects49
Toxicity of bisphenol analogues on the reproductive, nervous, and immune systems, and their relationships to gut microbiome and metabolism: insights from a multi-species comparison48
Simulated biological fluids – a systematic review of their biological relevance and use in relation to inhalation toxicology of particles and fibres48
The aging brain: impact of heavy metal neurotoxicity48
Associations between exposure to heavy metals and the risk of chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis46
The herbicide paraquat-induced molecular mechanisms in the development of acute lung injury and lung fibrosis36
Treating organophosphates poisoning: management challenges and potential solutions35
Aluminum reproductive toxicity: a summary and interpretation of scientific reports34
An update on the hazard of and exposure to diethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP) alternatives used in medical devices31
Distribution and translocation of micro- and nanoplastics in fish28
Toxicity induced by ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin: oxidative stress and metabolism27
A national toxicology program systematic review of the evidence for long-term effects after acute exposure to sarin nerve agent27
Inflammation, oxidative stress and genotoxicity responses to biodiesel emissions in cultured mammalian cells and animals24
The estrogenic activity of resveratrol: a comprehensive review ofin vitroandin vivoevidence and the potential for endocrine disruption24
Systematic review of the potential respiratory carcinogenicity of metallic nickel in humans20
Towards a mechanism-based approach for the prediction of nongenotoxic carcinogenic potential of agrochemicals19
An adverse outcome pathway for small intestinal tumors in mice involving chronic cytotoxicity and regenerative hyperplasia: a case study with hexavalent chromium, captan, and folpet19
Critical evaluation of the human relevance of the mode of action for rodent liver tumor formation by activators of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR)19