Research on Social Work Practice

(The H4-Index of Research on Social Work Practice is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Baseline Survey of China Social Work Longitudinal Study 2019: Design and Implementation34
Research to Consider While Effectively Re-Designing Child Welfare Services33
Implementation Support Skills: Findings From a Systematic Integrative Review33
Role Stress, Burnout, and Workplace Support Among Newly Recruited Social Workers27
Promotion of Thriving Among Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents: Evidence From Eight-Wave Data27
Critical Clinical Social Work and the Neoliberal Constraints on Social Justice in Mental Health25
Children’s Participation in Decision Making From Child Welfare Workers’ Perspectives: A Systematic Review21
Subjective Outcome Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program in Mainland China20
Weaving Healthy Families Program: Promoting Resilience While Reducing Violence and Substance Use20
Acceptability and Preliminary Outcomes of a Parenting Intervention for Syrian Refugees19
Responses to COVID-19 in Major Social Work Journals: A Systematic Review of Empirical Studies, Comments, and Editorials15
Black Youth and African-Centered Interventions: A Systematic Review15
Strength-Based Flourishing Intervention to Promote Resilience in Individuals With Physical Disabilities in Disadvantaged Communities: A Randomized Controlled Trial13