Annals of Applied Probability

(The median citation count of Annals of Applied Probability is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
On the convergence of closed-loop Nash equilibria to the mean field game limit40
Coupling and convergence for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo38
Global $C^{1}$ regularity of the value function in optimal stopping problems28
Adaptive Euler–Maruyama method for SDEs with nonglobally Lipschitz drift26
Geometric ergodicity of the Bouncy Particle Sampler16
High-dimensional central limit theorems by Stein’s method16
Viscosity solutions to parabolic master equations and McKean–Vlasov SDEs with closed-loop controls15
Nonasymptotic bounds for sampling algorithms without log-concavity15
Stability of martingale optimal transport and weak optimal transport15
Lower bounds for trace reconstruction14
Coexistence of localized Gibbs measures and delocalized gradient Gibbs measures on trees14
The coalescent structure of continuous-time Galton–Watson trees14
Pathwise McKean–Vlasov theory with additive noise13
Stochastic equation and exponential ergodicity in Wasserstein distances for affine processes13
Stochastic methods for the neutron transport equation I: Linear semigroup asymptotics13
Precise asymptotics: Robust stochastic volatility models13
Hypocoercivity of piecewise deterministic Markov process-Monte Carlo13
Convergence analysis of machine learning algorithms for the numerical solution of mean field control and games: II—the finite horizon case13
Hamilton–Jacobi equations for finite-rank matrix inference13
Imaginary multiplicative chaos: Moments, regularity and connections to the Ising model12
Stochastic methods for the neutron transport equation II: Almost sure growth12
A classification of the dynamics of three-dimensional stochastic ecological systems12
Zero-sum path-dependent stochastic differential games in weak formulation12
Mean-field Markov decision processes with common noise and open-loop controls11
Stochastic approximation on noncompact measure spaces and application to measure-valued Pólya processes11
New error bounds in multivariate normal approximations via exchangeable pairs with applications to Wishart matrices and fourth moment theorems11
Applications of mesoscopic CLTs in random matrix theory10
Indefinite stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control problems with random coefficients: Closed-loop representation of open-loop optimal controls10
Me, myself and I: A general theory of non-Markovian time-inconsistent stochastic control for sophisticated agents10
Statistical thresholds for tensor PCA10
Long time dynamics for interacting oscillators on graphs10
Nonparametric estimation for linear SPDEs from local measurements10
On a rough perturbation of the Navier–Stokes system and its vorticity formulation9
Mixing time and cutoff for the weakly asymmetric simple exclusion process9
A weak solution theory for stochastic Volterra equations of convolution type9
Square permutations are typically rectangular9
Nonlinear large deviations: Beyond the hypercube9
Asymptotic theory of sparse Bradley–Terry model9
Sensitivity analysis for rare events based on Rényi divergence9
Global well-posedness of the 3D Navier–Stokes equations perturbed by a deterministic vector field9
Functional limit theorems for non-Markovian epidemic models8
Estimating processes in adapted Wasserstein distance8
Bounds for the asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio8
Discrepancy bounds for a class of negatively dependent random points including Latin hypercube samples8
Randomized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo as scaling limit of the bouncy particle sampler and dimension-free convergence rates8
On the limitations of single-step drift and minorization in Markov chain convergence analysis8
Particles systems and numerical schemes for mean reflected stochastic differential equations8
Linear-quadratic control for a class of stochastic Volterra equations: Solvability and approximation8
Approximation bounds for random neural networks and reservoir systems8
Trading with small nonlinear price impact7
A simple Fourier analytic proof of the AKT optimal matching theorem7
Uniform Poincaré and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for mean field particle systems7
Thermalisation for small random perturbations of dynamical systems7
A lower bound on the queueing delay in resource constrained load balancing6
From the Bernoulli factory to a dice enterprise via perfect sampling of Markov chains6
Regeneration-enriched Markov processes with application to Monte Carlo6
Submodular mean field games: Existence and approximation of solutions6
Portfolio liquidation under factor uncertainty6
On the exit time from open sets of some semi-Markov processes6
Optimal real-time detection of a drifting Brownian coordinate6
Weak quantitative propagation of chaos via differential calculus on the space of measures6
Graphon mean field systems6
General selection models: Bernstein duality and minimal ancestral structures6
Nearly optimal central limit theorem and bootstrap approximations in high dimensions6
Crank–Nicolson scheme for stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motions5
Wasserstein-based methods for convergence complexity analysis of MCMC with applications5
Broadcasting on random recursive trees5
A second order analysis of McKean–Vlasov semigroups5
Markov selection for the stochastic compressible Navier–Stokes system5
Computing the partition function of the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model is hard on average5
Optimal position targeting via decoupling fields5
Sample path large deviations for Lévy processes and random walks with Weibull increments5
A coupling approach for the convergence to equilibrium for a collisionless gas5
Nonexponential Sanov and Schilder theorems on Wiener space: BSDEs, Schrödinger problems and control5
Constrained stochastic LQ control with regime switching and application to portfolio selection5
Root finding algorithms and persistence of Jordan centrality in growing random trees5
Slow-fast systems with fractional environment and dynamics5
Approximation of fractional local times: Zero energy and derivatives5
Regenerative properties of the linear Hawkes process with unbounded memory5
Large deviations for the empirical measure of the zig-zag process5
Stein’s method for the Poisson–Dirichlet distribution and the Ewens sampling formula, with applications to Wright–Fisher models5
PageRank’s behavior under degree correlations5
Correlated randomly growing graphs5
Absence of WARM percolation in the very strong reinforcement regime4
GUE×GUE limit law at hard shocks in ASEP4
Conditional independence in max-linear Bayesian networks4
Induced idleness leads to deterministic heavy traffic limits for queue-based random-access algorithms4
Preferential attachment without vertex growth: Emergence of the giant component4
Propagation of minimality in the supercooled Stefan problem4
The random connection model and functions of edge-marked Poisson processes: Second order properties and normal approximation4
Quantitative two-scale stabilization on the Poisson space4
Derivation of coupled KPZ-Burgers equation from multi-species zero-range processes4
Bulk eigenvalue fluctuations of sparse random matrices4
Robust one-bit compressed sensing with partial circulant matrices4
Correction terms for the height of weighted recursive trees4
Global-in-time mean-field convergence for singular Riesz-type diffusive flows4
High-dimensional limits of eigenvalue distributions for general Wishart process4
Point process convergence for the off-diagonal entries of sample covariance matrices4
PageRank asymptotics on directed preferential attachment networks4
Periodicity induced by noise and interaction in the kinetic mean-field FitzHugh–Nagumo model4
Statistical inference for Bures–Wasserstein barycenters4
Optimal subgraph structures in scale-free configuration models4
Testing correlation of unlabeled random graphs4
Sharp lower error bounds for strong approximation of SDEs with discontinuous drift coefficient by coupling of noise4
An optimal transport problem with backward martingale constraints motivated by insider trading4
Semimartingales and shrinkage of filtration4
Scaling limit of the homogenization commutator for Gaussian coefficient fields4
Local geometry of the rough-smooth interface in the two-periodic Aztec diamond4
A probabilistic approach to convex (ϕ)-entropy decay for Markov chains4
Palm theory, random measures and Stein couplings4
Optimal corrector estimates on percolation cluster4
Stochastic analysis of emergence of evolutionary cyclic behavior in population dynamics with transfer4
Fluctuations in mean-field Ising models4
Heavy traffic scaling limits for shortest remaining processing time queues with heavy tailed processing time distributions4
Optimal investment and consumption with labor income in incomplete markets4
Mean field games of controls: On the convergence of Nash equilibria3
Growth of stationary Hastings–Levitov3
Dynamical models for random simplicial complexes3
Modified log-Sobolev inequalities for strong-Rayleigh measures3
Optimal Cheeger cuts and bisections of random geometric graphs3
Quantum mean-field games3
Homogeneous mappings of regularly varying vectors3
Optimal control of path-dependent McKean–Vlasov SDEs in infinite-dimension3
How fragile are information cascades?3
Algorithmic obstructions in the random number partitioning problem3
Edgeworth expansion for Euler approximation of continuous diffusion processes3
Central limit theorem for bifurcating Markov chains under pointwise ergodic conditions3
Quantitative spectral gap estimate and Wasserstein contraction of simple slice sampling3
Parameter and dimension dependence of convergence rates to stationarity for reflecting Brownian motions3
Cramér-type moderate deviation theorems for nonnormal approximation3
Extended L-ensembles: A new representation for determinantal point processes3
On the asymptotic optimality of the comb strategy for prediction with expert advice3
Modelling information flows by Meyer-$\sigma $-fields in the singular stochastic control problem of irreversible investment3
Well-posedness and tamed schemes for McKean–Vlasov equations with common noise3
Exact formulas for two interacting particles and applications in particle systems with duality3
Cutoff for the square plaquette model on a critical length scale3
On Monte-Carlo methods in convex stochastic optimization3
Variance estimation in adaptive sequential Monte Carlo3
Utility maximization via decoupling fields3
The planted matching problem: Phase transitions and exact results3
Non-universal fluctuations of the empirical measure for isotropic stationary fields on S2×R3
Robust bounds and optimization at the large deviations scale for queueing models via Rényi divergence3
Barycentric Brownian bees3
Convergence in Wasserstein distance for empirical measures of semilinear SPDEs3
Chromosome painting: How recombination mixes ancestral colors3
Optimal stopping with signatures3
Branching diffusion representation for nonlinear Cauchy problems and Monte Carlo approximation3
Polluted bootstrap percolation in three dimensions3
Hydrodynamic limit and propagation of chaos for Brownian particles reflecting from a Newtonian barrier3
Berry–Esseen bounds for Chernoff-type nonstandard asymptotics in isotonic regression3
Antithetic multilevel sampling method for nonlinear functionals of measure3
Functional large deviations for Cox processes and $\mathit{Cox}/G/\infty$ queues, with a biological application3
The interchange process on high-dimensional products3
Mixing times for the simple exclusion process with open boundaries3
Continuum models of directed polymers on disordered diamond fractals in the critical case3
The symmetric coalescent and Wright–Fisher models with bottlenecks3
A new McKean–Vlasov stochastic interpretation of the parabolic-parabolic Keller–Segel model: The two-dimensional case3
Conditional optimal stopping: A time-inconsistent optimization3
Counterexamples for optimal scaling of Metropolis–Hastings chains with rough target densities3
Multiparameter Bernoulli factories3
On the generating function of the Pearcey process3
Gambler’s ruin estimates on finite inner uniform domains3
Mean-field games of finite-fuel capacity expansion with singular controls3
Entropy dissipation estimates for inhomogeneous zero-range processes3
Conservative stochastic two-dimensional Cahn–Hilliard equation3
Regularization of multiplicative SDEs through additive noise3
On first order mean field game systems with a common noise3
The distributions under two species-tree models of the number of root ancestral configurations for matching gene trees and species trees3
Adapted topologies and higher rank signatures3
Graphon-valued stochastic processes from population genetics3
Mean geometry for 2D random fields: Level perimeter and level total curvature integrals3
Near equilibrium fluctuations for supermarket models with growing choices2
Probabilistic and analytical properties of the last passage percolation constant in a weighted random directed graph2
A two-parameter family of measure-valued diffusions with Poisson–Dirichlet stationary distributions2
Spatial growth processes with long range dispersion: Microscopics, mesoscopics and discrepancy in spread rate2
Multiscale analysis for traveling-pulse solutions to the stochastic FitzHugh–Nagumo equations2
Random permutations without macroscopic cycles2
Fluctuations of the arctic curve in the tilings of the Aztec diamond on restricted domains2
Central limit theorem for Gibbs measures on path spaces including long range and singular interactions and homogenization of the stochastic heat equation2
Kinetically constrained models with random constraints2
Entropy decay in the Swendsen–Wang dynamics on Zd2
Card guessing and the birthday problem for sampling without replacement2
Unadjusted Langevin algorithm with multiplicative noise: Total variation and Wasserstein bounds2
Functional central limit theorems for Wigner matrices2
Correlation decay for hard spheres via Markov chains2
Eigenvector correlations in the complex Ginibre ensemble2
Exchangeable coalescents, ultrametric spaces, nested interval-partitions: A unifying approach2
Existence of gradient Gibbs measures on regular trees which are not translation invariant2
On Bayesian consistency for flows observed through a passive scalar2
A universality result for subcritical complex Gaussian multiplicative chaos2
Reconstructing trees from traces2
Approximation schemes for viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations2
The phase structure of asymmetric ballistic annihilation2
Mean-field reflected backward stochastic differential equations2
Functional convergence of sequential U-processes with size-dependent kernels2
Convex hulls of perturbed random point sets2
Optimal cleaning for singular values of cross-covariance matrices2
Closed-loop convergence for mean field games with common noise2
Phase transition in random tensors with multiple independent spikes2
Ergodic robust maximization of asymptotic growth2
Mixing of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo on strongly log-concave distributions: Continuous dynamics2
Crossover times in bipartite networks with activity constraints and time-varying switching rates2
Coalescing and branching simple symmetric exclusion process2
Risk-sensitive control for a class of diffusions with jumps2
Species tree estimation under joint modeling of coalescence and duplication: Sample complexity of quartet methods2
Understanding the dual formulation for the hedging of path-dependent options with price impact2
Propagation of chaos and the many-demes limit for weakly interacting diffusions in the sparse regime2
Crossing probabilities of multiple Ising interfaces2
High-dimensional scaling limits of piecewise deterministic sampling algorithms2
Universality for Langevin-like spin glass dynamics2
Local weak convergence for sparse networks of interacting processes2
Pathwise stochastic control with applications to robust filtering2
Asymptotic analysis for extreme eigenvalues of principal minors of random matrices2
Limits of multiplicative inhomogeneous random graphs and Lévy trees: The continuum graphs2
Lines of descent in the deterministic mutation–selection model with pairwise interaction2
Large deviation for uniform graphs with given degrees2
A threshold for cutoff in two-community random graphs2
Path dependent optimal transport and model calibration on exotic derivatives2
Extremal particles of two-dimensional Coulomb gases and random polynomials on a positive background2
Stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations in the defocusing mass and energy critical cases2
Central moments of the free energy of the stationary O’Connell–Yor polymer2
Random conductance models with stable-like jumps: Quenched invariance principle2
Stochastic fixed-point equation and local dependence measure2
Model-free mean-field reinforcement learning: Mean-field MDP and mean-field Q-learning2
A singular Toeplitz determinant and the discrete tacnode kernel for skew-Aztec rectangles2
Spread of premalignant mutant clones and cancer initiation in multilayered tissue2
Multitype Λ-coalescents2
Fast and memory-optimal dimension reduction using Kac’s walk2
A Berry–Esseen theorem for Pitman’s $\alpha $-diversity2
Shock fluctuations in TASEP under a variety of time scalings2
Quantifying a convergence theorem of Gyöngy and Krylov2
Rarity of extremal edges in random surfaces and other theoretical applications of cluster algorithms2
Corrigendum for “Second-order reflected backward stochastic differential equations” and “Second-order BSDEs with general reflection and game options under uncertainty”2
Random walk on random walks: Low densities1
Kyle–Back models with risk aversion and non-Gaussian beliefs1
Disagreement coupling of Gibbs processes with an application to Poisson approximation1
Speed up Zig-Zag1
A characterization of martingale-equivalent mixed compound Poisson processes1
Computer-assisted proof of shear-induced chaos in stochastically perturbed Hopf systems1
Interval fragmentations with choice: Equidistribution and the evolution of tagged fragments1
The maximum of branching Brownian motion in Rd1
Fast approximate simulation of finite long-range spin systems1
Radner equilibrium and systems of quadratic BSDEs with discontinuous generators1
Parking on the integers1
The two-type Richardson model in the half-plane1
On Cramér–von Mises statistic for the spectral distribution of random matrices1
Fluctuation bounds for continuous time branching processes and evolution of growing trees with a change point1
Central limit theorems for stationary random fields under weak dependence with application to ambit and mixed moving average fields1
Gaussian concentration bounds for stochastic chains of unbounded memory1
The size of t-cores and hook lengths of random cells in random partitions1