Izvestiya Mathematics

(The median citation count of Izvestiya Mathematics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Properties of monotone path-connected sets16
Threshold resonances and virtual levels in the spectrum of cylindrical and periodic waveguides14
-adic monomial equations and their perturbations11
Existence and uniqueness of solution of a certain boundary-value problem for a convolution integral equation with monotone non-linearity11
Finite groups of bimeromorphic selfmaps of uniruled Kähler threefolds9
Investigation of the weak solubility of the fractional Voigt alpha-model8
Sobolev spaces of functions on a Hilbert space endowed with a translation-invariant measure and approximations of semigroups8
Functional and analytic properties of a class of mappings in quasi-conformal analysis8
The exact domain of univalence on the class of holomorphic maps of a disc into itself with an interior and a boundary fixed points7
Greedy approximation by arbitrary sets7
General orthonormal systems and absolute convergence7
Solubility of unsteady equations of the three-dimensional motion of two-component viscous compressible heat-conducting fluids6
The optimal start control problem for 2D Boussinesq equations6
Proof of the Grothendieck–Serre conjecture on principal bundles over regular local rings containing a field6
Models of set theory in which the separation theorem fails6
Symmetries of a two-dimensional continued fraction5
Functions universal with respect to the trigonometric system5
Embedding theorems related to torsional rigidity and principal frequency5
Lattice of definability (of reducts) for integers with successor5
On the critical exponent “instantaneous blow-up” versus “local solubility” in the Cauchy problem for a model equation of Sobolev type5
On singularly perturbed systems of ODE with a multiple root of the degenerate equation5
On a class of elliptic boundary-value problems with parameter and discontinuous non-linearity5
Strong convergence of attractors of reaction-diffusion system with rapidly oscillating terms in an orthotropic porous medium4
On a class of Anosov diffeomorphisms on the infinite-dimensional torus4
Blow-up and global solubility in the classical sense of the Cauchy problem for a formally hyperbolic equation with a non-coercive source4
On the standard conjecture for projective compactifications of Néron models of -dimensional Abelian varieties4
On the standard conjecture for a -dimensional variety fibred by curves with a non-injective Kodaira–Spencer map4
Some trigonometric polynomials with extremely small uniform norm and their applications4
Uniform approximation of functions by solutions of second order homogeneous strongly elliptic equations on compact sets in4
The derivative of the Minkowski function4
On critical exponents for weak solutions of the Cauchy problem for a non-linear equation of composite type4
General Fourier coefficients and convergence almost everywhere4
Estimates for the integrals of derivatives of rational functions in multiply connected domains in the plane4
Diffeomorphisms of 2-manifolds with one-dimensional spaciously situated basic sets4
Group varieties and group structures3
Real Segre cubics, Igusa quartics and Kummer quartics3
On the rate of approximation in the unit disc of -functions by logarithmic derivatives of polynomials with zeros on the boundary3
Explicit minimizers of some non-local anisotropic energies: a short proof3
On the classification problem for polynomials with a periodic continued fraction expansion of in hyperelliptic fields3
Evolutionary force billiards3
Convergence to stationary non-equilibrium states for Klein–Gordon equations3
Uniqueness theorems for one-dimensional and double Franklin series3
Arithmetic of certain -extensions ramified at three places. II3
Birational geometry of varieties fibred into complete intersections of codimension two3
Positive solutions of superlinear elliptic problems with discontinuous non-linearities3
Unconditional bases in radial Hilbert spaces3
On -units for valuations of the second degree in hyperelliptic fields3
On distributions of homogeneous and convex functions in Gaussian random variables2
On improved bounds and conditions for the convergence of Markov chains2
Holomorphic mappings between domains with low boundary regularity2
Vaught’s conjecture for weakly -minimal theories of finite convexity rank2
On a lower bound for the rate of convergence of multipoint Padé approximants of piecewise analytic functions2
Integer expansion in systems of translates and dilates of a single function2
A new approach to the question of the existence of bounded solutions of functional differential equations of point type2
On the Karatsuba divisor problem2
The generalized Plücker–Klein map2
On the uniform approximation of functions of bounded variation by Lagrange interpolation polynomials with a matrix of Jacobi nodes2
Interior estimates for solutions of linear elliptic inequalities2
Asymptotics of approximation of continuous periodic functions by linear means of their Fourier series2
Plancherel–Rotach type asymptotic formulae for multiple orthogonal Hermite polynomials and recurrence relations2
Blow-up instability in non-linear wave models with distributed parameters2
On the detailed structure of quantum control landscape for fast single qubit phase-shift gate generation2
On solvability of semilinear second-order elliptic equations on closed manifolds2
Conditions of modularity of the congruence lattice of an act over a rectangular band1
An extended form of the Grothendieck-Serre conjecture1
Displaying the cohomology of toric line bundles1
Exact formulas in some boundary crossing problems for integer-valued random walks1
Bogolyubov’s theorem for a controlled system related to a variational inequality1
On a spectral sequence for the action of the Torelli group of genus on the complex of cycles1
Finitely generated subgroups of branch groups and subdirect products of just infinite groups1
Tau functions of solutions of soliton equations1
Green energy of discrete signed measure on concentric circles1
Holomorphically homogeneous CR-manifolds and their model surfaces1
Arithmetic of certain $\ell$-extensions ramified at three places. III1
On the standard conjecture for compactifications of Néron models of 4-dimensional Abelian varieties1
Representation of solutions of the Cauchy problem for a one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with a smooth bounded potential by quasi-Feynman formulae1
Approximative and structural properties of sets in asymmetric spaces1
Criteria for -approximability of functions on compact sets in , , by solutions of second-order homogeneous elliptic equations1
On a real caustic of type1
Multiple positive solutions for a Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical and supercritical growths1
The real Plücker-Klein map1
Subdivision schemes on the dyadic half-line1
Geometric estimates of solutions of quasilinear elliptic inequalities1
Approximation in measure: the Dirichlet problem, universality and the Riemann hypothesis1
Quasi-polynomial mappings with constant Jacobian1
Semiregular Gosset polytopes1
Homogenization of Kirchhoff plates with oscillating edges and point supports1
Deterministic and random attractors for a wave equation with sign changing damping1
On framed simple purely real Hurwitz numbers1
Immersions of open Riemann surfaces into the Riemann sphere1
On Jutila's integral in the circle problem1
On optimization of coherent and incoherent controls for two-level quantum systems1
Canonical representation of C*-algebra of eikonals related to the metric graph.1
A new class of fractional differential hemivariational inequalities with application to an incompressible Navier-Stokes system coupled with a fractional diffusion equation1
On Romanoff's theorem1
The Diophantine problem in the classical matrix groups1
Isotopes of alternative algebras of characteristic different from1
Finitely presented nilsemigroups: complexes with the property of uniform ellipticity1
A basis for a partially commutative metabelian group1
Complete description of the Lyapunov spectra of continuous families of linear differential systems with unbounded coefficients1
Functions of perturbed pairs of noncommuting contractions1
Foliations on closed three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds with small modulus of mean curvature of the leaves1