Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering

(The median citation count of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
3D mesh simplification with feature preservation based on Whale Optimization Algorithm and Differential Evolution97
An improved loop subdivision to coordinate the smoothness and the number of faces via multi-objective optimization66
An ensemble deep learning method with optimized weights for drone-based water rescue and surveillance38
Perceptual metric-guided human image generation35
Real-time facial expression recognition using smoothed deep neural network ensemble29
Multi-behaviors coordination controller design with enzymatic numerical P systems for robots28
Simplified binary cat swarm optimization27
Content based image retrieval by ensembles of deep learning object classifiers26
Multi-stage deep learning perception system for mobile robots26
Learning ensembles of priority rules for online scheduling by hybrid evolutionary algorithms25
Deep learning-based video surveillance system managed by low cost hardware and panoramic cameras24
Exploiting higher-order patterns for community detection in attributed graphs24
Multiobjective optimization of deep neural networks with combinations of Lp-norm cost functions for 3D medical image super-resolution21
A convolution-based distance measure for fuzzy singletons and its application in a pattern recognition problem21
Design of reliable virtual human facial expressions and validation by healthy people19
An enhanced grey wolf optimizer with fusion strategies for identifying the parameters of photovoltaic models19
A self-adaptive multi-objective feature selection approach for classification problems16
Recognizing human activities in Industry 4.0 scenarios through an analysis-modeling- recognition algorithm and context labels16
Deep support vector neural networks14
Human-robot interaction in Industry 4.0 based on an Internet of Things real-time gesture control system14
Back-propagation of the Mahalanobis istance through a deep triplet learning model for person Re-Identification14
Background subtraction by probabilistic modeling of patch features learned by deep autoencoders13
Geo-AI to aid disaster response by memory-augmented deep reservoir computing12
Conditional StyleGAN modelling and analysis for a machining digital twin12
Motivation as a tool for designing lifelong learning robots11
Shallow buried improvised explosive device detection via convolutional neural networks11
A modified firefly algorithm for the inverse kinematics solutions of robotic manipulators10
Auto-sharing parameters for transfer learning based on multi-objective optimization10
Exploring communication protocols and centralized critics in multi-agent deep learning9
Comparative deep learning studies for indirect tunnel monitoring with and without Fourier pre-processing9
Cognitive twin construction for system of systems operation based on semantic integration and high-level architecture9
Pattern discovery in time series using autoencoder in comparison to nonlearning approaches9
Improving multi-class Boosting-based object detection9
An unsupervised semantic sentence ranking scheme for text documents8
3D reconstruction based on hierarchical reinforcement learning with transferability8
Machine learning for video event recognition8
Object detection using depth completion and camera-LiDAR fusion for autonomous driving8
Semantic visual recognition in a cognitive architecture for social robots7
An efficient multi-robot path planning solution using A* and coevolutionary algorithms7
An integrated low-cost system for object detection in underwater environments7
EvoAAA: An evolutionary methodology for automated neural autoencoder architecture search7
A spectrum-domain instance segmentation model for casting defects7
Interception of automated adversarial drone swarms in partially observed environments7
A methodology using classification for traffic prediction: Featuring the impact of COVID-197
An improved deep learning architecture for multi-object tracking systems7
Rapid design of aircraft fuel quantity indication systems via multi-objective evolutionary algorithms6
Lightweight encryption for short-range wireless biometric authentication systems in Industry 4.06
A smarthome conversational agent performing implicit demand-response application planning6
Stream-based explainable recommendations via blockchain profiling6
Near real-time management of appliances, distributed generation and electric vehicles for demand response participation5
Intelligent trajectory planner and generalised proportional integral control for two carts equipped with a red-green-blue depth sensor on a circular rail5
Image binarization method for markers tracking in extreme light conditions5
A human-simulated fuzzy membrane approach for the joint controller of walking biped robots5
Ontology-based Meta AutoML5
A three-step model for the detection of stable grasp points with machine learning4
A hybrid approach for improving the flexibility of production scheduling in flat steel industry4
A geographic information model for 3-D environmental suitability analysis in railway alignment optimization4
Virtual sensor for probabilistic estimation of the evaporation in cooling towers4
A method for balancing a multi-labeled biomedical dataset4