International Journal of Stress Management

(The median citation count of International Journal of Stress Management is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for psychological health and well-being in nonclinical samples: A systematic review and meta-analysis.126
Thriving on demand: Challenging work results in employee flourishing through appraisals and resources.45
Integrating wearables in stress management interventions: Promising evidence from a randomized trial.45
Self-undermining behavior at work: Evidence of construct and predictive validity.33
Work–family crossover: A meta-analytic review.31
Economic strain and couple relationship functioning: A meta-analysis.31
Why interventions fail: A systematic review of occupational health psychology interventions.26
Clusters of trauma types as measured by the Life Events Checklist for DSM–5.24
To prevent or to promote: How regulatory focus moderates the differentiated effects of quantitative versus qualitative job insecurity on employee stress and motivation.22
Behavioral stress recovery management intervention for people with high levels of perceived stress: A randomized controlled trial.19
Are workflow interruptions a hindrance stressor? The moderating effect of time-management skill.18
The impact of sensory processing sensitivity on stress and burnout in nurses.15
Effects of employee personality on the relationships between experienced incivility, emotional exhaustion, and perpetrated incivility.15
Regulatory foci and well-being: Coping flexibility and stressor appraisal as explanatory mechanisms.14
Applying generalizability theory to the Perceived Stress Scale to evaluate stable and dynamic aspects of educators’ stress.13
The dynamics of social stressors and detachment: Long-term mechanisms impacting well-being.13
Family-supportive supervisor behaviors and employees’ life satisfaction: The roles of work-self facilitation and generational differences.12
When do job resources buffer the effect of job demands?12
Structural relationship between mindful self-care, meaning made, and palliative worker’s quality of life.11
The relationships between psychological contract violation, occupational stress, and well-being in police officers.11
Decreasing perceived and academic stress through emotion regulation and nonjudging with trauma-exposed college students.11
Nonstandard work schedules, resource shortfalls, and individual/family functioning.10
Assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder’s E2 criterion: Development, pilot testing, and validation of the Posttrauma Risky Behaviors Questionnaire.10
Third-party aggression and emotion work among nurses: Testing a moderated mediation model.9
The concept of psychological distress and its assessment: A clinimetric analysis of the SCL-90-R.9
Positivity and growth following stressful life events: Associations with psychosocial, health, and economic resources.8
Emotional labor: A two-wave longitudinal person-centered approach.8
The reliability and factorial validity of different versions of the Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure/Questionnaire and normative data for a general Swedish sample.8
Dynamics of stress and emotional experiences during COVID-19: Results from two 14-day daily diary studies.8
Employee to leader crossover of workload and physical strain.8
The moderating role of employees’ psychological strain in the empowering leadership—Proactive performance relationship.8
Building resilience: Trajectories of heart rate variability during a mindfulness-based intervention and the role of individual and social characteristics.7
From supervisors’ work–family conflict to employees’ work–family conflict: The moderating role of employees’ organizational tenure.7
Dual influencing paths of time pressure on employee creativity.7
When bosses are burned out: Psychosocial safety climate and its effect on managerial quality.7
How leader negative emotional expression influences follower performance? The mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of internal locus of control.7
Distress in the workplace: Characterizing the relationship of burnout measures to the Occupational Depression Inventory.7
An ambulatory diary study of mobile device use, sleep, and positive mood.6
The effects of a cognitive–behavioral stress intervention on the motivation and psychological well-being of senior U.K. police personnel.6
Roles of age and future time perspective of the work relationship in conflict management: A daily diary study.6
Working in sheltered employment: A weekly diary study.6
Perceived posttraumatic growth and its psychosocial predictors during two consecutive COVID-19 lockdowns.6
Help or hindrance? A daily diary study on the workaholism–performance relation.6
Examining temporal precedence between customer mistreatment and customer-directed counterproductive work behavior.6
A daily diary study on technology-assisted supplemental work, unfinished tasks, and sleep: The role of problem-solving pondering.6
Can a single-item measure of job stressfulness identify common mental disorder?6
A test of competing theoretical models of meaningful work as a moderator in the curvilinear relationship between job insecurity and employee voice.6
How can employees break free from helplessness in critical work incidents?5
Effort–reward imbalance and job burnout: Examining cross-lagged relationships and the moderating role of sensitivity to terrorism.5
Effort–reward imbalance and employee performance with the moderating roles of overcommitment and humor.5
The impact of hindrance appraisals on leader bottom-line mentality: Implications for leadership drawbacks and the amplification effect of leader neuroticism.5
Effectiveness of an emotion regulation intervention versus an active control on daily well-being and cognitive reappraisal: An experience sampling randomized controlled trial.5
Predictors of resilience of university students to educational stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study in Germany.4
Countering the effects of occupational stigma on emotional exhaustion and absences with idiosyncratic deals.4
Less detachment but more cognitive flexibility? A diary study on outcomes of cognitive demands of flexible work.4
Will mindful employees benefit from positive work reflection triggered by transformational leadership? A two-study examination.4
Resilience truths: Trauma resilience workers’ points of view toward resilience in continuous traumatic situations.4
Music listening does not inoculate the stress response in young and older adults.4
Into the fire: Applying Rational Emotive Behavioral Coaching (REBC) to reduce irrational beliefs and stress in fire service personnel.4
Associations between long-term and near-term stressful life events, suicide crisis syndrome, and suicidal ideation.4
When work relationships matter: Interpersonal forgiveness and work outcomes.4
Basic psychological need profiles among adolescent athletes in intensive training settings: Relationships with sport burnout and engagement.3
Supporting each other’s heart at work: An ambulatory field study.3
Positive framing of surface acting: The mitigating effect of self-serving attributions on sense of inauthenticity and emotional exhaustion.3
Impression management in predicting social stress and adaptive work behaviors.3
Extending and intensifying work as mediators in the relationship between weekly time pressure and fatigue: The moderating role of perfectionism.3
A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of stress management interventions for nurses: Capturing 14 years of research.3
Resilience during disruption: A cross-national examination of the work–family interface.3
Coping and resilience are differently related depending on the population: A comparison between three clinical samples and the general population.3
When needs are high but resources are low: A study of burnout and secondary traumatic stress symptoms among nurses and nursing students in rural Uganda.3
Gain from pain: Exploring vicarious posttraumatic growth and its facilitators among health care workers across two consecutive lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.2
A moderated mediation model between perceived incivility and instigated incivility on workplace: A cross-cultural daily diary study.2
Depressive traits predict stress and emotional reactivity trajectory in college students: An intensive longitudinal ecological stress induction study.2
Under what conditions can stressors and strain positively influence creativity? A repeat-measure study of psychological resources.2
Nature, predictors, and outcomes of nurses’ affect profiles: A longitudinal examination.2
In what stressful context does self-efficacy promote job performance? The roles of challenge–hindrance stressors.2
Work pressure and recovery during a cross-atlantic voyage: A test of the stressor-detachment model.2
Examining the mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between perceived organizational support and work–family enrichment.2
The indirect effects of financial conflict on economic strain and marital outcomes among remarried couples.2
Teacher appraisals of demand–resource imbalances in racially concentrated schools: An extension of transactional theory with Black, Hispanic, and White U.S. teachers.2
Assessing a dynamic stress process before and after a stressor: A natural experimental test of the repeated exposure hypothesis.2
Don’t leave your heart at work: Profiles of work–life interference and cardiometabolic risk.2
Academic burnout and posttraumatic growth predict trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms of adolescents following Yancheng tornado in China.2
Perceived efficacy of stress management skills, emotional distress, and diurnal cortisol in women with metastatic breast cancer.2
The protecting effect of team support for hospital nurses working while ill: A cross-level moderated mediation model.2
Longitudinal effects of quantitative job demands (QJD) on presenteeism and absenteeism: The role of QuanJI and QualJI as moderators.2
The combined influence of occupational stressors and individual lifestyle behaviors on employee stress complaints: Additive or interactive effects?2
Systematic review of occupational burnout in relation to cognitive functions: Current issues and treatments.2
Coping flexibility and trauma appraisal predict patterns of posttraumatic stress and personal growth initiative in student trauma survivors.2
Work-related stress and stress management practice among Chinese hospital staff working night shifts: A mixed-methods study.2
Challenge job demands, time-based work–family conflict, and family well-being outcomes: The moderating effect of conscientiousness.1
Politically skilled employees can alter their jobs so that they stay and are healthier.1
Public sentiments toward the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from the academic literature review and Twitter analytics.1
Are your goals working for you or against you? Implications of interpersonal goals at work on surface acting and burnout.1
Childhood adversity impact on elite army cadets coping with combat training stress.1
Individual and organizational predictors of patient care: A multilevel analysis of the English National Health Service Staff Survey.1
The association between social adversity and alcohol consumption is moderated by social support.1
Explaining the relationship between age dissimilarity and emotional exhaustion: The roles of social exclusion and cognitive dissimilarity.1
Micronutrients absorbed via the oral mucosa reduce irritability and anger but not stress in university students during COVID-19: A randomized placebo-controlled trial.1
The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for prolonged grief symptoms in children and adolescents: A systematic review.1
Single-factor interventions to promote resilience in tertiary education students: A systematic review.1
A dyadic approach to examining dual-earner couples’ boundary segmentation preferences and work–family conflict.1
A person-centered perspective on the combined effects of global and specific LMX components for employees.1
Staying focused on work and satisfied with the job in times of pandemic: The power of everyday routines.1
The effects of job autonomy and customer service self-efficacy on negative mood following customer aggression: A trajectory perspective.1
Subjective workload and the metabolic syndrome: An exploration of the mediating role of burnout and the moderating effect of physical activity.1