European Journal of Public Health

(The median citation count of European Journal of Public Health is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Social determinants of health and inequalities in COVID-19218
Health care’s climate footprint: the health sector contribution and opportunities for action102
Assessing the indirect effects of COVID-19 on healthcare delivery, utilization and health outcomes: a scoping review95
The impact of COVID-19 restriction measures on loneliness among older adults in Austria80
Maintaining everyday life praxis in the time of COVID-19 pandemic measures (ELP-COVID-19 survey)79
Effect of sugar-sweetened beverages on oral health: a systematic review and meta-analysis72
Excess mortality from COVID-19: weekly excess death rates by age and sex for Sweden and its most affected region72
The pandemic predominantly hits poor neighbourhoods? SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19 fatalities in German districts66
Changes in smoking and alcohol consumption during COVID-19-related lockdown: a cross-sectional study in France63
Trends in adolescent drinking across 39 high-income countries: exploring the timing and magnitude of decline59
Comparison of physical activity levels in Spanish adults with chronic conditions before and during COVID-19 quarantine55
Natural disasters and infectious disease in Europe: a literature review to identify cascading risk pathways48
Pregnant under the pressure of a pandemic: a large-scale longitudinal survey before and during the COVID-19 outbreak48
COVID-19 mortality: a complex interplay of sex, gender and ethnicity45
Who does or does not use the ‘Corona-Warn-App’ and why?45
The COVID-19 disaster and mental health—assessing, responding and recovering42
Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 cases in non-Italian nationals notified to the Italian surveillance system41
Current state of scientific evidence on Internet-based interventions for the treatment of depression, anxiety, eating disorders and substance abuse: an overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses41
Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions on ambulance missions40
Intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in Western and Southern European countries37
Factors associated with changes in consumption among smokers and alcohol drinkers during the COVID-19 ‘lockdown’ period34
Electronic cigarette use among 14- to 17-year-olds in Europe34
Identifying the views of adolescents in five European countries on the drivers of obesity using group model building33
Inequalities in participation in colorectal cancer screening programmes: a systematic review33
Prevalence and correlates of physical inactivity in adults across 28 European countries33
Primary COVID-19 vaccine cycle and booster doses efficacy: analysis of Italian nationwide vaccination campaign32
Demographic and public health characteristics explain large part of variability in COVID-19 mortality across countries32
Precarious employment and health in the context of COVID-19: a rapid scoping umbrella review31
Re-thinking health inequalities30
Trends in active commuting to school from 2003 to 2017 among children and adolescents from Germany: the MoMo Study28
Reducing the impact of the coronavirus on disadvantaged migrants and ethnic minorities28
Hospital doctors in Ireland and the struggle for work–life balance27
Migrant carers in Europe in times of COVID-19: a call to action for European health workforce governance and a public health approach26
Effectiveness of music therapy for autism spectrum disorder, dementia, depression, insomnia and schizophrenia: update of systematic reviews24
Health labour markets and the ‘human face’ of the health workforce: resilience beyond the COVID-19 pandemic24
The first 10 000 COVID-19 papers in perspective: are we publishing what we should be publishing?24
Sleep pattern in the US and 16 European countries during the COVID-19 outbreak using crowdsourced smartphone data23
Parental mortality following the loss of a child to a drug-related death22
The politics of vaccine hesitancy in Europe22
Associations of ultra-processed food consumption with cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: UK Biobank21
A systematic review of mental health measurement scales for evaluating the effects of mental health prevention interventions21
Is the COVID-19 pandemic turning into a European food crisis?21
Electronic cigarette use among adolescents in 17 European study sites: findings from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey20
Methods of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys20
Health professional mobility in the WHO European Region and the WHO Global Code of Practice: data from the joint OECD/EUROSTAT/WHO-Europe questionnaire20
Inequalities and risk factors related to non-participation in colorectal cancer screening programmes: a systematic review19
Impact of low health literacy on healthcare utilization in individuals with cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and mental disorders. A Danish population-based 4-ye19
Ethnic minorities and COVID-19: examining whether excess risk is mediated through deprivation19
Racial disparity in excess mortality in Brazil during COVID-19 times17
A comparison of self-reported to cotinine-detected smoking status among adults in Georgia17
Individual and regional determinants of long-term care expenditure in Japan: evidence from national long-term care claims17
Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in Europe: learning for the future17
Facilitators and barriers to implementing lifestyle intervention programme to prevent cognitive decline17
Violence against healthcare workers is a political problem and a public health issue: a call to action17
Health workforce protection and preparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic: a tool for the rapid assessment of EU health systems16
Learning from past mistakes? The COVID-19 vaccine and the inverse equity hypothesis16
Measles outbreak in Romania: understanding factors related to suboptimal vaccination uptake16
Socioeconomic and demographic risk factors in COVID-19 hospitalization among immigrants and ethnic minorities16
Measuring multimorbidity inequality across Italy through the multisource comorbidity score: a nationwide study16
Psychosocial health of adolescents in relation to underweight, overweight/obese status: the EU NET ADB survey15
The importance of teamwork climate for preventing burnout in UK general practices15
Impact of winter holiday and government responses on mortality in Europe during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic15
Increased incidence of overweight and obesity among preschool Swedish children during the COVID-19 pandemic14
A public health approach to health workforce policy development in Europe14
Estimation of cancers caused by light to moderate alcohol consumption in the European Union13
Health-related quality of life among rural adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study13
Investigating the salmon bias effect among international immigrants in Sweden: a register-based open cohort study13
The impact of switching from single-use to reusable healthcare products: a transparency checklist and systematic review of life-cycle assessments13
Awareness and use of heated tobacco products among adult smokers in six European countries: findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys13
Coverage rates against vaccine-preventable diseases among healthcare workers in Sicily (Italy)13
Healthy life expectancy by frailty state in Europe from 2004 to 2015: findings from SHARE13
Early lessons from COVID-19 response and shifts in authority: public trust, policy legitimacy and political inclusion13
Maternal education and offspring birth weight for gestational age: the mediating effect of smoking during pregnancy13
The influence of marital status and partner concordance on participation in colorectal cancer screening13
Community socioeconomic deprivation and SARS-CoV-2 infection risk: findings from Portugal13
Evaluating the impact of introducing standardized packaging with larger health-warning labels in England: findings from adult smokers within the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys13
Sociodemographic features and patterns of non-participation in colorectal cancer screening in Finland13
Migration or ethnic minority status and risk of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability: systematic review13
Strength of EU-level food environment policies and priority recommendations to create healthy food environments12
EU health law and policy in and after the COVID-19 crisis12
Declared funding and authorship by alcohol industry actors in the scientific literature: a bibliometric study12
COVID-19 and staff mental health: is there an evidence? An Italian field study12
Socioeconomic factors in disability retirement due to mental disorders in Finland12
Sociodemographic and gender determinants of late-life suicide in users and non-users of antidepressants12
Exploratory comparison of Healthcare costs and benefits of the UK’s Covid-19 response with four European countries12
Differences between influenza and pertussis vaccination uptake in pregnancy: a multi-center survey study in Italy11
An overview of Personalized Medicine landscape and policies in the European Union11
Trends in substance use and primary prevention variables among adolescents in Lithuania, 2006–1911
The association between parity, CVD mortality and CVD risk factors among Norwegian women and men11
Views on online self-help programmes from people with eating disorders and their carers in UK11
Is COVID-19 lockdown associated with vitamin D deficiency?11
Trends in smoking-attributable mortality in Spain: 1990–201811
Corona and coffee on your commute: a spatial analysis of COVID-19 mortality and commuting flows in England in 202011
The primary care workforce in Europe: a cross-sectional international comparison of rural and urban areas and changes between 1993 and 201111
COVID-SCORE Spain: public perceptions of key government COVID-19 control measures11
COVID-19 vaccines a global public good? Moving past the rhetoric and making work of sharing intellectual property rights, know-how and technology10
Older Europeans’ health perception and their adaptive behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic10
Health care for undocumented immigrants during the early phase of the Covid-19 pandemic in Lombardy, Italy10
Cessation behaviours among smokers of menthol and flavoured cigarettes following the implementation of the EU Tobacco Products Directive: findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys10
Correlates of patterns of cannabis use, abuse and dependence: evidence from two national surveys in Ireland10
Change in effectiveness of mammography screening with decreasing breast cancer mortality: a population-based study10
Cost-effectiveness and return on investment of school-based health promotion programmes for chronic disease prevention10
Greenhouse gases emissions from the diet and risk of death and chronic diseases in the EPIC-Spain cohort10
Population-based screening in children for early diagnosis and treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia: design of the VRONI study10
Impact of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer registration and cancer care: a European survey10
European adult smokers’ perceptions of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes relative to combustible cigarettes: cohort findings from the 2016 and 2018 EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys10
Dose-related and contextual aspects of suboptimal adherence to antiretroviral therapy among persons living with HIV in Western Europe10
Lifecourse-varying structural stigma, minority stress reactions and mental health among sexual minority male migrants10
Organization and activities of school health services among EU countries10
Association between physical activity and kidney stones based on dose–response analyses using restricted cubic splines10
‘I’m not an anti-vaxer!’—vaccine hesitancy among physicians: a qualitative study9
European citizens’ perspectives on direct-to-consumer genetic testing: an updated systematic review9
Dietary patterns and food insecurity of students participating in a food aid programme: the Mediterranean perspective9
SARS-CoV-2 infections in kindergartens and associated households at the start of the second wave in Berlin, Germany—a cross-sectional study9
Nutritional risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection: prospective study from the NutriNet-Santé cohort9
Social distancing measures: barriers to their implementation and how they can be overcome – a systematic review9
The dynamics of frailty and change in socio-economic conditions: evidence for the 65+ in Europe9
Stakeholders’ views on online interventions to prevent common mental health disorders in adults implemented into existing healthcare systems in Europe9
Sixty-day consequences of COVID-19 in patients discharged from hospital: an electronic health records study9
Double advantage of parental education for child educational achievement: the role of parenting and child intelligence9
Study on the death and disease burden caused by high sugar-sweetened beverages intake in China from 1990 to 20199
Is lack of causal evidence linking socioeconomic position with health an ‘inconvenient truth’?9
Monitoring of physical activity promotion in children and adolescents in the EU: current status and future perspectives9
Taking care of the ordinary in extraordinary times—delayed routine care means more morbidity and pre-mature mortality9
Will COVID-19 lead to a major change of the EU Public Health mandate? A renewed approach to EU’s role is needed9
Cause-specific mortality in Spain during the pandemic: educational differences and its impact on life expectancy9
Did the introduction and increased prescribing of antidepressants lead to changes in long-term trends of suicide rates?9
Disability, Loneliness and Health in the UK: cross-sectional survey9
Non-parental care in childhood and health up to 30 years later: ONS Longitudinal Study 1971–20119
Quitting behaviours and cessation methods used in eight European Countries in 2018: findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys9
Social inequalities in participation in cancer screening: does the mode of data collection matter? The CONSTANCES cohort9
Higher risk, higher protection: COVID-19 risk among immigrants in France—results from the population-based EpiCov survey9
The Physical Activity Environment Policy Index for monitoring government policies and actions to improve physical activity9
Distance as explanatory factor for sexual health centre utilization: an urban population-based study in the Netherlands9
Airborne pollen concentrations and daily mortality from respiratory and cardiovascular causes9
The perception of youth health centres’ friendliness: does it differ between immigrant and Swedish-Scandinavian youths?9
Occupational asbestos exposure after the ban: a job exposure matrix developed in Italy9
Post-implementation perspectives on smokefree prison policy: a qualitative study with staff and people in custody8
Detection of anti-HEV antibodies and RNA of HEV in pigs from a hyperendemic Italian region with high human seroprevalence8
Education as inefficient resource against depressive symptoms in the Czech Republic: cross-sectional analysis of the HAPIEE study8
Identifying patterns of lifestyle behaviours among children of 3 years old8
Incidence of inpatient cases with mental disorders due to use of cannabinoids in Germany: a nationwide evaluation8
The impact of a COVID-19 lockdown on work productivity under good and poor compliance8
Social norms for e-cigarettes and smoking: associations with initiation of e-cigarette use, intentions to quit smoking and quit attempts: findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys8
Interventions aimed at improving healthcare and health education equity for adult d/Deaf patients: a systematic review8
Brief alcohol intervention at a municipal registry office: reach and retention8
Household food spending, parental and childhood’s diet quality, in financial crisis: a cross-sectional study in Greece8
Are we underestimating the impact of COVID-19 on children’s physical activity in Europe?—a study of 24 302 children8
The impact of non-response weighting in health surveys for estimates on primary health care utilization8
Relationships between informal caregiving, health and work in the Health and Employment After Fifty study, England 8
Stronger alcohol-violence association when adolescents drink less? Evidence from three Nordic countries8
Clarity and consistency in stillbirth reporting in Europe: why is it so hard to get this right?8
Public support for European cooperation in the procurement, stockpiling and distribution of medicines8
Beyond ‘commercial determinants’: shining a light on privatization and political drivers of health inequalities8
Does face mask use elicit risk-compensation? Quasi-experimental evidence from Denmark during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic8
Association between health literacy and colorectal cancer screening behaviors in adults in Northwestern Turkey8
Association of age at first drink and first alcohol intoxication as predictors of mortality: a birth cohort study8
Prevalence of torture and trauma history among immigrants in primary care in Denmark: do general practitioners ask?8
‘It takes a village’: a qualitative study on malnutrition and oral nutritional supplements with older adults in Ireland8
The future of healthy aging: translation of geroscience discoveries to public health practice8
Corporate political activity in the context of sugar-sweetened beverage tax policy in the WHO European Region8
Analysis of the accuracy and completeness of cardiovascular health information on alcohol industry-funded websites8
Use of amenable mortality indicators to evaluate the impact of financial crisis on health system performance in Greece8
Self-reported changes in alcohol and tobacco use during COVID-19: findings from the eastern part of WHO European Region8
Prevalence and undiagnosed fraction of hepatitis C infection in 2018 in Spain: results from a national population-based survey8
The French Covid-19 vaccination policy did not solve vaccination inequities: a nationwide study on 64.5 million people8
Socioeconomic disadvantages over the life-course and their influence on obesity among older Hong Kong Chinese adults8
Factors associated with the uptake of the UK routine childhood immunization schedule in a bi-ethnic population8
A data linkage study of the effects of the Great Recession and austerity on antidepressant prescription usage7
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on contact tracing of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis7
Social disadvantage and gambling severity: a population-based study with register-linkage7
Prevalence of autism in Europe, North America and Oceania, 2000-2020: A systematic review7
Social network characteristics as correlates and moderators of older adults’ quality of life—the SHARE study7
Impact of hypothetical improvements in the psychosocial work environment on sickness absence rates: a simulation study7
Evidence of the emergence of illicit benzodiazepines from online drug forums7
A shift in women’s health? Older workers’ self-reported health and employment settings during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Training Needs and Quality of Public Health Inspectors in Greece during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices7
How adherence to the updated physical activity guidelines should be assessed with accelerometer?7
Suicide rates in Iceland before and after the 2008 Global Recession: a nationwide population-based study7
Cross-national time trends in adolescent alcohol use from 2002 to 20147
Autism and education—international policy in small EU states: policy mapping in Malta, Cyprus, Luxembourg and Slovenia7
Determinants of inequalities in years with disability: an international-comparative study7
Two sides of every coin: individuals’ experiences of undergoing colorectal cancer screening by faecal immunochemical test and colonoscopy7
Depressive symptoms in higher education students during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of containment measures7
The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction for school teachers: a cluster-randomized controlled trial7
Online prevention programmes for university students: stakeholder perspectives from six European countries7
Stakeholders’ perspectives on online interventions to improve mental health in eating disorder patients and carers in Germany7
Digital health technologies: a systematic review of their cost-effectiveness7
Infodemia and COVID-19: a text mining analysis7
Are women satisfied with their experience with breast cancer screening? Systematic review of the literature6
Kidney transplantation and withdrawal rates among wait-listed first-generation immigrants in Italy6
Comparison of physical activity levels in Spanish people with diabetes with and without cataracts6
Proportion of deaths in hospital in European countries: trends and associations from panel data (2005–2017)6
COVID-19: What have we learned? What are the public health challenges?6
Is work–life interference a risk factor for sickness absence? A longitudinal study of the Swedish working population6
WHO public health research agenda for managing infodemics6
Implementing Package of Essential Non-communicable Disease Interventions in the Republic of Moldova—a feasibility study6
Covid-19: a test for our humanity6
Ethical implications of COVID-19: vulnerabilities in a global perspective6
Are there ‘two sides’ to attacks on healthcare? Evidence from Palestine6
The hydroxychloroquine debate: a therapeutic dilemma for general practitioners6
WHO Working Group on Health Literacy in Schools6
School performance of children whose parents suffered torture and war—a register-based study in Denmark6
Area-level indicators of income and total mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic6
Comparison between first and second wave of COVID-19 outbreak in older people: the COPE multicentre European observational cohort study6
Sex differences in activity and health changes following COVID-19 in Europe—results from the SHARE COVID-19 survey6
Healthcare system and social trust in the fight against COVID-19: the case of France6
Neighbourhood characteristics and children’s oral health: a multilevel population-based cohort study6
SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks on Danish mink farms and mitigating public health interventions6
Association of the global activity limitation indicator with specific measures of disability in adults aged below 656
The impact of mass-media campaigns on physical activity: a review of reviews through a policy lens6
Heatwave-related Mortality in Australia: Who's impacted the most?6
Changes in healthy and unhealthy working life expectancies among older working-age people in Finland, 2000–20176
Understanding the life experiences of people with multiple complex needs: peer research in a health needs assessment6
Can leadership quality buffer the association between emotionally demanding work and risk of long-term sickness absence?6
Redistribution of garbage codes to underlying causes of death: a systematic analysis on Italy and a comparison with most populous Western European countries based on the Global Burden of Disease Study6
(Pharmaco)economic evaluations for mental health related services: the PECUNIA project6
Availability and integration of health data on refugee and migrants in health information systems6
Impact of the Tobacco Products Directive on self-reported exposure to e-cigarette advertising, promotion and sponsorship in smokers—findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys6
Impact of fees on access to dental care: evidence from France6
The Global Society on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health: why race can’t be ignored even if it causes discomfort6
Shared decision making in breast cancer screening guidelines: a systematic review of their quality and reporting6
Online interventions to prevent mental health problems implemented in school settings: the perspectives from key stakeholders in Austria and Spain6
Training needs assessment of European frontline health care workers on vaccinology and vaccine acceptance: a systematic review6
Quality indicators for community dementia care: a systematic review5
The Tunisian societal dialogue for health reform (a qualitative study)5
Trends in exposures to physically demanding working conditions in France in 2003, 2010 and 20175
Gestational diabetes among women of migrant origin in Finland—a population-based study5
Impact assessment of the public health product tax in Hungary5
The contribution of employment and working conditions to occupational inequalities in non-communicable diseases in Europe5
Engaging adolescents in developing health education interventions: a multidisciplinary pilot project5
Differences in body composition and physical fitness parameters among prepubertal and pubertal children engaged in extracurricular sports: the active health study5
Quality of life, health and social costs of patients with spinal cord injury: A systematic review5
Theoretical adequacy, methodological quality and efficacy of online interventions targeting resilience: a systematic review and meta-analysis5
Psychosocial workplace factors and alcohol-related morbidity: a prospective study of 3 million Swedish workers5
Burden of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Italy: Disability-Adjusted Life Years5
Building back better: why we need to fix the health worker divide in Europe5
Iranian and Iraqi torture survivors in Finland and Sweden: findings from two population-based studies5
The role of health literacy in the association between academic performance and substance use5
A year of Covid-19: experiences and lessons learnt by small European island states—Cyprus, Iceland and Malta5
The WHO Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) and the CLICK framework5
Life-course risk factors are associated with activity of daily living disability in older adults5
Categories of systematic influences applied to increase cancer screening participation: a literature review and analysis5
Characteristics and motives of non-responders in a stepwise cardiometabolic disease prevention program in primary care5
Vaccine hesitancy and Health Literacy: we need to change our paradigm5
Association between social jetlag and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in adolescents in Western Canada5
Introduction of user fee for language interpretation: effects on use of interpreters in Danish health care5
Selective perimeter lockdowns in Madrid: a way to bend the COVID-19 curve?5
Understanding the drivers of m-Mental Health uptake among emerging adults5