Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences

(The H4-Index of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences is 28. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Alcohol use in Australia during the early days of the COVID‐19 pandemic: Initial results from the COLLATE project132
Relationship between parenting stress and school closures due to the COVID‐19 pandemic112
Mental health status of the general population in Japan during the COVID‐19 pandemic91
Dramatic reduction of psychiatric emergency consultations during lockdown linked to COVID‐19 in Paris and suburbs91
Recent advances in the application of predictive coding and active inference models within clinical neuroscience80
Psychosocial consequences of COVID‐19 in children, adolescents and young adults: A systematic review66
Forced social isolation due to COVID‐19 and consequent mental health problems: Lessons from hikikomori61
Anxiety and depression in patients with confirmed and suspected COVID‐19 in Ecuador53
COVID‐19‐related stigma and its association with mental health of health‐care workers after quarantine in Vietnam51
Current findings and perspectives on aberrant neural oscillations in schizophrenia48
Optimal robot for intervention for individuals with autism spectrum disorders45
Recent updates of eye movement abnormalities in patients with schizophrenia: A scoping review44
Exposure to media and fear and worry about COVID‐1942
Neuropsychiatric aspects of long COVID: A comprehensive review40
Prevalence of anxiety and associated factors for Chinese adolescents during the COVID‐19 outbreak39
Prolonged use of Internet and gaming among treatment seekers arising out of social restrictions related to COVID‐19 pandemic36
Trends in big data analyses by multicenter collaborative translational research in psychiatry36
Heart rate variability in patients with anxiety disorders: A systematic review and meta‐analysis35
Cross disorder comparisons of brain structure in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: A review of ENIGMA findings34
Exploring student mental health and intention to use online counseling in Hong Kong during the COVID‐19 pandemic34
Predictors of non‐adherence to public health instructions during the COVID‐19 pandemic33
Toward recovery in schizophrenia: Current concepts, findings, and future research directions33
A systematic review and meta‐analysis of the mental health symptoms during the Covid‐19 pandemic in Southeast Asia33
The now and future of ChatGPT and GPT in psychiatry30
Addressing mental health care for the bereaved during the COVID‐19 pandemic30
Staying home is NOT ‘staying safe’: A rapid 8‐day online survey on spousal violence against women during the COVID‐19 lockdown in India30
Acute impact of COVID‐19 pandemic on phenomenological features in fully or partially remitted patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder29
Sulforaphane as an adjunctive treatment for irritability in children with autism spectrum disorder: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled clinical trial28
Autism spectrum conditions in hikikomori: A pilot case–control study28
Effect of lockdown following COVID‐19 pandemic on alcohol use and help‐seeking behavior: Observations and insights from a sample of alcohol use disorder patients under treatment from a tert28