Revija za Socijalnu Politiku

(The median citation count of Revija za Socijalnu Politiku is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Which Groups Have a Greater Risk of Poverty in Spain?3
Socijalna integracija mladih u riziku od ispadanja iz sustava obrazovanja: rezultati slovenskog programa Projektno učenje mladih odraslih3
Early Childhood Education and Care in Kosovo: A Targeted Educational Approach Producing and Maintaining Social and Gender Inequalities2
World Analysis of the Determinants of the Inequality in Health. Is the Measurement of Inequality Important?2
Determinants of Causal Attributions of Homelessness in Croatia2
Care Triangle or Care Diamond? The Case of Childcare and Eldercare in Serbia2
Politike roditeljskih dopusta, sustavi ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja, rodne i društvene nejednakosti u postjugoslavenskim zemljama1
Care Policy in Slovenia: Divergent Trends and Convergent Attitudes1
Pay Transparency and Its Effects: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector1
Social Investment in an Age of Austerity: A Comparison of Family Policy Reforms in Four European Countries1
Fathers on Leave: Experiences of Middle-Class Fathers on Parental Leave in the City of Zagreb1
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Family Policy Challenges in Meeting the European Union’s Standards and Recommendations1
Rust Roland and Huang Ming-Hui: The Feeling Economy: How Artificial Intelligence Is Creating the Era of Empathy1
It Is Never too Late to Learn: The Role of Organizational Support in Older Employees’ Learning1
Zdravstvena pismenost u Republici Hrvatskoj1
Dohodovne nejednakosti i redistributivne preferencije u Hrvatskoj i zemljama EU-a: makroanaliza0
Solidarna ekonomija u javnim politikama u Hrvatskoj0
Abel Polese (Ed.): Informality, Labour Mobility and Precariousness: Supplementing the State for the Invisible and the Vulnerable0
Sustav socijalne skrbi iz perspektiva roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju0
Is There a Link between Income Inequality and Economic Growth in the Balkans? Testing the Kuznets Hypothesis0
Friedrich Hayek on Taxation and Income Redistribution0
Jesu li fleksibilni oblici rada uvijek dobri? Fleksibilni oblici rada usmjereni roditeljima i pružateljima skrbi u zemljama Europske unije0
Učinkovitost hrvatskog zdravstvenog sustava - usporedba sa zemljama Europske unije0
Važnost aktivne politike zapošljavanja i njezine evaluacije u Hrvatskoj0
Kvaliteta usluga za beskućnike: prikaz trenutnog stanja i izazova u Hrvatskoj0
ERNOP konferencija 2019.: Philanthropy in the Spotlight? Resources, Reputation and Achievements0
Palliative Medicine: Past - Present - Future0
Vrste i razlozi otkazivanja ugovora o radu u odabranim članicama EU-a0
Koncept socijalnih investicija u zdravstvenom sustavu0
Međunarodna konferencija: Challenges of Welfare Policies in Central and Eastern Europe0
Pravo oca na roditeljski i očinski dopust u zemljama EU0
Adam Jabłoński, Marek Jabłoński: Social Business Models in the Digital Economy0
Isplativost rada u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji: analiza pomoću mikrosimulacijskog modela0
Gojko Bežovan i sur.: Socijalna politika Hrvatske (II. izdanje)0
Promjene u obuhvaćenosti djece programima ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj 2011.−2021.0
The Influence of Labor Market Determinants on Economic Inequality Measured by Gini Coefficient in Montenegro0
Contribution of Service-Learning and Supporting Factors to the Environmental Sustainability Commitment of Higher Education Institutions0
Philippe Aghio, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel: The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations0
Rethinking the Contribution-Benefit Linkage in Pay-As-You-Go Retirement Systems Based on Algerian Case0
Potrebe starijih osoba za uslugama iz sustava socijalne skrbi u Republici Hrvatskoj0
F. Alnajjar, C. Bartneck, P. Baxter, T. Belpaeme, M. Cappuccio, C. Di Dio, F. Eyssel, J. Handke, O. Mubin, M. Obaid, N. Reich-Stiebert: Robots in Education: An Introduction to High-Tech Social Agents,0
Reforming Social Protection under Ideological Influences and Preferences. Social Protection Between Austerity and Other Reforms - The Case of North Macedonia0
Dimensions of the Universities Third Mission from the University Teachers and Students Perspective0
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Migration Within the Countries of the European Union0
Ivan Krastev i Stephen Holmes: Kraj doba oponašanja. Zašto Zapad gubi bitku za demokraciju0
Provjera faktorske strukture hrvatske verzije upitnika „Fleksibilnost granica radne i obiteljske uloge“0
Why now? Causal Attributions for Unemployment in Older People in Spain, Based on Their Life Experiences0
Legal Aspects of Recognizing COVID-19 As an Occupational Disease in The Republic of Croatia0
Danijel Baturina i Zdenko Babić: Socijalna ekonomija i socijalno poduzetništvo0
Labour Market Policies and Social Investment in Montenegro: Attaining European Standards and Practice?0
15th ISTR International Conference: Navigating in Turbulent Times: Perspectives and Contributions from the Third Sector0
Evgueni Vinogradov, Birgit Leick, Djamchid Assadi (Eds.): Digital Entrepreneurship and the Sharing Economy0
VII. Godišnja stručna konferencija socijalnog rada u Bosni i Hercegovini s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem »Aktivacijski modeli - korisnička perspektiva«0
John Senior and Éva Gyarmathy: AI and Developing Human Intelligence, Future Learning and Educational Innovation0
Anne de Bruin i Simon Teasdale Elgar (ur.): A Research Agenda for Social Entrepreneurship0
Interakcija financijskog razvitka, nejednakosti i rizika od siromaštva u Republici Hrvatskoj0
Cjeloživotno učenje mladih u kontekstu javnih politika – europska perspektiva0
Društvene inovacije kao važan element europskih razvojnih strategija0
Mario Munta: The European Semester and National Employment Policies0
Velimir Šonje i Kristijan Kotarski: Korona ekonomika: pet jahača apokalipse0
Zagrebačka strategija borbe protiv siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti za razdoblje od 2021. do 2025.0
Učinci stambenog zbrinjavanja mlađe populacije na demografske trendove u Zagrebu0
Self-Perceived Financial Sufficiency of the Elderly Population in Croatia0
Deconstruction of the Welfare State: The Impact of Globalization and Technological Factors0
Usluge tržišta rada0
Studentski stavovi o braku, kohabitaciji i tranziciji u brak0
Velimir Šonje i Darko Polšek: Prešućeni trijumf liberalizma: o praktičnoj važnosti slobode 1989. − 2019.0
Međuzavisnost rodne zastupljenosti i postignutih rezultata u tijelima državne uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj0
The Multifaceted Nature of Precarious Work: A Mixed Methods Approach0
Velimir Šonje: Mirovine za 21. stoljeće0
Public Debt Dynamics in the Western Balkans: Do Social Expenditures and Economic Growth Matter?0
Jacques Defourny, Marthe Nyssens (Eds.): Social Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe. Theory, Models and Practice0
Distributivni učinci ukidanja »socijalno motiviranih« sniženih stopa PDV-a radi povećanja izdašnosti i obuhvata ciljanih transfera: mikrosimulacijska analiza za Hrvatsku0
Anke Hassel, Bruno Palier (ur.): Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies − How Have Growth Regimes Evolved?0
Otpremnine u članicama EU-a0
Managerial Aspect of Private Health Care Institutions in the Republic of Croatia at the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic0
Hrvoje Šimović i Milan Deskar-Škrbić: Ekonomika javnog sektora s hrvatskim primjerima0
Comparing Innovative ‘Chosen Training’ with ‘Standard Training’ in Czechia: How Did the New Program Help?0
Ideological Entanglements of Family Policy and Their Consequences – Could the Charter of Family Rights Help to Solve the Dilemmas?0