European Physical Education Review

(The H4-Index of European Physical Education Review is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
A scoping review critically examining research connecting social and emotional learning with three model-based practices in physical education: Have we been doing this all along?45
Physical literacy in children and adolescents: Definitions, assessments, and interventions43
Continuing professional development for physical education teachers in Europe28
Effect of a hybrid teaching games for understanding/sport education unit on elementary students’ self-determined motivation in physical education26
The (virtual) teaching of physical education in times of pandemic25
The effect of the Sport Education Model on basic needs, intrinsic motivation and prosocial attitudes: A systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis22
Examining mental health literacy, help-seeking behaviours, distress, and wellbeing in UK coaches22
Challenges faced by preservice and novice teachers in implementing student-centred models: A systematic review21
The efficacy of using mobile applications in changing adolescent girls’ physical activity behaviour during weekends19
Including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities in mainstream secondary physical education: A revisit study18
Barriers and facilitators to inclusion in integrated physical education: Adapted physical educators’ perspectives17
Physical education in a post-COVID world: A blended-gamified approach15
‘Health First’ and curriculum reform in China: The experiences of physical education teachers in one city15
Learning communities and physical education professional development: A scoping review15
Effect of a six-week dance-based physical education intervention on primary school children’s creativity: A pilot study15