European Journal of Cultural Studies

(The H4-Index of European Journal of Cultural Studies is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
‘If the rise of the TikTok dance and e-girl aesthetic has taught us anything, it’s that teenage girls rule the internet right now’: TikTok celebrity, girls and the Coronavirus crisis119
‘We are doing better’: Biopolitical nationalism and the COVID-19 virus in East Asia60
‘We’re all in this together’: Commodified notions of connection, care and community in brand responses to COVID-1959
Pandemic and its metaphors: Sontag revisited in the COVID-19 era57
Clap for carers? From care gratitude to care justice56
The work of culture and C-1946
White tears, white rage: Victimhood and (as) violence in mainstream feminism45
Alt. Health Influencers: how wellness culture and web culture have been weaponised to promote conspiracy theories and far-right extremism during the COVID-19 pandemic44
Toxic White masculinity, post-truth politics and the COVID-19 infodemic42
Victimhood: The affective politics of vulnerability39
‘Ruined’ lives: Mediated white male victimhood32
Mummy influencers and professional sharenting31
‘A rapist in your path’: Transnational feminist protest and why (and how) performance matters27
Who cares? At what price? The hidden costs of socially engaged arts labour and the moral failure of cultural policy23
‘Glow from the inside out’: Deliciously Ella and the politics of ‘healthy eating’18
Television’s undoing of social distancing16
Home in question: Uncovering meanings, desires and dilemmas of non-home16