Annual Reviews in Control

(The median citation count of Annual Reviews in Control is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
A decision-making framework for dynamic scheduling of cyber-physical production systems based on digital twins101
Behavioral systems theory in data-driven analysis, signal processing, and control100
Robust and optimal predictive control of the COVID-19 outbreak88
Preview-based techniques for vehicle suspension control: a state-of-the-art review65
The dilemma of PID tuning57
Observer design for continuous-time dynamical systems53
Advanced model predictive control framework for autonomous intelligent mechatronic systems: A tutorial overview and perspectives52
Sampled-data control systems with non-uniform sampling: A survey of methods and trends46
Electricity in the air: Insights from two decades of advanced control research and experimental flight testing of airborne wind energy systems45
From sensing to control of lower limb exoskeleton: a systematic review44
A historical perspective of adaptive control and learning44
Advances in trajectory optimization for space vehicle control43
Structural identifiability and observability of compartmental models of the COVID-19 pandemic43
On an interval prediction of COVID-19 development based on a SEIR epidemic model41
Koopman operator dynamical models: Learning, analysis and control41
Contraction theory for nonlinear stability analysis and learning-based control: A tutorial overview40
Latent variable models in the era of industrial big data: Extension and beyond39
Quantum estimation, control and learning: Opportunities and challenges36
Control co-design of 13 MW downwind two-bladed rotors to achieve 25% reduction in levelized cost of wind energy36
An overview on optimal flocking34
Reinforcement learning for batch process control: Review and perspectives32
A survey on clustering methods for distributed and networked control systems29
Modeling and control in open-channel irrigation systems: A review28
Reinforcement Learning for feedback-enabled cyber resilience28
Data-driven methods for present and future pandemics: Monitoring, modelling and managing28
Universal features of epidemic models under social distancing guidelines25
An overview on multi-agent consensus under adversarial attacks25
Interoperability in the cyber-physical manufacturing enterprise25
Secure-by-construction synthesis of cyber-physical systems24
Hybrid-augmented intelligence in predictive maintenance with digital intelligent assistants23
Integrated chassis control: Classification, analysis and future trends23
A survey of guidance, navigation, and control systems for autonomous multi-rotor small unmanned aerial systems23
Mixed-integer programming in motion planning23
A comprehensive review of hyperspectral data fusion with lidar and sar data22
A survey on tracking control of unmanned underwater vehicles: Experiments-based approach22
Monitoring on a shoestring: Low cost solutions for digital manufacturing22
A review of current state-of-the-art control methods for lower-limb powered prostheses21
Forecasting COVID-19 cases based on a parameter-varying stochastic SIR model20
Reinforcement learning in spacecraft control applications: Advances, prospects, and challenges20
Neural network-based flight control systems: Present and future20
Model predictive path tracking control for automated road vehicles: A review20
Chordal and factor-width decompositions for scalable semidefinite and polynomial optimization17
Crowd management COVID-1917
A Critical Review on Control Strategies for Structural Vibration Control17
Learning quadrotor dynamics for precise, safe, and agile flight control16
The scenario approach: A tool at the service of data-driven decision making16
Industrial digital ecosystems: Predictive models and architecture development issues16
Cyber-security in networked and distributed model predictive control15
PID control of quadrotor UAVs: A survey14
Towards smart production planning and control; a conceptual framework linking planning environment characteristics with the need for smart production planning and control14
Composite adaptation and learning for robot control: A survey14
Linear quantum systems: A tutorial13
Multitask learning and nonlinear optimal control of the COVID-19 outbreak: A geometric programming approach13
Explainable heat demand forecasting for the novel control strategies of district heating systems12
Control for smart systems: Challenges and trends in smart cities11
Robustness of AI-based prognostic and systems health management11
Synchronization and pinning control of stochastic coevolving networks11
From ethics to standards – A path via responsible AI to cyber-physical production systems11
The optimization landscape of hybrid quantum–classical algorithms: From quantum control to NISQ applications11
The concept of smartness in cyber–physical systems and connection to urban environment10
Smart testing and selective quarantine for the control of epidemics10
A time-modulated Hawkes process to model the spread of COVID-19 and the impact of countermeasures10
Comparison of encrypted control approaches and tutorial on dynamic systems using Learning With Errors-based homomorphic encryption10
Optimal design of lock-down and reopening policies for early-stage epidemics through SIR-D models10
State estimation of the Stefan PDE: A tutorial on design and applications to polar ice and batteries10
Model Predictive Control of water resources systems: A review and research agenda10
Parameter estimation and system identification for continuously-observed quantum systems10
Review and descriptive investigation of the connection between bipedal locomotion and non-prehensile manipulation9
Comparative analysis of related notions of robust diagnosability of Discrete-Event Systems9
Industrial Design and Development Software System Architecture Based on Model-Based Systems Engineering and Cloud Computing9
Opportunities for control engineering in arable precision agriculture9
A critical review of cyber-physical security for building automation systems9
Control theory for stochastic distributed parameter systems, an engineering perspective9
Lyapunov stability tests for linear time-delay systems9
Utility and mechanism design in multi-agent systems: An overview8
Recent advances in the analysis and control of large populations of neural oscillators8
Special section on estimation and control of quantum systems8
State of art on state estimation: Kalman filter driven by machine learning8
Sliding mode predictive control: A survey8
Leak detection and localization in water distribution networks: Review and perspective8
Fault prognosis of discrete event systems: An overview8
Quantitative comparison of time-varying system identification methods to describe human joint impedance8
Development, implementation, and experimental outdoor evaluation of quadcopter controllers for computationally limited embedded systems7
Empowering wave energy with control technology: Possibilities and pitfalls7
Event-triggered control for mitigating SIS spreading processes7
An homogeneous space geometry for simultaneous localisation and mapping7
The role of information structures in game-theoretic multi-agent learning7
Active queue management for alleviating Internet congestion via a nonlinear differential equation with a variable delay7
A comprehensive review of modified Internal Model Control (IMC) structures and their filters for unstable processes7
COVID-19 epidemic control using short-term lockdowns for collective gain7
Control education for societal-scale challenges: A community roadmap7
Dynamical characterization of antiviral effects in COVID-197
Modeling and control of epidemics through testing policies7
Review of floating object manipulation by autonomous multi-vessel systems6
Advanced control using decomposition and simple elements6
Voltage regulation in distribution grids: A survey6
Convex output feedback model predictive control for mitigation of COVID-19 pandemic6
Probabilistic design of optimal sequential decision-making algorithms in learning and control6
Behavioral theory for stochastic systems? A data-driven journey from Willems to Wiener and back again6
Fractional cyber-neural systems — A brief survey6
Decoding and realising flapping flight with port-Hamiltonian system theory6
Objective learning from human demonstrations5
Modeling, analysis and control of robot–object nonsmooth underactuated Lagrangian systems: A tutorial overview and perspectives5
Adaptive conductance control5
A survey on distributed online optimization and online games5
Modeling and control of overhead cranes: A tutorial overview and perspectives5
Convergence of sequences: A survey5
Damping-enabling technologies for broadband control of piezo-stages: A survey5
Learning against uncertainty in control engineering5
Monitoring and forecasting the COVID-19 epidemic in the UK5
The Ockham’s razor applied to COVID-19 model fitting French data5
Toward switching/interpolating LPV control: A review5