Indoor and Built Environment

(The TQCC of Indoor and Built Environment is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
HVAC systems for environmental control to minimize the COVID-19 infection101
Development trend and challenges of sustainable urban design in the digital age56
Predictive and retrospective modelling of airborne infection risk using monitored carbon dioxide40
Multiple airflow patterns in human microenvironment and the influence on short-distance airborne cross-infection – A review30
An indoor air quality and thermal comfort appraisal in a retrofitted university building via low-cost smart sensor29
Air pollution and health risk assessment in Northeastern China: A case study of Jilin Province28
Technology pathway of efficient and climate-friendly cooling in buildings: Towards carbon neutrality26
Guidance to assess ventilation performance of a classroom based on CO2 monitoring23
Development of urban air environmental control policies and measures22
Urban development in the context of extreme flooding events21
Systematic summary and analysis of Chinese HVAC guidelines coping with COVID-1921
Application of polyhedral meshing strategy in indoor environment simulation: Model accuracy and computing time20
Simulation of COVID-19 indoor emissions from coughing and breathing with air conditioning and mask protection effects20
Determination of heavy metals and health risk assessment in indoor dust from different functional areas in Neyshabur, Iran19
Evaluation of indoor disinfection technologies for airborne disease control in hospital19
A vertical laminar airflow system to prevent aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in building space: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experimental approach18
Environmental co-benefits of urban design to mitigate urban heat island and PM2.5 pollution: Considering prevailing wind’s effects18
Diffusion characteristics of the industrial submicron particle under Brownian motion and turbulent diffusion18
Improving the indoor thermal environment in lightweight buildings in winter by passive solar heating: An experimental study17
Heat stress and outdoor activities in open spaces of public housing estates in Hong Kong: A perspective of the elderly community17
Large-eddy simulation of droplet-laden cough jets with a realistic manikin model16
Integration of a large green corridor with an underground complex – a low carbon building solution for urban climate revival16
Health risk assessment of heavy metals and poly-aromatic hydrocarbons in particulate matter adsorbed by indoor air purifiers16
Numerical analysis of cooling potential and indoor thermal comfort with a novel hybrid radiant cooling system in hot and humid climates16
An experiment of double dynamic lighting in an office responding to sky and daylight: Perceived effects on comfort, atmosphere and work engagement15
Investigation of outdoor air pollutant, PM2.5 affecting the indoor air quality in a high-rise building15
Effect of cross-ventilation channel in classrooms with interior corridor estimated by computational fluid dynamics15
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning system and environmental control for wellbeing15
A review of human thermal plume and its influence on the inhalation exposure to particulate matter15
Settlement–river relationship and locality of river-related built environment14
Performance evaluation of climate-adaptive natural ventilation design: A case study of semi-open public cultural building14
Sick building syndrome and its impacts on health, well-being and productivity: A systematic literature review13
Prediction of phthalates concentration in household dust based on back propagation neural network13
How community medical facilities can promote resilient community constructions under the background of pandemics13
Seasonal variations and the influence of ventilation rates on IAQ: A case study of five low-energy London apartments13
Source apportionment and health risk assessment of indoor volatile organic compounds13
Development of an indoor environment evaluation model for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning control system of office buildings in subtropical region considering indoor health and thermal comfo13
Understanding semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor dust13
Tree planting indices and their effects on summer park thermal environment: A case study of a subtropical satellite city, China13
Adaptability of traditional villages as tourist destinations in Yellow River Basin, China12
The impact of climate change on the thermal-energy performance of the SCIP and ICF wall systems for social housing in Brazil12
Preservation of earthen relic sites against salt damages by using a sand layer12
Performance of airflow distance from personalized ventilation on personal exposure to airborne droplets from different orientations12
Experimental and simulated optimization study on dynamic heat discharge performance of multi-units water tank with PCM12
Optimization of ventilation performance of side air supply for large indoor spaces using deflectors and slot air outlets12
Thermal comfort analysis of radiant cooling panels with dedicated fresh-air system12
Planning for sustainable and ecological urban environment: Current trends and future developments12
The Facility Infection Risk Estimator™: A web application tool for comparing indoor risk mitigation strategies by estimating airborne transmission risk11
Regional and urban heat island studies in megacities: A systematic analysis of research methodology11
Spatiotemporal distribution of negative air ion and PM2.5 in urban residential areas11
The predicted effect of climate change on indoor overheating of heritage apartments in two different Chinese climate zones11
Effect of roof and ceiling configuration on energy performance of a metamaterial-based cool roof for low-rise office building in China11
Characterization and size distribution of initial droplet concentration discharged from human breathing and speaking11
Dynamic prediction of the pre-dehumidification of a radiant floor cooling and displacement ventilation system based on computational fluid dynamics and a back-propagation neural network: A case study 11
The impact of mechanical ventilation operation strategies on indoor CO2 concentration and air exchange rates in residential buildings11
Fire hazard assessment with indoor spaces for evacuation route selection in building fire scenarios11
Domestic overheating risks and mitigation strategies: The state-of-the-art and directions for future research11
Evaluation methods of the daylight performance and potential energy saving of tubular daylight guide systems: A review10
Renewal and upgrading of a courtyard building in the historic and cultural district of Beijing: Design concept of ‘multiple coexistence’ and a case study10
A global challenge of accurately predicting building energy consumption under urban heat island effect10
A review on indoor environmental quality in sports facilities: Indoor air quality and ventilation during a pandemic10
Monitoring summertime indoor overheating and pollutant risks and natural ventilation patterns of seniors in public housing10
Experimental study on the thermal performance of radiant floor heating system with the influence of solar radiation on the local floor surface10
Meta-analysis of associations between cooking oil fumes exposure and lung cancer risk10
Measuring interpersonal transmission of expiratory droplet nuclei in close proximity10
Understanding lifetime and dispersion of cough-emitted droplets in air10
A comparison of the effect of indoor thermal and humidity condition on young and older adults' comfort and skin condition in winter10
Cool facades to mitigate urban heat island effects9
Open-plan office design for improved natural ventilation and reduced mixed mode supplementary loads9
Imagining daylight: Evaluating participants' perception of daylight in work environments9
Prevention and control of COVID-19 transmission in the indoor environment9
Evaluation of dynamic airflow structures in a single-aisle aircraft cabin mockup based on numerical simulation9
Study on the smoke propagation characteristics of metro tunnel fire under the effects of piston wind9
Numerical simulation of the effects of canopy properties on airflow and pollutant dispersion in street canyons9
The impact of workspace location and indoor environmental quality on employees' satisfaction within office buildings: A case study in Cairo9
Thermal sensation under high-intensive exercise in naturally ventilated gymnasiums in hot-humid areas of China: Taking basketball players for example9
Investigation of the indoor environment of a passive house office building under cold climate in China9
Physical-radiation shielding properties of concrete contains colemanite and ulexite9
Challenges and emerging technologies for sustainable smart cities9
The effect of prenatal and early-postnatal exposure to classical air pollution on childhood pneumonia in China9
A methodology to determine appropriate façade aperture sizes considering comfort and performance criteria: A primary school classroom case9
Impact of climate change on future bioclimatic potential and residential building thermal and energy performance in India8
Distributed probability of infection risk of airborne respiratory diseases8
Information technology methods for locality preservation and inheritance of settlement cultural landscape8
Evaluation of the effect of cover layer on radon exhalation from building materials8
Louver and window position effect on cross-ventilation in a generic isolated building: A CFD approach8
Variations of HCHO and BTX, human health risk and indoor renovation characteristics of newly renovated rental apartments in Beijing, China8
Sick building syndrome and office space design in Cairo, Egypt8
Moisture buffering effect of hygroscopic materials under wall moisture transfer8
The correlation between the overall thermal comfort, the overall thermal sensation and the local thermal comfort in non-uniform environments with local cooling8
Fire safety in modern indoor and built environment8
Investigation of thermal comfort and adaptation among the residents of cold climate in the lower Himalayan region of eastern India8
Comparison of thermal comfort in different kinds of building spaces: Field study in Guangzhou, China8
Colour preference in relation to personal determinants and implications for indoor circadian luminous environment8
The applicability of nearly/net zero energy residential buildings in Brazil – A study of a low standard dwelling in three different Brazilian climate zones8
Decay characteristics of aerosolized viruses in the air and control strategy of thermal and humid environment for epidemic prevention8
Using global research on ventilation and airborne infection control for impacting public policy through the Indian Judiciary8
Effects of different environment combinations on the comfort and productivity of researchers in winter8
Thermal comfort evaluation in architectural studio classrooms – A summer study in a warm to moderate Indian climate7
Environmental exposure and infants health7
Insights into the house dust-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their potential human health risk in Greater Cairo, Egypt7
Thermal and humid environment of rammed-earth dwellings in Northwest Sichuan7
How does industrial agglomeration affect firms’ energy consumption? Empirical evidence from China7
A conceptual framework for phase change material integration in building components7
The effect of oxygen supply and oxygen distribution on single-head tunnel with different altitudes under mixed ventilation7
Effects of different wind directions on ventilation of surrounding areas of two generic building configurations in Hong Kong7
A model to predict the short-term turbulent indoor dispersion of small droplets and droplet nuclei released from coughs and sneezes7
Influence of building envelope characteristics on the effectiveness of PMV-based controls for schools located in Saudi Arabia7
Unravelling the microplastic contamination: A comprehensive analysis of microplastics in indoor house dust7
Post-occupancy evaluation: A diagnostic tool to establish and sustain inclusive access in Kyrenia Town Centre7
Differences in environmental perception of gender and sleep quality in self-regulating sleep thermal environment7
Indoor environment and the blood pressure of elderly in the cold region of China7
Solar radiation control passive strategy for reduction of heating and cooling energy use in arid climate: Case of Afghanistan7
Review of calculating models of unsteady natural ventilation rate due to wind fluctuations7
‘Re-socialisation' in isolated spaces: A case study on the social organisation of Fangcang shelter hospital patients under extreme spatial conditions7
Smart textiles and the indoor environment of buildings7
A prediction model of emission characteristics of oil particles induced by milling process: Emission rate and size distribution7
The impact of low-carbon policy on green manufacturing development7
Studying occupant’s heat exposure and thermal comfort in the kitchen through full-scale experiments and CFD simulations7
A machine learning-enhanced design optimizer for urban cooling7