European Physical Journal D

(The H4-Index of European Physical Journal D is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Simulating lattice gauge theories within quantum technologies281
Thermodynamic properties of Aharanov–Bohm (AB) and magnetic fields with screened Kratzer potential65
A review of the gas and liquid phase interactions in low-temperature plasma jets used for biomedical applications53
Advances in non-equilibrium $$\hbox {CO}_2$$ plasma kinetics: a theoretical and experimental review47
Roadmap on dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase32
Plasma-assisted agriculture: history, presence, and prospects—a review29
Energy spectra and magnetic properties of diatomic molecules in the presence of magnetic and AB fields with the inversely quadratic Yukawa potential26
Quantum battles in attoscience: tunnelling25
Non-equilibrium plasma for ignition and combustion enhancement25
Confining and compressing the atom24
Quantum test of the Universality of Free Fall using rubidium and potassium24
Cold atmospheric plasma technology for removal of organic micropollutants from wastewater—a review23
Pulse duration dependence of harmonic yield of H2+ and its isotopic molecule23
Concepts for direct frequency-comb spectroscopy of 229mTh and an internal-conversion-based solid-state nuclear clock23
Testing gravity with cold-atom clocks in space23
Electron irradiation and thermal chemistry studies of interstellar and planetary ice analogues at the ICA astrochemistry facility21
Non-linear Breit–Wheeler process with linearly polarized beams21
High-order harmonic generation during different overlaps of two-colored pulses in laser-produced plasmas and gases19
Quantum sensing with milligram scale optomechanical systems19
Shannon information entropy sum of the confined hydrogenic atom under the influence of an electric field19