Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

(The TQCC of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Efficient evaluation of electrostatic potential with computerized optimized code946
Lithium ion battery degradation: what you need to know449
Ultra-wideband and wide-angle perfect solar energy absorber based on Ti nanorings surface plasmon resonance233
Thermal tuning of terahertz metamaterial absorber properties based on VO2230
A switchable terahertz device combining ultra-wideband absorption and ultra-wideband complete reflection205
A four-band and polarization-independent BDS-based tunable absorber with high refractive index sensitivity205
Realization of 18.97% theoretical efficiency of 0.9 μm thick c-Si/ZnO heterojunction ultrathin-film solar cells via surface plasmon resonance enhancement164
Understanding specific ion effects and the Hofmeister series150
DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science124
Lithium-ion battery degradation: how to model it117
Sustainable electrode material for high-energy supercapacitor: biomass-derived graphene-like porous carbon with three-dimensional hierarchically ordered ion highways111
Molecular modelling of compounds used for corrosion inhibition studies: a review107
Electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction on the transition-metal dimer anchored N-doped graphene: performance prediction and synergetic effect106
Template-free synthesis of Bi2O2CO3 hierarchical nanotubes self-assembled from ordered nanoplates for promising photocatalytic applications105
Origins and properties of the tetrel bond100
Two-channel photonic crystal fiber based on surface plasmon resonance for magnetic field and temperature dual-parameter sensing96
There is still plenty of room for layer-by-layer assembly for constructing nanoarchitectonics-based materials and devices91
B-Doped 2D-InSe as a bifunctional catalyst for CO2/CH4separation under the regulation of an external electric field91
Targeted modifications in ionic liquids – from understanding to design89
Tunable and switchable multi-functional terahertz metamaterials based on a hybrid vanadium dioxide–graphene integrated configuration85
Tunable broadband absorber based on a layered resonant structure with a Dirac semimetal85
Effects of ion migration and improvement strategies for the operational stability of perovskite solar cells77
Density functional theory study of transition metal single-atoms anchored on graphyne as efficient electrocatalysts for the nitrogen reduction reaction76
The determination of the HOR/HER reaction mechanism from experimental kinetic data69
An active tunable terahertz functional metamaterial based on hybrid-graphene vanadium dioxide67
Easy and fast prediction of green solvents for small molecule donor-based organic solar cells through machine learning67
Three-band perfect absorber with high refractive index sensing based on an active tunable Dirac semimetal67
Solvent-polarity-dependent conformation and ESIPT behaviors for 2-(benzimidazol-2-yl)-3-hydroxychromone: a novel dynamical mechanism67
Theoretical evidence of the spin–valley coupling and valley polarization in two-dimensional MoSi2X4 (X = N, P, and As)65
ReaxFF reactive molecular dynamics simulations to study the interfacial dynamics between defective h-BN nanosheets and water nanodroplets65
A review on two-dimensional materials for chemiresistive- and FET-type gas sensors63
Two-dimensional penta-like PdPSe with a puckered pentagonal structure: a first-principles study63
High confidence plasmonic sensor based on photonic crystal fibers with a U-shaped detection channel63
Design and perspective of amorphous metal nanoparticles from laser synthesis and processing63
Boosting the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance of monolayer C2N coupled with MoSi2N4: density-functional theory calculations63
Discovering atomistic pathways for supply of metal atoms from methyl-based precursors to graphene surface58
Surface modification of titanium carbide MXene monolayers (Ti2C and Ti3C2) via chalcogenide and halogenide atoms58
Theoretical study on conformational energies of transition metal complexes57
Computational approaches to dissociative chemisorption on metals: towards chemical accuracy57
Mechanical, electronic and optical properties of a novel B2P6 monolayer: ultrahigh carrier mobility and strong optical absorption55
Recent advances in atomic molecular dynamics simulation of intrinsically disordered proteins55
A novel design of SiH/CeO2(111) van der Waals type-II heterojunction for water splitting54
Lifting the lid on the potentiostat: a beginner's guide to understanding electrochemical circuitry and practical operation54
The π-hole revisited53
Novel two-dimensional AlSb and InSb monolayers with a double-layer honeycomb structure: a first-principles study52
Recent progress in the development of thermal interface materials: a review51
Two-dimensional FeTe2 and predicted Janus FeXS (X: Te and Se) monolayers with intrinsic half-metallic character: tunable electronic and magnetic properties via strain and electric fi51
Lead-free CsSnCl3 perovskite nanocrystals: rapid synthesis, experimental characterization and DFT simulations49
Phenothiazine functional materials for organic optoelectronic applications49
Theoretical assessments on the interaction between amino acids and the g-Mg3N2monolayer: dispersion corrected DFT and DFT-MD simulations48
Recent advances in dendrite-free lithium metal anodes for high-performance batteries47
Perspective on computational reaction prediction using machine learning methods in heterogeneous catalysis47
Thermal enhancement of upconversion emission in nanocrystals: a comprehensive summary47
The pnictogen bond: a quantitative molecular orbital picture46
Connections between the accuracy of rotational constants and equilibrium molecular structures46
The excited-state dynamics of the radical anions of cyanoanthracenes45
Tripling the reverse electrodialysis power generation in conical nanochannels utilizing soft surfaces44
Twisted BODIPY derivative: intersystem crossing, electron spin polarization and application as a novel photodynamic therapy reagent44
Electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of a novel two-dimensional SbXY (X = Se, Te; Y = Br, I) family: ab initio perspective44
Kinetics of photon upconversion by triplet–triplet annihilation: a comprehensive tutorial44
Origin of the hydrophobicity of sulfur-containing iron surfaces44
Review on physical impedance models in modern battery research43
Recent advances in solution assisted synthesis of transition metal chalcogenides for photo-electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution43
Functional groups in graphene oxide42
Photophysical properties and optical nonlinearity of cyclo[18]carbon (C18) precursors, C18–(CO)n(n= 2, 4, and 6): focusing on the effect of the carbonyl 42
Learning to fly: thermochemistry of energetic materials by modified thermogravimetric analysis and highly accurate quantum chemical calculations41
Blue energy generation by the temperature-dependent properties in funnel-shaped soft nanochannels41
Scaling analyses for hyperpolarization transfer across a spin-diffusion barrier and into bulk solid media41
Is ethaline a deep eutectic solvent?41
Solvate electrolytes for Li and Na batteries: structures, transport properties, and electrochemistry41
Deep insights into the viscosity of deep eutectic solvents by an XGBoost-based model plus SHapley Additive exPlanation40
Hydrogen bond donor functionalized poly(ionic liquid)s for efficient synergistic conversion of CO2 to cyclic carbonates40
First-principles calculations of hybrid inorganic–organic interfaces: from state-of-the-art to best practice39
Rechargeable aqueous zinc–bromine batteries: an overview and future perspectives39
X-ray stability and degradation mechanism of lead halide perovskites and lead halides39
Two-dimensional buckled tetragonal cadmium chalcogenides including CdS, CdSe, and CdTe monolayers as photo-catalysts for water splitting39
Double layer capacitances analysed with impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry: validity and limits of the constant phase element parameterization39
Benchmarking London dispersion corrected density functional theory for noncovalent ion–π interactions39
Engineering interface structures for heterojunction photocatalysts39
Connecting chloride solvation with hydration in deep eutectic systems39
An ultra-broadband and wide-angle absorber based on a TiN metamaterial for solar harvesting39
cistrans photoisomerisation of azobenzene: a fresh theoretical look38
Understanding equivalent circuits in perovskite solar cells. Insights from drift-diffusion simulation38
Viscosity models for ionic liquids and their mixtures38
Toward functionalization of ZnO nanotubes and monolayers with 5-aminolevulinic acid drugs as possible nanocarriers for drug delivery: a DFT based molecular dynamic simulation38
Current understanding and insights towards protein stabilization and activation in deep eutectic solvents as sustainable solvent media38
Development of emergent ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals with highly fluorinated and rigid mesogens38
Clarifying notes on the bonding analysis adopted by the energy decomposition analysis37
Two-dimensional Janus semiconductor BiTeCl and BiTeBr monolayers: a first-principles study on their tunable electronic properties via an electric field and mechanical strain37
Quantum and classical effects in DNA point mutations: Watson–Crick tautomerism in AT and GC base pairs37
Raman spectroscopy and DFT calculations of PEDOT:PSS in a dipolar field37
Low-energy constraints on photoelectron spectra measured from liquid water and aqueous solutions37
Solid-state emitters presenting a modular excited-state proton transfer (ESIPT) process: recent advances in dual-state emission and lasing applications37
Pickup and reactions of molecules on clusters relevant for atmospheric and interstellar processes37
Design of a noble-metal-free direct Z-scheme photocatalyst for overall water splitting based on a SnC/SnSSe van der Waals heterostructure36
Dielectric confinement for designing compositions and optoelectronic properties of 2D layered hybrid perovskites36
Molecular mechanisms of resveratrol and EGCG in the inhibition of Aβ42 aggregation and disruption of Aβ42 protofibril: similarities and differences36
Biphenylene monolayer: a novel nonbenzenoid carbon allotrope with potential application as an anode material for high-performance sodium-ion batteries36
Origin of the complex main and satellite features in Fe 2p XPS of Fe2O336
High-fidelity first principles nonadiabaticity: diabatization, analytic representation of global diabatic potential energy matrices, and quantum dynamics36
Studying 2D materials with advanced Raman spectroscopy: CARS, SRS and TERS35
Anion effects on Li ion transference number and dynamic ion correlations in glyme–Li salt equimolar mixtures35
Pentagonal B2C monolayer with extremely high theoretical capacity for Li-/Na-ion batteries35
Noble metal (Ag, Au, Pd and Pt) doped TaS2 monolayer for gas sensing: a first-principles investigation35
Effects of doping high-valence transition metal (V, Nb and Zr) ions on the structure and electrochemical performance of LIB cathode material LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O235
Anomalous diffusion, aging, and nonergodicity of scaled Brownian motion with fractional Gaussian noise: overview of related experimental observations and models35
Covalent and non-covalent binding free energy calculations for peptidomimetic inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease35
Progress in phase-sensitive sum frequency generation spectroscopy35
Heterogeneity in hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents: SAXS prepeak and local environments34
Dual-band terahertz chiral metasurface absorber with enhanced circular dichroism based on temperature-tunable InSb for sensing applications34
Ferromagnetic TM2BC (TM = Cr, Mn) monolayers for spintronic devices with high Curie temperature33
The importance of the bacterial cell wall in uranium(vi) biosorption33
Understanding TADF: a joint experimental and theoretical study of DMAC-TRZ33
Non-covalent interactions atlas benchmark data sets 4: σ-hole interactions33
Opportunities and challenges in microwave absorption of nickel–carbon composites33
Towards developing a criterion to characterize non-covalent bonds: a quantum mechanical study33
2D ferroelectric devices: working principles and research progress33
CO2conversion by plasma: how to get efficient CO2conversion and high energy efficiency33
Challenges in tin perovskite solar cells33
Blue-AsP monolayer as a promising anode material for lithium- and sodium-ion batteries: a DFT study33
Salting-in and salting-out effects of short amphiphilic molecules: a balance between specific ion effects and hydrophobicity32
Structural, magnetic, and magnetocaloric properties of the multiferroic host double perovskite compound Pr2FeCrO632
Multiscale QM/MM molecular dynamics simulations of the trimeric major light-harvesting complex II32
Observation and mechanism of cryo N2 cleavage by a tantalum cluster32
Two-dimensional layered MSi2N4 (M = Mo, W) as promising thermal management materials: a comparative study32
Triangular boron carbon nitrides: an unexplored family of chromophores with unique properties for photocatalysis and optoelectronics32
Quantum and semiclassical dynamical studies of nonadiabatic processes in solution: achievements and perspectives32
Progress towards machine learning reaction rate constants32
HCl–H2O dimer: an accurate full-dimensional potential energy surface and fully coupled quantum calculations of intra- and intermolecular vibrational states and frequency shifts32
Development of a coupled geophysical–geothermal scheme for quantification of hydrates in gas hydrate-bearing permafrost sediments32
α-Cyanostilbene: a multifunctional spectral engineering motif32
Towards bridging the structure gap in heterogeneous catalysis: the impact of defects in dissociative chemisorption of methane on Ir surfaces32
Thermally regenerative electrochemically cycled flow batteries with pH neutral electrolytes for harvesting low-grade heat31
Tracer diffusion coefficients of Li+ ions in c-axis oriented LixCoO2 thin films measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry31
Controlling the self-assembly of perfluorinated surfactants in aqueous environments31
Recent advances in the anti-counterfeiting applications of long persistent phosphors31
Lone pair driven anisotropy in antimony chalcogenide semiconductors31
Binding mechanism of inhibitors to SARS-CoV-2 main protease deciphered by multiple replica molecular dynamics simulations31
Non-adiabatic quantum interference in the ultracold Li + LiNa → Li2 + Na reaction31
High throughput screening of promising lead-free inorganic halide double perovskites via first-principles calculations31
Simple and efficient visualization of aromaticity: bond currents calculated from NICS values31
Monolayer gadolinium halides, GdX2 (X = F, Cl, Br): intrinsic ferrovalley materials with spontaneous spin and valley polarizations31
Material properties particularly suited to be measured with helium scattering: selected examples from 2D materials, van der Waals heterostructures, glassy materials, catalytic substrates, topological 31
New insights on the ESIPT process based on solid-state data and state-of-the-art computational methods31
Quantification of cation–cation, anion–anion and cation–anion correlations in Li salt/glyme mixtures by combining very-low-frequency impedance spectroscopy with diffusion and electrophoretic NMR31
1′-Ribose cyano substitution allows Remdesivir to effectively inhibit nucleotide addition and proofreading during SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA replication30
Energy storage electrochromic devices in the era of intelligent automation30
Non-intersecting ring currents in [12]infinitene30
First-principles investigation of the hydrogen evolution reaction of transition metal phosphides CrP, MnP, FeP, CoP, and NiP30
Path-dependency of energy decomposition analysis & the elusive nature of bonding30
Penta-BCN monolayer with high specific capacity and mobility as a compelling anode material for rechargeable batteries30
Ordered mesoporous metal oxides for electrochemical applications: correlation between structure, electrical properties and device performance30
Metallic VS2/graphene heterostructure as an ultra-high rate and high-specific capacity anode material for Li/Na-ion batteries30
A gold nanoparticle doped flexible substrate for microplastics SERS detection30
Extending conceptual DFT to include additional variables: oriented external electric field30
Nanostructuring and macroscopic behavior of type V deep eutectic solvents based on monoterpenoids30
Recent trends in covalent functionalization of 2D materials30
Yet another perspective on hole interactions29
Dynamically controllable multi-switch and slow light based on a pyramid-shaped monolayer graphene metamaterial29
Theoretical study on an intriguing excited-state proton transfer process induced by weakened intramolecular hydrogen bonds29
Electronic and optical properties of hydrogen-terminated biphenylene nanoribbons: a first-principles study29
Ultrafast chirality: the road to efficient chiral measurements29
A first-principles study of the stability, electronic structure, and optical properties of halide double perovskite Rb2Sn1−xTexI6 for solar cell application29
Deep eutectic solvent for spent lithium-ion battery recycling: comparison with inorganic acid leaching29
Short-range structure, the role of bismuth and property–structure correlations in bismuth borate glasses29
Thermal and photo stability of all inorganic lead halide perovskite nanocrystals29
On the origin of the inverted singlet–triplet gap of the 5th generation light-emitting molecules29
Modern multireference methods and their application in transition metal chemistry28
Designing C6N6/C2N van der Waals heterostructures for photogenerated charge carrier separation28
Effect of adsorption and substitutional B doping at different concentrations on the electronic and magnetic properties of a BeO monolayer: a first-principles study28
Δ-Quantum machine-learning for medicinal chemistry28
Hydrogen-induced tunable electronic and optical properties of a two-dimensional penta-Pt2N4 monolayer28
Hydrogen-bond-dominated mechanical stretchability in PVA films: from phenomenological to numerical insights28
Unsupervised machine learning for unbiased chemical classification in X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray emission spectroscopy28
Enhanced performance of Mo2P monolayer as lithium-ion battery anode materials by carbon and nitrogen doping: a first principles study28
Molecular simulations on the stability and dynamics of bulk nanobubbles in aqueous environments28
The anisotropy of the internal magnetic field on the central ion is capable of imposing great impact on the quantum tunneling of magnetization of Kramers single-ion magnets28
Origin of asynchronicity in Diels–Alder reactions28
Computational design of a polymorph for 2D III–V orthorhombic monolayers by first principles calculations: excellent anisotropic, electronic and optical properties28
Non-Covalent Interactions Atlas benchmark data sets 5: London dispersion in an extended chemical space28
Accelerating atomistic simulations with piecewise machine-learned ab Initio potentials at a classical force field-like cost28
Reduced electric field and gas temperature effects on chemical product dynamics in air surface dielectric barrier discharges: from macro-physical parameters to micro-chemical mechanisms28
Valley polarization transition driven by biaxial strain in Janus GdClF monolayer28
Fabrication of fullerene-supported La2O3–C60 nanocomposites: dual-functional materials for photocatalysis and supercapacitor electrodes28
Understanding Auger recombination in perovskite solar cells28
Dual fluorescence of 2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl) benzoxazole derivatives via the branched decays from the upper excited-state28
Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations on electron ionization induced fragmentations of C4F7N and C5F10O for understanding their decompositions un28
The physical significance of the Kamlet–Taftπ* parameter of ionic liquids27
Solving the structure of “single-atom” catalysts using machine learning – assisted XANES analysis27
First-principles study of a 2-dimensional C-silicyne monolayer as a promising anode in Na/K ion secondary batteries27
A new perspective for evaluating the photoelectric performance of organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites based on the DFT calculations of excited states27
Mixed formamidinium–methylammonium lead iodide perovskite from first-principles: hydrogen-bonding impact on the electronic properties27
Optical reflective metasurfaces enable spin-decoupled OAM and focusing27
Two Janus Ga2STe monolayers and their electronic, optical, and photocatalytic properties27
Towards a quantitative description of excitonic couplings in photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes: quantum chemistry driven multiscale approaches27
Ultrafast photoinduced dynamics in Prussian blue analogues27
DFT study of hydrogen interaction with transition metal doped graphene for efficient hydrogen storage: effect of d-orbital occupancy and Kubas interaction27
Correlating Bromelain's activity with its structure and active-site dynamics and the medium's physical properties in a hydrated deep eutectic solvent27
Point defects in two-dimensional BeO monolayer: a first-principles study on electronic and magnetic properties27
The high power conversion efficiency of a two-dimensional GeSe/AsP van der Waals heterostructure for solar energy cells27
An analysis of Schottky barrier in silicene/Ga2SeS heterostructures by employing electric field and strain27
A first-principles study on the electronic and optical properties of a type-II C2N/g-ZnO van der Waals heterostructure27
Theoretical investigation of a tetrazine based covalent organic framework as a promising anode material for sodium/calcium ion batteries27
An insight into the reaction mechanism of CO2 photoreduction catalyzed by atomically dispersed Fe atoms supported on graphitic carbon nitride27
Theoretical and experimental study of peroxy and alkoxy radicals in the NO3-initiated oxidation of isoprene27
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy: the continuing evolution of a mature technique27
An overview from simple host–guest systems to progressively complex supramolecular assemblies27
Spin-state energetics of metallocenes: How do best wave function and density functional theory results compare with the experimental data?27
Electron leakage through heterogeneous LiF on lithium–metal battery anodes27
Full-dimensional potential energy surface for acetylacetone and tunneling splittings27
Unveiling the role of 2D monolayer Mn-doped MoS2material: toward an efficient electrocatalyst for H2evolution reaction27
Janus PtXO (X = S, Se) monolayers: the visible light driven water splitting photocatalysts with high carrier mobilities27
Unveiling the roles of halogen ions in the surface passivation of CsPbI3 perovskite solar cells27
A charge transfer state induced by strong exciton coupling in a cofacial μ-oxo-bridged porphyrin heterodimer27
A DFT-based microkinetic study on methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation over the In2O3 catalyst26
A crystallography-based investigation of weak interactions for drug design against COVID-1926
Low thermal conductivity and high performance anisotropic thermoelectric properties of XSe (X = Cu, Ag, Au) monolayers26
Monitoring the active sites for the hydrogen evolution reaction at model carbon surfaces26
Water/oil interfacial tension reduction – an interfacial entropy driven process26
On the growth regimes of hydrogen bubbles at microelectrodes26
Ultrafast processes: coordination chemistry and quantum theory26
Dynamics of single hydrogen bubbles at Pt microelectrodes in microgravity26
Van der Waals heterostructure of graphene and germanane: tuning the ohmic contact by electrostatic gating and mechanical strain26
First principles characterisation of bio–nano interface26
Reversible photo control of proton chemistry26
Tuning the luminescence efficiency by perfluorination of side chains in Eu3+ complexes with β-diketones of the thiophene series26
Characterisation of magnetic relaxation on extremely long timescales26
Effect of intramolecular charge transfer on nonlinear optical properties of chalcone derivatives: a visual description of the charge transfer process26
Plasma-assisted defect engineering of N-doped NiCo2O4for efficient oxygen reduction26
Concentration-induced wettability alteration of nanoscale NaCl solution droplets on the CSH surface26
Two-dimensional MX2Y4 systems: ultrahigh carrier transport and excellent hydrogen evolution reaction performances25
Characterizing an allosteric inhibitor-induced inactive state in with-no-lysine kinase 1 using Gaussian accelerated molecular dynamics simulations25
Nb2N monolayer as a promising anode material for Li/Na/K/Ca-ion batteries: a DFT calculation25
Optimized atomic layer deposition of homogeneous, conductive Al2O3 coatings for high-nickel NCM containing ready-to-use electrodes25
Metal clusters synthesized in helium droplets: structure and dynamics from experiment and theory25
Mechanism of zinc ejection by disulfiram in nonstructural protein 5A25
Computational discovery of PtS2/GaSe van der Waals heterostructure for solar energy applications25
Hydrated cation–π interactions of π-electrons with hydrated Li+, Na+, and K+ cations25
Effects of doping on photocatalytic water splitting activities of PtS2/SnS2 van der Waals heterostructures25
Electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional heterostructures and heterojunctions between doped-graphene and C- and N-containing materials25
Enhanced sampling without borders: on global biasing functions and how to reweight them25
Energetic and electronic properties of CsPbBr3 surfaces: a first-principles study25
Gas-phase aluminium acetylacetonate decomposition: revision of the current mechanism by VUV synchrotron radiation25
Understanding the evolution of the Raman spectra of molecularly p-doped poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl): signatures of polarons and bipolarons24
A cobalt-based metal–organic framework and its derived material as sulfur hosts for aluminum–sulfur batteries with the chemical anchoring effect24
Rashba-type spin splitting and transport properties of novel Janus XWGeN2 (X = O, S, Se, Te) monolayers24
Tuning the structural skeleton of a phenanthroline-based covalent organic framework for better electrochemical performance as a cathode material for Zn-ion batteries: a theoretical exploration24
Polarized Raman spectroscopy in low-symmetry 2D materials: angle-resolved experiments and complex number tensor elements24
Polymer solubility in ionic liquids: dominated by hydrogen bonding24
High mobility and enhanced photoelectric performance of two-dimensional ternary compounds NaCuX (X = S, Se, and Te)24