Journal of Consumer Behaviour

(The median citation count of Journal of Consumer Behaviour is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The bright side of online consumer behavior: Continuance intention for mobile payments72
New rules of social media shopping: Personality differences of U.S. Gen Z versus Gen X market mavens60
Does digital content marketing affect tourism consumer behavior? An extension of technology acceptance model54
Evolution and trends in consumer behaviour: Insights from Journal of Consumer Behaviour52
The impact of emotions on shopping behavior during epidemic. What a business can do to protect customers50
To engage or not engage? The features of video content on YouTube affecting digital consumer engagement48
Consumer behaviour and environmental sustainability46
Social norms and plastic avoidance: Testing the theory of normative social behaviour on an environmental behaviour46
Toward an agency and reactance theory of crowding: Insights from COVID‐19 and the tourism industry43
Millennials' evaluation of corporate social responsibility: The wants and needs of the largest and most ethical generation43
The role of consumer innovativeness and green perceptions on green innovation use: The case of shared e‐bikes and e‐scooters41
Shaping customer brand loyalty during the pandemic: The role of brand credibility, value congruence, experience, identification, and engagement39
When does a social norm catch the worm? Disentangling social normative influences on sustainable consumption behaviour39
How trust leads to online purchase intention founded in perceived usefulness and peer communication39
Customers' social interactions and panic buying behavior: Insights from social media practices39
Addressing food waste: How to position upcycled foods to different generations39
Does E‐Brand experience matter in the consumer market? Explaining the impact of social media marketing activities on consumer‐based brand equity and love38
Acceptability of insects in animal feed: A survey of French consumers35
Impact ofCOVID‐19 on consumers' impulse buying behavior of fitness products: A moderated mediation model35
Mindsets, shopping motivations and compulsive buying: Insights from China35
Do online environments promote sufficiency or overconsumption? Online advertisement and social media effects on clothing, digital devices, and air travel consumption34
The impact of fast fashion retailers' sustainable collections on corporate legitimacy: Examining the mediating role of altruistic attributions33
The effect of brand anthropomorphism, brand distinctiveness, and warmth on brand attitude: A mediated moderation model33
Parallel mediation effect of consumption values and the moderation effect of innovativeness, in predicting the influence of identity on green purchasing behavior32
Chatbots in retail: How do they affect the continued use and purchase intentions of Chinese consumers?31
Non‐deceptive counterfeit purchase behavior of luxury fashion products29
Normalising the “ugly” to reduce food waste: Exploring the socialisations that form appearance preferences for fresh fruits and vegetables28
Counterfeit luxury consumption: A review and research agenda28
Self‐brand connection and intention to purchase a counterfeit luxury brand in emerging economies27
The complex triad of congruence issues in influencer marketing27
The effects of mobile payment on consumer behavior27
The effect of AI quality on customer experience and brand relationship26
Impact of perceived value on casual mobile game loyalty: The moderating effect of intensity of playing25
Effect of online social media marketing efforts on customer response24
Direct and indirect effects of fear‐of‐missing‐out appeals on purchase likelihood24
Value creation or value destruction: Conceptualizing the experiential nature of value‐in‐use23
Developing UGC social brand engagement model: Insights from diverse consumers23
Determinants of consumer loyalty towards celebrity‐owned restaurants: The mediating role of brand love23
Fooled in the relationship: How Amazon Prime members' sense of self‐control counter‐intuitively reinforces impulsive buying behavior22
The effect of augmented reality in mobile applications on consumers' online impulse purchase intention: The mediating role of perceived value22
Signaling green: Investigating signals of expertise and prosocial orientation to enhance consumer trust21
The power of brand nostalgia: Contrasting brand personality dimensions and consumer‐brand relationships of nostalgic and non‐nostalgic brands21
To travel, or not to travel? The impacts of travel constraints and perceived travel risk on travel intention among Malaysian tourists amid the COVID‐1921
The mediating role of brand trust in the relationship between brand personality and brand loyalty21
Mapping the influence of country‐of‐origin knowledge, consumer ethnocentrism, and perceived risk on consumer action against foreign products20
Who can be nudged? Examining nudging effectiveness in the context of need for cognition and need for uniqueness20
How values of individualism and collectivism influence impulsive buying and money budgeting: the mediating role of acculturation to global consumer culture20
Do parasocial relationships and the quality of communication with AI shopping chatbots determine middle‐aged women consumers' continuance usage intentions?20
Nonprofit organization advertising on social media: The role of personality, advertising appeals, and bandwagon effects20
Impact ofCOVID‐19 pandemic on household financial decisions: A consumer vulnerability perspective20
Influencer marketing in China: The roles of parasocial identification, consumer engagement, and inferences of manipulative intent19
Goal activation for sustainable consumer choices: A comparative study of Denmark and Brazil19
Reaching the price conscious consumer: The impact of personality, generational cohort and social media use19
Purchasing social attention by tipping: Materialism predicts online tipping in live‐streaming platform through self‐enhancement motive19
Pleasant hostility: Disidentified consumers' emotional and behavioral reactions to a brand crisis19
Balancing web personalization and consumer privacy concerns: Mechanisms of consumer trust and reactance19
Investigation of consumers' cross‐channel switching intentions: A push‐pull‐mooring approach18
The influence of social commerce on eco‐friendly consumer behavior: Technological and social roles17
The effect of regulatory focus on customer citizenship behavior in a virtual brand community: The role of online self‐presentation and community identification17
Influence of parents, peers, and media on adolescents' consumer knowledge, attitudes, and purchase behavior: A meta‐analysis17
Adolescents and handheld advertising: The roles of brand familiarity and smartphone attachment in the processing of mobile advergames17
An examination of personality traits as predictors of electronic word‐of‐mouth diffusion in social networking sites17
What goes around comes around: The integrated role of emotions on consumer ethical decision‐making16
Consumers' self‐construal: Measurement and relevance for social media communication success16
Self‐determination, clean conscience, or social pressure? Underlying motivations for organic food consumption among young millennials15
From systematic literature review to a conceptual framework for consumer disposal behavior towards personal communication devices15
Changes and evolution in the intellectual structure of consumer dissatisfaction15
Online low‐key conspicuous behavior of fashion luxury goods: The antecedents and its impact on consumer happiness15
Embracing consumer ambivalence in the luxury shopping experience15
Choose to reuse: Predictors of using a reusable hot drink cup14
Fashion influencers on Instagram: Determinants and impact of opinion leadership on female millennial followers14
Nostalgia prompts sustainable product disposal14
Impact of brands' Facebook page characteristics and followers' comments on trust building and purchase intention: Alternative attractiveness as moderator13
When influencers are not very influential: The negative effects of social media verification13
The hoarder, the oniomaniac and the fashionista in me: A life histories perspective on self‐concept and consumption practices13
The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on grocery shopper behaviour: Analysis of shopper behaviour change using store transaction data13
Food waste in Australian households: Role of shopping habits and personal motivations13
Individualism/collectivism and perceived consumer effectiveness: The moderating role of global–local identities in a post‐transitional European economy13
Exploring the synergy between customer home‐based and hotel‐based water consumption and conservation behaviors: An empirical approach12
Narratives selves in the digital world: An empirical investigation12
Altruism and social utility in consumer sharing behavior12
Quantifying the target market for advertisers12
The minimalist process: An interpretivist study12
Effects of consumer–cause fit and consumer–product fit of cause‐related marketing on product purchase intention12
Delving into brand anthropomorphisation strategies in the experiential context of name‐brand voice assistants12
Exploring the role of the Amazon effect on customer expectations: An analysis of user‐generated content in consumer electronics retailing12
Social media advertising: How online motivations and congruency influence perceptions of trust12
How does a brand's psychological distance in an advergame influence brand memory of the consumers?12
Leave or stay? The role of self‐construal on luxury brand attitudes and purchase intentions in response to brand rejection11
Traces of cultural and personal values on sustainable consumption: An analysis of a small local swap event in Izmir, Turkey11
Making one's religious self feel better about luxury use: The role of religiosity in choice of disposal option for luxury goods11
How do possessiveness, nongenerosity and envy in young female consumers convert into shopping addiction?11
Willingness to share data: Contextual determinants of consumers' decisions to share private data with companies11
Femvertising or femwashing? Women's perceptions of authenticity11
Transport and mobility decisions of consumers with disabilities11
Can we anti‐consume our way to sustainability? Finding answers at the intersection of cultural values11
Trust and commitment: Effect of applying consumer data rights on U.S. Consumers' attitudes toward online retailers in big data era11
From materialism to hedonistic shopping values and compulsive buying: A mediation model examining gender differences11
Navigating privacy concerns through societal benefits: A case of digital contact tracing applications10
Someone like me: The role of consumer brand engagement and social identification in the perception of luxury brand users10
When should retailers increase prices during a crisis? A longitudinal inquiry during the COVID‐19 pandemic10
Assessing the predictive validity of perceived globalness and country of origin of foreign brands in quality judgments among consumers in emerging markets10
Consumers' perceived value of healthier eating: A SEM analysis of the internalisation of dietary norms considering perceived usefulness, subjective norms, and intrinsic motivations in Singa10
Impact of visual typicality on the adoption of wearables10
When do low‐power customers complain? The joint effects of chronic sense of personal power and complaint success on complaining intentions10
Feeling right about doing right, even if it was difficult? Emotional and behavioral consequences of conflict during ethical consumer decision‐making10
Combating the fear of COVID‐19 through shared accommodations: Does perceived human presence create a sense of social connectedness?9
Lifting the curtain on cultural values, materialism and luxury consumption: Evidence from Jordan9
Consumer personality factors and iPhone consumption in China9
Effects of service robots' anthropomorphism on consumers' attribution toward and forgiveness of service failure9
The finitude of life—How mortality salience affects consumer behavior: A review9
Should I adopt an integrated virtual clinic? A dual‐factor theory perspective9
Destigmatising the stigma: Understanding the impact of message framing on Chinese consumers' guilt and attitude associated with overspending behaviour9
Limited‐edition advertising does not always work for luxury brands: The influence of consumption contexts9
Avengers, assemble the literature! A multi‐study review of consumption, environmental values, and planetary health research9
Can human brands help consumers eat better? Influence of emotional brand attachment, self‐identification, and brand authenticity on consumer eating habits9
The Dirichlet model in marketing9
The development of reputational capital – How social media influencers differ from traditional celebrities9
How websites compete in the Middle East: The example of Iran8
Toward a unified theory of technology continuance: Effects of conscious versus unconscious factors8
The influence of personal and public health and smart applications on biking behavior in South Korea8
Anthropocentric, biospheric and egobiocentric environmental values and green product purchase intention: The mediating effect of environmental identity8
Nested relationships in pro‐environmental purchasing: A moderated mediation model8
Brands are calling your AVATAR in Metaverse–A study to explore XR‐based gamification marketing activities & consumer‐based brand equity in virtual world8
Tomeito or Tomahto: Exploring consumer's accent and their engagement with artificially intelligent interactive voice assistants8
Exploring thematic influences on theme park visitors' satisfaction: An empirical study on Disneyland China8
Using rewards and penalties to promote sustainability: Who chooses incentive‐based electricity products and why?8
Passion for the past: Effect of charity appeals and nostalgia on clothing donation intentions8
Communicated and attributed motives for sustainability initiatives in the energy industry: The role of regulatory compliance8
Consumer preference for bio‐based batteries8
Social identities in consumer‐brand relationship: The case of the Hijab‐wearing Barbie doll in the United States8
Volition to behave sustainably: An examination of the role of self‐control8
Does lead userness matter for electric vehicle adoption? An integrated perspective of social capital and domain‐specific innovativeness8
Should a luxury Brand's Chatbot use emoticons? Impact on brand status8
Optimizing the digital customer journey—Improving user experience by exploiting emotions, personas and situations for individualized user interface adaptations7
How does addiction of fast‐food turn into anti‐consumption of fast‐food? The mediating role of health concerns7
Value‐based adoption of augmented reality: A study on the influence on online purchase intention in retail7
The same only different? How a pandemic shapes consumer organic food purchasing7
The effect of message features on donations in donation‐based crowdfunding7
The nature of peer‐initiated brand communities on social media platforms7
Do buyer–seller personality similarities impact compulsive buying behaviour?7
Millennials' changing mobility preferences: A telecommuting case in Istanbul7
Interrogating and redefining the concept of consumer inertia7
Investigating how online fashion product page design affects the consumer's clothing fit appraisal7
Propensity to use smartbands to engage with brands and the moderating role of the bandwagon effect on satisfaction7
Explaining the boycott behavior: A conceptual model proposal and validation7
Antecedents of consumers' online apparel purchase intention through Virtual Try On technology: A moderated moderated‐mediation model7
Bias behind closed doors: Chinese consumers' perception of foreign wines7
The configurational influence mechanism of film consumption experience on customer satisfaction6
Autonomic emotional responses to food: Private label brands versus National Brands6
Organic defaults in online‐shopping: Immediate effects but no spillover to similar choices6
Examining the luxury apparel behavioural intentions of middle‐class consumers: The case of the South African market6
Evaluating the challenge of China's crossverging young “Enviro‐Materialists6
Wish list thinking: The quasi‐endowment effect's impact on online wish lists outcomes6
Consumer minimalism for sustainability: Exploring the determinants of rental consumption intention6
When physical closeness induces psychological distance: The effects of psychological ownership and contagion threat on social connectedness6
Sustainable mobility choices: Exploring the impact of consumers' values, attitudes, perceived behavioural control and subjective norms on the likelihood to choose sustainable mobility options6
How higher‐order personal values affect the purchase of electricity storage—Evidence from the German photovoltaic market6
Trust spillovers in the sharing economy: Does international Airbnb experience foster cross‐national trust?6
Examining the effects of conflicting reviews on customers' purchase intentions from a product attributes perspective6
Word of mouth: How upward social comparisons influence the sharing of consumption experiences6
Mind (for) the water: An indirect relationship between mindfulness and water conservation behavior6
The role of norms and collective efficacy for the importance of techno‐economic vehicle attributes in Germany6
The effects of smartphone assistants' anthropomorphism on consumers' psychological ownership and perceived competence of smartphone assistants6
How loyalty extends across product categories6
Sharing on platforms: Reducing perceived risk for peer‐to‐peer platform consumers through trust‐building and regulation5
Impact of TV dramas on consumers' travel, shopping and purchase intentions5
To taste not to waste: Can exposure to TV cooking shows cultivate food waste reduction?5
Trust me if you can: The effect of driver username on passengers' intention to use ride‐sharing service5
Doing more with less: An integrative literature review on responsible consumption behaviour5
Unpacking the effects of information overload on the purchase intention of electric vehicles5
Religiosity and consumer belonging: Influences on product evaluations5
How to survive in advertisement flooding: The effects of schema–product congruity and attribute relevance on advertisement attitude5
(Mis)managing overstock in luxury: Burning inventory and brand trust to the ground5
Contribution of concept recall to brand loyalty: An empirical analysis of design and performance5
Purchasing luck: The impact of scarcity cues on superstitious behavior5
Can we get back together? Measuring brand relationship breakup5
Consumer intention to purchase and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from an experiment in an entrepreneurial context5
So curious that I want to buy it: The positive effect of queue wait on consumers' purchase intentions5
The impact of customer engagement on customer happiness5
How commuting time influences hedonic consumption: The role of perceived stress5
What is the glamor of black‐and‐white? The effect of color design on evaluations of luxury brand ads5
Does pleasure facilitate healthy drinking? The role of epicurean pleasure in the regulation of wine consumption5
Do honesty‐nudges really work? A large‐scale field experiment in an insurance context4
Getting some of that personality: There is an app for that!4
Managing the aftermath: Scapegoating as crisis communication strategy4
Cognitive engagement with AI‐enabled technologies and value creation in healthcare4
Communities of benefit exchange – A new taxonomy of alternative consumption practices4
Preschoolers' request behaviour and family conflict: The role of family communication and advertising mediation styles4
Sense hardness: Effect of haptic perception on consumer attitudes towards brand extension4
Green consumption is both feminine and masculine—Just ask the androgynous consumer4
Hotel review framing and the “law of small numbers”4
Gen Z's personalization paradoxes: A privacy calculus examination of digital personalization and brand behaviors4
Factors limiting the application of consumer neuroscience: A systematic review4
A shared‐transportation mobile app continuance model: The moderating effects of brand awareness4
How interruptions influence our thinking and the role of psychological distance4
Online group‐buying: The effect of deal popularity on consumer purchase intention4
Motivating consumers for health and fitness: The role of app features4
Consumer reactions to pay‐what‐you‐want and name‐your‐own‐price mechanisms4
Sociability and interdependent self‐construal on consumer choice for group: A moderated mediation model4
Digital literacy and green consumption behavior: Exploring dual psychological mechanisms4
A superiority–inferiority hypothesis on disparagement humor: The role of disposition toward ridicule4
Cultural congruity and extensions of corporate heritage brands: An empirical analysis of time‐honored brands in China4
Dirichlet implications for portfolio management4
The impact of expertise on hedonic escalation: A moderating role of regulatory focus4
From corporate environmental responsibility to purchase intention of Chinese buyers: The mediation role of relationship quality4
La Bella Figura: The role of a cultural philosophy on Italian consumerism4
Can advertising enhance consumers' desirable COVID‐19 health behavioral intentions? The role of brand‐pandemic fit4
Value added or overload? A study of the countervailing effects of non‐core features on mobile banking apps4
The road to learning “who am I” is digitized: A study on consumer self‐discovery through augmented reality tools3
Beyond one size fits all? An experimental study of the effects of stage‐specific interventions to promote ecological online food shopping3
Digital media consumption: Using metrics, patterns and dashboards to enhance data‐driven decision‐making3
Virtual brand experience in digital reality advertising: Conceptualization and measurement3
Role of fresh start mindset framing in reducing stigma and promoting mental health help‐seeking behavior3
Exploring the role of augmented reality as a new brand advocate3
Give where you live: A social network analysis of charitable donations reveals localized prosociality3
Haptics and brands: The effect of touch on product evaluation of branded products3
Building consumer communal relationships through cause‐related marketing: From the perspective of persuasion knowledge3
Examining corporate social responsibility awareness: An unaided recall measure3
An analysis of sustainable consumption practices through the role of the consumer behavior in the circular economy3
Determinants of followers' purchase intentions toward brands endorsed by social media influencers: Findings from PLS and fsQCA3
Toward a personology of green consumers: An application of personal projects3
What makes people hesitant from circularity: An analysis of risk, marketing mix, cost and inconvenience3
Fashion, consumer markets, and democratization3
Value co‐creation and customer retention in services: Identifying a relevant moderator and mediator3
How persistent are duplication of purchase partitions?3
Coupon or my privacy: How consumers choose to disclose their personal information and accept mobile location‐based advertising (LBA) through privacy calculus3
The paradoxical role of relationship quality on consumer privacy: Its effects on relinquishing and safeguarding information3
A cross‐cultural study on online reviews and decision making: An eye‐tracking approach3
Do not put the blame on me: Asymmetric responses to service outcome with autonomous vehicles versus human agents3
Do I seem real to you? The role of external audiences in the consumption‐driven self‐authentication process3
I give a dime if you do, too! The influence of descriptive norms on perceived impact, personal involvement, and monetary donation intentions3
Empirical generalisations in customer mindset metrics3
Understanding high‐involvement product purchase through an innovative machine learning approach: A case of housing type choice3
Consumer perceptions and behaviour towards branded commodities3
Category ratio: A search for an optimal solution to reduce choice overload3
An overview of the consumer‐centric disruptive technology research: Insights from topic modelling and literature review3
Gamification and neuromarketing: A unified approach for improving user experience3
Do the importance of influencer‐ and customer‐generated content on social media affect willingness to pay more for potential customers?3
Robots make no effort! Service evaluation and consumer mindset3
The Oscars: Friends and foes for millennials3
The mere possession effect of shareable digital coupons: The mediating role of anticipated self‐enhancement3
Empirical evidence of tourist satisfaction and loyalty in the case of Bucharest—A partial least squares structural equation modelling approach3
Developing trends in showrooming, webrooming, and omnichannel shopping behaviors: Performance analysis, conceptual mapping, and future directions3
Nudging green food: The effects of a hedonic cue, menu position, a warm‐glow cue, and a descriptive norm3
The COVID‐19 threat and luxury advertising3
Positive behavioral change during the COVID‐19 crisis: The role of optimism and collective resilience3
Personality traits, money attitudes and consumer decision‐making styles as predictors of investment products choice in South Africa3
Inspired to donate: How donors' social class impacts charitable donations3
Self‐tracking in effortful activities: Gender differences in consumers' task experience3