International Studies Review

(The TQCC of International Studies Review is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-03-01 to 2024-03-01.)
Global Autocracies: Strategies of Transnational Repression, Legitimation, and Co-Optation in World Politics48
Consequences of Economic Sanctions: The State of the Art and Paths Forward33
Who Publishes Where? Exploring the Geographic Diversity of Global IR Journals29
Practice Approaches to the Digital Transformations of Diplomacy: Toward a New Research Agenda24
Status Matters in World Politics23
Friends, Fellows, and Foes: A New Framework for Studying Relational Peace23
Taking Love and Care Seriously: An Emergent Research Agenda for Remaking Worlds in the Wake of Violence22
“Hanging Out” while Studying “Up”: Doing Ethnographic Fieldwork in International Relations21
Forum: Rethinking Neoclassical Realism at Theory's End21
Connecting International Relations and Public Administration: Toward A Joint Research Agenda for the Study of International Bureaucracy21
The Concept of Anxiety in Ontological Security Studies20
Where We At? New Directions for Research on Popular Culture and World Politics18
Beyond Visible Entanglements: Connected Histories of the International15
The Return of National Self-Sufficiency? Excavating Autarkic Thought in a De-Globalizing Era15
The Misogyny of Authoritarians in Contemporary Democracies15
The Great Divides: Incommensurability, the Impossibility of Mixed-Methodology, and What to Do about It15
Weaving Worlds:Cosmopraxisas Relational Sensibility15
Reframing Climate-Induced Socio-Environmental Conflicts: A Systematic Review14
FORUM: COVID-19 and IR Scholarship: One Profession, Many Voices14
Forum: Nonuse of Nuclear Weapons in World Politics: Toward the Third Generation of “Nuclear Taboo” Research14
Beyond “Bouncing”: Resilience as an Expansion–Contraction Dynamic within a Holonic Frame12
Natural Disasters, Forced Migration, and Conflict: The Importance of Government Policy Responses12
Emergency Politics After Globalization12
Coping with Complexity: Toward Epistemological Pluralism in Climate–Conflict Scholarship12
Positive Peace Pillars and Sustainability Dimensions: An Analytical Framework12
Leader Influence in Role Selection Choices: Fulfilling Role Theory's Potential for Foreign Policy Analysis12
On the Impact of Inequality on Growth, Human Development, and Governance11
NGO Accountability: A Conceptual Review across the Engaged Disciplines11
The Rankings Game: A Relational Approach to Country Performance Indicators11
South–South Knowledge Production and Hegemony: Searching for Africa in Chinese Theories of IR10
Keeping Your Enemies Close? The Variety of Social Movements’ Reactions to International Organizations’ Opening Up10
Slow Progress on UN Rapid Deployment: The Pitfalls of Policy Paradigms in International Organizations10
QCA in International Relations: A Review of Strengths, Pitfalls, and Empirical Applications10
Contesting Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions: The Case of the World Health Organization During the Coronavirus Pandemic10
Refusing to Cooperate with Armed GroupsCivilian Agency and Civilian Noncooperation in Armed Conflicts10
The United States, China, and the Politics of Hegemonic Ordering in East Asia10
Governing Complexity: Design Principles for the Governance of Complex Global Catastrophic Risks9
The Visual International Relations Project9
Pinioning the Peacekeepers: Sovereignty, Host-State Resistance against Peacekeeping Missions, and Violence against Civilians8
Revolt and Rule: Learning about Governance from Rebel Groups7
Field Research: A Graduate Student's Guide7
Saving National IR from Exceptionalism: The Dialogic Spirit and Self-Reflection in Chinese IR Theory7
Forum: Conflict Delegation in Civil Wars6
Contesting the “Corrupt Elites,” Creating the “Pure People,” and Renegotiating the Hierarchies of the International Order? Populism and Foreign Policy-Making in Turkey and Hungary6
Forum: Militarization 2.0: Communication and the Normalization of Political Violence in the Digital Age6
The Politics of Data Access in Studying Violence across Methodological Boundaries: What We Can Learn from Each Other?6
It's Ordered Chaos: What Really Makes Polycentrism Work6
Reevaluating Constructivist Norm Theory: A Three-Dimensional Norms Research Program6
China's New Multilateral Institutions: A Framework and Research Agenda6
The Researcher and the Researched: Navigating the Challenges of Research in Conflict-Affected Environments6
Pathways to Violence in Civil Wars: Combatant Socialization and the Drivers of Participation in Civilian Targeting6
Peacebuilding with “Chinese Characteristics”? Insights from China's Engagement in Myanmar's Peace Process6
IR Theory and the Core–Periphery Structure of Global IR: Lessons from Citation Analysis6
Making Sense of China's Belt and Road Initiative: A Review Essay5
Navigating Multiple Identities: Decentering International Relations5
Queering Gender-Based Violence Scholarship: An Integrated Research Agenda5
WhatsApp with Diplomatic Practices in Geneva? Diplomats, Digital Technologies, and Adaptation in Practice5
Economic Lawfare: The Logic and Dynamics of Using Law to Exercise Economic Power5
Claiming Equality: The African Union's Contestation of the Anti-Impunity Norm5
The Cold War Origins of Global IR. The Rockefeller Foundation and Realism in Latin America5
How to Pay Attention to the Words We Use: The Reflexive Review as a Method for Linguistic Reflexivity5
The Dog That Did Not Bark, the Dog That Did Bark, and the Dog That Should Have Barked: A Methodology for Cyber Deterrence Research4
Forum: Interlingual Relations: Approaches, Conflicts, and Lessons in the Translation Of Global Politics4
The Shortcomings of International Humanitarian Law in Access Negotiations: New Strategies and Ways Forward4
How Did Environmental Governance Become Complex? Understanding Mutualism Between Environmental NGOs and International Organizations4
Talk from the Top: Leadership and Self-Legitimation in International Organizations4
Forum: Thinking Theoretically in Unsettled Times: COVID-19 and Beyond4
Can Men Do Feminist Fieldwork and Research?4
Is the Public Backlash against Globalization a Backlash against Legalization and Judicialization?4
Theory of Irrational Politics: Classical Realist Lessons on Foreign Policy Analysis4
Globalization and Nationalism: Contending Forces in World Politics4
Choosing to Fight, Choosing to Die: Examining How ISIS Foreign Fighters Select Their Operational Roles4
International Relations Theory and the Future of European Integration4
Reconsidering the Contested State in Post-1945 International Relations: An Ontological Approach4
The Death of the Democratic Advantage?3
Integrating the Quantitative Research on the Onset and Incidence of Violent Intrastate Conflicts3
Do Eyes in the Sky Ensure Peace on the Ground? The Uncertain Contributions of Remote Sensing to Ceasefire Compliance3
Where is Conflict Research? Western Bias in the Literature on Armed Violence3
Intermediation between International Society and World Society: The Pope and the UN Secretary-General on “the Figure of the Refugee”3
Compliance in Time: Lessons from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights3
False Readiness: Expanding the Concept of Readiness in Conflict Resolution Theory3
Lateral Relations in World Politics: Rethinking Interactions and Change among Fields, Systems, and Sectors3
Legislative Process in International Organizations3
New Directions in the Study of Populism in International Relations3
Contributions and Blind Spots of Constructivist Norms Research in International Relations, 1980–2018: A Systematic Evidence and Gap Analysis3
Forum: A Coup At the Capitol? Conceptualizing Coups and Other Antidemocratic Actions3
“Negotiated Coexistence”: Indian and Chinese Engagement in the Global Governance of Peacebuilding3
Nationalism, Populism, and Trade Agreements3
Embrace IR Anxieties (or, Morgenthau's Approach to Power, and the Challenge of Combining the Three Domains of IR Theorizing)3
Tracking Climate Securitization: Framings of Climate Security by Civil and Defense Ministries3
Ceasefire Violations: Why They Occur and How They Relate to Strategic Decision-Making Processes3
Sustaining Capitalism and Democracy: Lessons from Global Competition Policy3
Patchwork of Counterterrorism: Analyzing European Types of Cooperation in Sahel3