Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering

(The TQCC of Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Image-Based Surface Defect Detection Using Deep Learning: A Review143
Digital Twins: Review and Challenges73
Digital Twin-Driven Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Gear Performance Degradation: A Review50
Engineering Knowledge Graph From Patent Database38
Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Bearings Using Ensemble Learning: The Impact of Diversity in Base Learners and Features34
Steel Surface Defect Detection Using an Ensemble of Deep Residual Neural Networks33
Biomechanical Study and Prediction of Lower Extremity Joint Movements Using Bayesian Regularization-Based Backpropagation Neural Network28
Hybrid Modeling Approach for Melt-Pool Prediction in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing27
Solving Inverse Heat Transfer Problems Without Surrogate Models: A Fast, Data-Sparse, Physics Informed Neural Network Approach26
A Zero Trust Hybrid Security and Safety Risk Analysis Method25
Exploring the Intersection of Metaverse, Digital Twins, and Artificial Intelligence in Training and Maintenance25
Quality Deviation Control for Aircraft Using Digital Twin23
Exploring System of Systems Resilience Versus Affordability Trade-Space Using a Bio-Inspired Metric22
Real-Time Prediction of Remaining Useful Life and Preventive Maintenance Strategy Based on Digital Twin22
Surrogate Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: A Comparative Study20
Digital Twin-Driven Rapid Customized Design of Board-Type Furniture Production Line19
Physics-Guided, Physics-Informed, and Physics-Encoded Neural Networks and Operators in Scientific Computing: Fluid and Solid Mechanics17
An Energy-Based Framework for Nonlinear Kinetostatic Modeling of Compliant Mechanisms Utilizing Beam Flexures17
A Blockchain-Based G-Code Protection Approach for Cyber-Physical Security in Additive Manufacturing17
Multidimensional Data Modeling and Model Validation for Digital Twin Workshop16
Tool Wear Online Monitoring Method Based on DT and SSAE-PHMM16
Design Synthesis Through a Markov Decision Process and Reinforcement Learning Framework16
Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks for Risk Prediction and Decision Support in Aviation Operations15
Using Physics-Informed Generative Adversarial Networks to Perform Super-Resolution for Multiphase Fluid Simulations15
Physics-Based Compressive Sensing to Enable Digital Twins of Additive Manufacturing Processes14
Design of a Serious Game for Children to Raise Awareness on Plastic Pollution and Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviors14
Bayesian Surrogate Learning for Uncertainty Analysis of Coupled Multidisciplinary Systems13
Memory-Efficient Modeling and Slicing of Large-Scale Adaptive Lattice Structures13
User Requirements Analysis on Augmented Reality-Based Maintenance in Manufacturing13
An Image-Based Approach to Variational Path Synthesis of Linkages13
Digital Twin-Driven Human-Centered Design Frameworks for Meeting Sustainability Objectives13
Bayesian Optimization LSTM/bi-LSTM Network With Self-Optimized Structure and Hyperparameters for Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Lathe Spindle Unit12
Automated Procedure Reconfiguration Framework for Augmented Reality-Guided Maintenance Applications12
Digital Twin-Driven Controller Tuning Method for Dynamics12
A Normal Equation-Based Extreme Learning Machine for Solving Linear Partial Differential Equations12
An Ontology-Based Framework for Decision Support in Assembly Variant Design12
A Deep Lifelong Learning Method for Digital Twin-Driven Defect Recognition With Novel Classes11
A Digital Twin-Driven Method for Product Performance Evaluation Based on Intelligent Psycho-Physiological Analysis11
Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Printed Lattice Structures Through Machine Learning11
Monitoring the Degradation in the Switching Behavior of a Hydraulic Valve Using Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Fractal Dimensions10
Multifidelity Physics-Constrained Neural Networks With Minimax Architecture10
Visualizing Standardized Model-Based Design and Inspection Data in Augmented Reality10
A New Heat Source Model for Keyhole Mode Laser Welding10
Region-Based Efficient Computer Numerical Control Machining Using Point Cloud Data10
Human Digital Twin, the Development and Impact on Design10
Digital Twin-Driven Product Sustainable Design for Low Carbon Footprint9
Implementation of Soft Computing Techniques in Predicting and Optimizing the Operating Parameters of Compression Ignition Diesel Engines: State-of-the-Art Review, Challenges, and Future Outlook9
Challenges and Opportunities for Machine Learning in Multiscale Computational Modeling9
Strategies for Speeding Up Manipulator Path Planning to Find High Quality Paths in Cluttered Environments9
Integrating Materials Model-Based Definitions into Design, Manufacturing, and Sustainment: A Digital Twin Demonstration of Incorporating Residual Stresses in the Lifecycle Analysis of a Turbine Disk9
Product Multibody Dynamics Analysis for Low-Carbon Footprint9
Machine Health Management System Using Moving Average Feature With Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory9
Patent Data for Engineering Design: A Critical Review and Future Directions9
Efficient Joining Sequence Variation Analysis of Stochastic Batch Assemblies8
Algorithms for Improving Speed and Accuracy of Automated Three-Dimensional Reconstruction With a Depth Camera Mounted on An Industrial Robot8
Teeth Mold Point Cloud Completion Via Data Augmentation and Hybrid RL-GAN8
The Role of Deep Learning in Manufacturing Applications: Challenges and Opportunities8
Performance Evaluation of the Data Clustering Techniques and Cluster Validity Indices for Efficient Toolpath Development for Incremental Sheet Forming8
Multi-Modal Machine Learning in Engineering Design: A Review and Future Directions8
Numerical Framework and Design Optimization of an Intrinsically Compliant 3-DOF Parallel Robot8
A Comparison Study of Human and Machine-Generated Creativity8
A Genetic Algorithm and RNN-LSTM Model for Remaining Battery Capacity Prediction8
A Multi-Fidelity Approach for Reliability Assessment Based on the Probability of Classification Inconsistency8
Posture-Invariant Three Dimensional Human Hand Statistical Shape Model8
Ontology Network-Based In-Situ Sensor Selection for Quality Management in Metal Additive Manufacturing8
A Review of Virtual Assistants’ Characteristics: Recommendations for Designing an Optimal Human–Machine Cooperation7
Cyber-Physical System Implementation for Manufacturing With Analytics in the Cloud Layer7
Two-Dimensional Versus Three-Dimensional Symmetric Lifting Motion Prediction Models: A Case Study7
Knowledge Acquisition of Self-Organizing Systems With Deep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning7
Automated Planning for Robotic Multi-Resolution Additive Manufacturing7
A Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis Method Using Modified Health Index and Deep Neural Networks of a Rolling Bearing7
Manufacturing Process Classification Based on Distance Rotationally Invariant Convolutions7
A Probabilistic Learning Approach Applied to the Optimization of Wake Steering in Wind Farms7
Online Detection of Turning Tool Wear Based on Machine Vision7
A Knowledge-Based Approach Toward Representation and Archiving of Aesthetic Information for Product Conceptual Design7
Simulation-Based Hybrid Optimization Method for the Digital Twin of Garment Production Lines7
Short-Term Cross-Sectional Time-Series Wear Prediction by Deep Learning Approaches7
An Integrated Framework for Optimal Design of Complex Mechanical Products7
Internal Leakage Detection in Hydraulic Pump Using Model-Agnostic Feature Ranking and Ensemble Classifiers7
Applying Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Support Vector Regression to the Aesthetic Design of Medical Nursing Beds7
A Surface Defect Detection Method Via Fusing Multi-Level Features6
Functional Requirements of Software Tools for Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing for Metals6
Generative Transformers for Design Concept Generation6
Digital Twins About Humans—Design Objectives From Three Projects6
A Data-Driven Approach for Integrating Hedonic Quality and Pragmatic Quality in User Experience Modeling6
Data-Driven Heuristic Induction From Human Design Behavior6
A Surrogate Model to Predict Production Performance in Digital Twin-Based Smart Manufacturing6
Graphics Processing Unit-Based Element-by-Element Strategies for Accelerating Topology Optimization of Three-Dimensional Continuum Structures Using Unstructured All-Hexahedral Mesh6
Transfer Learning of Motor Difficulty Classification in Physical Human–Robot Interaction Using Electromyography6
Physics-Constrained Bayesian Neural Network for Bias and Variance Reduction6
Acceleration of a Physics-Based Machine Learning Approach for Modeling and Quantifying Model-Form Uncertainties and Performing Model Updating6
A Comparative Study of Virtual Footwear Try-On Applications in Virtual and Augmented Reality6
Generative Inverse Design of Aerodynamic Shapes Using Conditional Invertible Neural Networks6
Additive Manufacturing In Situ and Ex Situ Geometric Data Registration6
Risk Analysis of Engineering Change for Distributed Product Design6
Design of Customized Virtual Reality Serious Games for the Cognitive Rehabilitation of Retrograde Amnesia After Brain Stroke6
A Framework for Inverse Prediction Using Functional Response Data5
Intelligent Detection and Classification of Surface Defects on Cold-Rolled Galvanized Steel Strips Using a Data-Driven Faulty Model With Attention Mechanism5
Characterizations and Optimization for Resilient Manufacturing Systems With Considerations of Process Uncertainties5
SuperMeshing: Boosting the Mesh Density of Stress Field in Plane-Strain Problems Using Deep Learning Method5
Strut Diameter Uncertainty Prediction by Deep Neural Network for Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures5
SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interface for Part-Picking Robotic Co-Worker5
Online Maintenance Prioritization Via Monte Carlo Tree Search and Case-Based Reasoning5
The Effect of Different Occupational Background Noises on Voice Recognition Accuracy5
Fuzzy Concept Evaluation Based on Prospect Theory and Heterogeneous Evaluation Information5
Taking the Guess Work Out of the Initial Guess: A Solution Interval Method for Least-Squares Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Models5
Engineering Document Summarization: A Bidirectional Language Model-Based Approach5
Carbon Neutrality: A Review5
A Novel Nonlinear Disturbance Observer embedded Second-Order Finite Time Tracking-based Controller for Robotic Manipulators5
Towards Data and Model Interoperability for Industrial Extended Reality in Manufacturing5
Reusing and Extending Standards-Based Unit Manufacturing Process Models for Characterizing Sustainability Performance5
Discovering a Failure Taxonomy for Early Design of Complex Engineered Systems Using Natural Language Processing5
Deep Learning-Driven Design of Robot Mechanisms5
Kinesthetic Metaphors for Precise Spatial Manipulation: A Study of Object Rotation5
Wireless Cyber-Physical System Performance Evaluation Through a Graph Database Approach5
Fuzzy Recurrence Plots for Shallow Learning-Based Blockage Detection in a Centrifugal Pump Using Pre-Trained Image Recognition Models5
Multisensory Virtual Reality for Delivering Training Content to Machinery Operators5