Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies

(The median citation count of Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Asian/American Women Scholars, Gendered Orientalism, and Racialized Violence: Before, During, and After the 2021 Atlanta Massacre14
The Heritage Strikes Back: Athlete Activism, Black Lives Matter, and the Iconic Fifth Wave of Activism in the (W)NBA Bubble12
The Emotional Geographies of Being Stranded Due to COVID-19: A Poetic Autoethnography of an International Doctoral Student9
Unapologetic Educational Research: Addressing Anti-Blackness, Racism, and White Supremacy9
Decluttering the Pandemic: Marie Kondo, Minimalism, and the “Joy” of Waste9
Going Digital in Ethnography: Navigating the Ethical Tensions and Productive Possibilities9
“China Virus” and “Kung-Flu”: A Critical Race Case Study of Asian American Journalists’ Experiences During COVID-198
The Big Lie(s): Situating the January 6th Coup Attempt Within White Supremacist Lies8
“Ain’t Got Enough Money to Pay Me Respect”: Blackfishing, Cultural Appropriation, and the Commodification of Blackness8
Conferencing Otherwise: A Feminist New Materialist Writing Experiment7
Critical Race Theory, Methodology, and Semiotics: The Analytical Utility of a “Race” Conscious Approach for Visual Qualitative Research7
Ventriloquism as Method: Writing Differently and Thinking Philosophically7
Diffracting Structure/Agency Dichotomies, Wave/Particle Dualities, and the Citational Politics of Settler Colonial Scholars Engaging Indigenous Studies Literature6
Slow Story-Making in Urgent Times6
On Holding Various Truths to (Not) Be Self-Evident: Leading During the Dual Pandemics of 2020 as a Racialized Body6
Writing as Inquiry During a Pandemic5
Opening or Impasse? Critical Media Literacy Pedagogy in a Posttruth Era5
Higher Education and the Ethic of Care: Finding a Way Forward During a Global Pandemic5
“Daddy, Help Me; I Forgot How to Make a New Friend”: Emotional Geographies of Youth Sport in Pandemic Times5
Tangled: Black Hair and Texturism in Ethnodrama5
Blots on the Anthropocene: Micropolitical Interventions With Young People in a University Museum4
To Vaccinate or Not? Decision-Making in the Time of COVID-19 Vaccines4
Postcolonial M/Othering: Poetics of Remembering and Writing as an Invitation to Rememory4
El Cabal, Vacunas, y Donald Trump: An Analysis of Spanish-Language Disinformation Leading Up to the U.S. Capitol Insurrection4
“If You Don’t Fight Like Hell, You’re Not Going to Have a Country”: An Intersectional Settler Colonial Analysis of Trump’s “Save America” Speech and Other Messages of (Non)belonging4
Radical Interrelated Qualitative Space in the Midst of Multipandemics: A Collaborative Scholarly Personal Narrative4
We Story: Decoloniality in Practice and Theory3
Show Up, Don’t Just Check In: A Comparative Study of Institutional Statements Released in “Unprecedented Times”3
From “Crisis” to Imagination: Putting White Heroes Under Erasure Post-George Floyd3
Sporting Scars3
Feminist New Materialist Entanglements With “Kinetic Excess” in Women’s Muay Thai Boxing: Moving With Embodied Discomfort as a Post-Qualitative Coach-Researcher3
Performing Queer of Color Joy Through Collective Crisis: Resistance, Social Science, and How I Learned to Dance Again3
My High Horse Is Dying: Agitating Internalized Neoliberalism in Higher Education With(Out) Compassion3
“Whales Tales” On the Run: Anonymizing Ethnographic Data in an Age of Openness3
Diffracting the Special Issue: The Co-Emergence of Response-Able Collaboration3
Revisiting Stories and Voices of the Rogue River War (1853–1856): A Digital Constellatory Autoethnographic Mode of Indigenous Archaeology3
The Covid-Shock Doctrine: Under the Tutorship of CoV-2, the Voice(s) From Poland3
Minor Feelings in the Wake of the Atlanta Attack: How a Mom of Asian Descent Spent the First 100 hours in the Aftermath3
Autoethnography (Military, Environment) as Transdisciplinarization in Anthropocene Times3
A Warning/A Call: The Spectacle of (In)Visibility in the Vernacular Response to DEI-A Work2
Theorizing the “Public”—Recognizing Ephemeral and Migrating Publics and the Educative Agent2
Fat Asses, Weight Gain, and the White Feminine Commodification (Contortion) of Black Female Bounty2
Scenes From a Collective Biography of Cold War Childhoods: A Decolonial Ethnodrama2
A Story by Academic Teachers About Distance Education in the Time of Lockdown2
Critical Relational Community Building in Neoliberal Times2
Human Bodies in Motion: The Performative Intra-Actions of Materialization2
Shapeless Listening to the More-Than-Human World: Coherence, Complexity, Mattering, Indifference2
Forum: COVID-19 Dispatches2
Direct[Message]: Exploring Access and Engagement With the Arts Through Digital Technology in COVID Times2
The Role of Ethnography as Ethical and Policy-Relevant Public Scholarship2
Entangled Memories: Complicating the Memory of Area Bombing Through the Haunted Ruins of Anhalter Bahnhof2
Postcolonial Autoethnography: Healing Wounded Humanities2
Arctic Terns: Writing and Art-Making Our Way Through the Pandemic2
Children’s Carbon Cultures2
Queering the Form: Zine-Making as Disruptive Practice2
What Do We Want to Tell? And to Whom Do We Wish to Tell It?: The Ethnographer’s Ethical Dilemma2
In Contemplating Loss: The Creative Power and Possibility of Suffering2
Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Living With Deleuze, Intimating in the Dance of Movements, Moments, and Sensation2
Crafting Cities for All: Qualitative Inquiry of the Street and the Spatial Practice of Skateboarding2
Toward Epistemically-Just Research: A Methodologies Framework2
Walking Into the Unknown: A Research Journey Through Abuse, Trauma, Motherhood, Poverty, and the Covid Pandemic2
From Critical Race Theory to the January 6th Insurrection Speech: The High School Classroom and the Politics of Division2
Natural / Disaster: Differential Media Portrayals of Wildfire Displacement and Homelessness in Portland, Oregon1
There Was a Queer Guy: A Performative Poetic Inquiry Into Heterosexism1
Chasing theDragon(Magazine): Gender Erasure Through Discourse inDragonMagazine, 1978–20051
The Day I Was Taken by Pirates and Made to Dance a Jig1
The March of Neocolonization Folly in the Amazon1
Revisiting This Girl Is on Fire: Seeking a Home for the Narrative During Lockdown to Uncover the Burning Embers1
The Magic of Theater: Photographing a Performative Academic Career1
Performing the Lived Experiences of LGBTQIA+ Individuals From Religious Backgrounds1
Comics and the Colombian Peace Process: Neoliberal Discourse and the Risk of Revictimization of Displaced Peasants1
And in The End: A 1980s Liverpool Youth Magazine1
“This Wave in the Mind”: Resonant Becomings in Reading-Writing Inquiry1
“We Have to Survive, First”: Speculative Ethnographies of Chinese Student Experience During COVID-191
Bodies of Walking: Trans-Materializing the Experiences of Racial Harassment1
It’s Me(me), Revolution Elizabeth: Social Media and a Practice of Critical Social Commentary1
In the End, There Is No Such Thing as Unconscious Racism: CRT/Asian American Crit Counterstories by Undergraduate Students During the Pandemic1
Dream Time With Dad: Autoethnography as Ritual in the Time of COVID-191
Cowboys and Pirates in Mental Health Care: A Musical Autoethnography1
The Reverberations of War: Ukrainian and Polish Academics Write a Collective Autoethnography of Experiencing War in Ukraine1
Doing Ethnographic Research in the Fiji Islands: Research Method and Research Ethics Issues1
Well, I’ll Be Damned: Living Differently in White Bodies1
The Special Issue as Diffractive Process: A Collaborative Dialogue1
Quest for Freedom: Intense Embodied Experiences of Motorcycling1
Silent Footsteps: Renga Poetry as a Collaborative, Creative Research Method Reflecting on the Immobilities of Gender-Based Violence in the Covid-19 Pandemic1
Multivocal Stories About Caring During the War in Ukraine, as Told by Polish Researchers1
“Seven Days in Lockdown”: A Performance Autoethnography of Physical Activity and Mental Health1
Storying the Repertoire: Performing a Slow and Queer Backwardness at the Upstairs Lounge1
Intimacy as Inquiry: Collaborative Reading and Writing With Deleuze and Guattari1
Freedom of Information Research and Cultural Studies: A Subterranean Affinity1
WITHDRAWN: Braiding as a Feminist Methodology: Tensions and Possibilities of Weaving Together1
Abstracts and Their Mysterious In-Betweens: Attuning to the Lacuna of Scholarly Communications1
Caught In-Between: Diversifying Tamil Women’s Voices From the Sri Lankan Civil War1
Intimate Borders and the Sense of Never-Quite-Being: A Dystopic (Non-)Fiction1
Learning How to Drive: Rites of Passage in Being and Becoming (A Collaborative Autoethnography Not Just About Driving)1
Misfits Meet Art and Technology: Cripping Transmethodologies1
Reclaiming My Sister, Medusa: A Critical Autoethnography About Healing From Sexual Violence Through Solidarity, Doll-Making, and Mending Myth1
Gay-Tex-Mex: Autoethnographic Vignettes1
The First Time I Heard: Black Feminist Approaches to Hip Hop Methodologies1
Guns and Butter1
Resounding/Resonating Sounds of Home, Heritage, and Heart: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Re/Membering the Self Through Storying Family1
Introducing Poetic Collage as Method: From the Voices of Girls of Color1
The (Black) Struggle That Must Be: Black Masculinity, Black College Athletes, and Black Mental Health Through a Looking Glass1
Taking a Moment for Life: Remembering Black Queer Lives Through Performance1
Praxis-Oriented Research Toward a Liberatory Disability Politics: A Contemplative Inquiry Approach1
This Is a Secret: Learning From Children’s Engagement With Surveillance and Secrecy1
From the Back of the Car to the Kitchen Table: Shifting Identities, Pirates, and Tales That Provoke Transition1
No Man’s Land: Mutant Natures in Canadian Eco-Horror Film1
A Letter to Columbus: The Contemporary Piracy of the Americas0
Diffractive Respondings and Cutting Together-Apart: Toward More-Than-Human Academic Community0
The Unsettled Career of Tami Spry0
The Sense-Creating Potential of Surrealist Poetry: A Case Study of a War Poem About Ukraine0
Introduction to the Special Issue—Deleuze and Intimacy: Of Ontologies, Politics, and the Untamed0
Preservation, Provenance, Piracy: (Re)Framing Indigenous Art0
There Was an Old Woman Who . . . Lost Patience With the Academy and Performed Her Frustration at a Public Meeting0
A Tender Witness’s Story of War: A Tale on the Road in Three Voices0
I Didn’t Ask for Any of This: (White) Privilege, the American (Dream) Family, and Health Care0
(Re) Stor(y)ing Class: Working-Class Women, Smartness, and Higher Education0
Youth-Led Research and the Tensions Between Relational Methodologies and Fast Methods: Learning and Living in the In-Between0
(Re)storying Japanese Canadian Histories: Artistic Engagements0
Syllabus as Crisis Autoethnography: Performance in Extraordinary Times0
“Let’s Make the Womb Safe Again”: Ethnographic Explorations of White Evangelical Women’s Language of Reproductive Injustice0
Part-Time Mothering: A Poetic Autoethnography of a Precariously Employed Academic’s Mothering Experiences0
Chronic Pain Performance and Knowledge: Toward a Process With Ecological Pain0
The Divine Feminine: Calling Back the Treasured Moʻolelo From the Forbidden Past to Heal the Present0
Power, Resistance, and Place in Appalachia0
Relocating Reproductive Justice in Donor Sperm and Egg Capitalism0
Pathologies of Professionalism: Invoking Controversial Dialectic—“Per Fas et Nefas,” Through a Performative Courtroom Drama0
Introduction: Reproductive Justice0
The Aversion to Theory0
Corrigendum to Dull as Dachau0
A Jazz Aesthetic Reprise (on the Work of Tami Spry)0
Black Women, Black Girls, and the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Autoethnography of a Health Disparity0
Frame Genealogy as an Approach to Tracing Ideology in Education Policy Discourse0
Remembering the Battle of Pezi Sla (Greasy Grass—aka Little Bighorn) with the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho Victory Riders: An Autoethnographic Photo Essay0
What We Listen for0
Poems Upon Reading “Say Goodbye to the Toddler Stars of the Pandemic Office Zoom” in Bloomberg Law0
“A Stain Remains”0
High Fidelity: Pedagogy and Postatomic Japanese Chronicle0
U.S. Gun Culture as a Martial Culture Within a Weberian Framework: Disrupting the State’s Monopoly on Force0
A Conceptualization Framework of Allyship: Bidirectional Allyship Between Black Heterosexual Women and White Gay Males0
The End of the Séance: “Master’s” Tools and Modes of Bodily Practices for Complex Times0
Back to the Future: Everything You Wish You’d Asked Derrida About ChatGPT When You Had the Chance!0
Elusive Simplicity0
Theme Introduction to Special Issue: “Critical and Performative Reflections on Current Crises”0
Refrains for More-Than-Human Intimacy: Mutual Inclusion With a Canine Difference0
The privilege of control and the constraint of presence: Fieldwork and ontologies of time0
Speculative Futures and “Found” Artifacts: Using Fiction for Defamiliarization and Analysis0
Popular Culture as an Educative Site Regarding the January 6, 2021 Insurrection: Grappling With Complexity Through Intersectional Analyses a Special Issue of Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies0
Qualitative Female Researchers in Academia: Challenges and Contradictions0
Shifting the Frame: Theoretical and Methodological Explorations of Photography in Educational Research0
Monstrous Pedagogy at the Intersections of White Privilege, Visible Disability0
Looking Back to Look Forward: Exploring Crenshaw’s Political, Structural, and Representational Intersectionality in Sport0
Ethnography and Public Scholarship: Ethical Obligations, Tensions, and Opportunities0
‘I don’t know why she swallowed the fly’: On Dubious Cures and Drastic Measures in Post (?) Pandemic Times (An Introduction to the Special Issue)0
Interpreting the Political, Politicizing Interpretation: Doing Politically Sensible Social Science Research0
Managing Fear Through Digital Interactions: Emerging Narratives of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Vaccine-Hesitant Cyber Community0
From True Grit to “Big Damn Heroes”: Cowboys, Pirates, and Relational Ethics0
Swallowing Words0
Publication Notice0
A Thief in School: A Found Poem Capturing the Impact of Lockdown Drills in Schools0
My Journal and a Felt Sense: Tami’s Lineage and Legacy0
After Debord0
The Switch Up: BlackCrit, The Heritage, and the Wave of Athletic Racial Capitalism0
From “Queer Guy” to “Queer Dancer”: A Surrealistic Performative of Identity0
“Hair: In Three Styles”0
Methodologizing Transnationality: Relational Writing as Collective Inquiry0
When Things Get Real: (Re)Considering the Challenges to Cultural Industries Research0
The Place of Performance and the Performance of Dr. Tami Spry0
Complicating the Lone Voice Through Rewriting in Role0
BEING “HERE”/BEING “THERE” (An Ode to TAMI SPRY, Mostly in Her Own Words)0
Everyday Practices, Unaffordable Rights, Radical Liberation: Reproductive Justice Direct Service Activism0
Affectively Entertaining: Dating/Games During a “Limited Military Exercise”0
Frank O’Connor’s “Guests of the Nation”: A Civil War Story of Brother Against Brother?0
“There Was An Old Lady, She’s Dead”: Reflections on Britishness, Englishness, and What We Do Well0
F*CK CORONA: Digital Pedagogy, Pandemic Parenting, and Dramatic Acts of Performative Decolonization in the Year 20200
Haecceity of Becoming-Mother: A Diffractive Analysis of Babywearing Through a Global Pandemic0
Thelma: A Happy Modern Woman0
Dull as Dachau0
Intersections of Masculinity, Sexuality, Nationality, and Racial Identity in James Baldwin0
Repurposing the Ruin to Remember: Multimodal Rhetoric and Cultural Memory in the Post–Soviet Memorial Museum0
Can You Hear Me? Thinking Academic Collective Scenes as Intimate Spaces0
Cowboys of the Sea: Pirates as Desirous Malcontents, but Not Really0
Tugging at the Veil: Critical Race Methods for Analyzing Educational Gag Orders0
Tami Spry: The Force of (Co-)Performing0
There Was a Woman Who Swallowed a Story0
The Lion Refugee in Europe: A Critical Race/Anti-Blackness Counterstory0
From Poetry to Politics: Questioning the Rhyme and Reason of Title IX Rollbacks0
Stitching Narratives: Poetic Autoethnography of Black Women’s Mentorship in Academia0
Articulating Apostasy: Crisis-Driven Medical Misbehavior Inspires Disciplinary Interrogation0
Beyond (and Alongside) Shameful Attachments: The Lived Experience of Critique Within the Entrepreneurial University0
There Aint No Cowboys in Portishead (or Are There?): Story Fragments, Identity, and Singing the American Dream With an English Accent0
Cultural Humility, Human Research Ethics Review, and Informed Consent0
Thinking (Now) Out of Place? Scripting and Performing Collective Dissent Inside the Corporatized University0
Planned Parenthood Before and After Roe: Historical Lessons for the Current Fight0
“Doing It” in the Kitchen: Rhetorical Field Methods, Arts/Practice-Based Research, and Queer Archives0
The Interview as a Technology for Understanding the Social World: The Case of Interviews About Race0
No Rhyme or Reason: A Poetic Lament on Violence0
Spry’s Autoethnography and the Other (Me): My Love Story With Tami, the Gatekeeper Who Invited Me in0
“Oh Shit!” Moments: Motorcycling, “Thrownness,” and the Startle Effect0
Introduction: Special Journal Issue “Cowboys and Pirates: Verging on the Horizons of Dangerous Shores of the Past and All-Too Present”0
Pandemic Puppy: Polydisciplinamory in (Post?) Pandemic Times0
Researching With Poetic and Artistic Dispositifs0
Reading the Paintings—Watching the Poems: Toward the Post-Media Inquiry With Networked City Textualities0
Learning to Share the World: Reckoning With the Logistics of Whiteness in Public Galleries and Museums0
In/Visible POC: Narratives of a Brown Professor in Teacher Education0
Aspiration and the Violence of Gentrification in Marvel’s Luke Cage0
Autoethnographically Interrogating School-Based Anti-“Asian” Racism in Post(?)-Pandemic Times: An AsianCrit-Informed Composite Palimpsest0
Four Movements From Melbourne: Building Communities Through Collaborative Autoethnographies0
Walking in Between: a Collaged Storytelling of Data Collection During the Pandemic0
Not All That Post, Not All That New: The Disruption of Challenging Coloniality0
Stretchy and Tense: A Diffractive Auto/Ethnography of Privilege With Yoga Pants0
Lessons on Keeping Spry0
Spinning Futures: Interrogating Feminist Pedagogy and Methodology With Speculative Fiction0
I Don’t Know Why . . . I Swallowed That Lie0
The Glorious Becoming of Dr. Tami Spry0
What Do Professors Do? Posthumous Letter of Love to Ma0
Tripping the Light Fantastic: A Collaborative Autoethnography on Choreography, Dance, and (Black) Experience0
Pushing Walls With Tami Spry0
An Invitation to Gaze: Palpating the Navel in Qualitative Research0
Becoming Southern: 10 Autoethnographic Polaroids0
Tools My Mother Gave Me: Four Autoethnographic Poems0
The Pain of Experiencing Anti-Asian Racism and Discrimination0
Data Becomings: Bridge/Bridging Data-Trails in Qualitative Inquiry0
Things I’ve Wanted to Share for a While: 10 Reflections on Navigating Multiple Pandemics as a Black Academic0
Searching for Intimacy, Searching for Deleuze0
Listening to a Voice From the Periphery: A Female German Life 1934–20220
Desire for a Magnificent Seven: A Queer Reading of a Western Remake0
‘Speaking the Data’: Renegotiating the Digitally-Mediated Body Through Performative Embodied Praxis, Sound and Rhythmic Affect0
Ishi’s Brain0
Heidegger and the Technocratic Warping of the COVID-19 Pandemic0
Conversations With My Son: A Poetic Autoethnography of Black Mothering Experiences0
Forty Acres and a Mule: Reparation Blues0
Witnessing the Danger We Knew Always New Was There: Our Gender Creative Son’s Response to the Insurrection0
Mother’s Eyes0
On the (Often Western, White, Male) Privilege of Self-Defense0