Journal of the American Pharmacists Association

(The H4-Index of Journal of the American Pharmacists Association is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Access to community pharmacies: A nationwide geographic information systems cross-sectional analysis96
COVID-19 and influenza vaccine hesitancy among college students55
Prevalence and risk factors of burnout in community pharmacists44
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical conditions and medication adherence in people with chronic diseases44
The pharmacist’s active role in combating COVID-19 medication misinformation35
Polypharmacy among COVID-19 patients: A systematic review32
Essential services: Quantifying the contributions of America’s pharmacists in COVID-19 clinical interventions31
The burden of COVID-19 on pharmacists30
Managing medication supply chains: Lessons learned from Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic and preparedness planning for the future30
Clinician burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic before vaccine administration28
Pharmacy administration and pharmaceutical care practice in a module hospital during the COVID-19 epidemic28
Systemic racism: Pharmacists’ role and responsibility27
Expanded roles of community pharmacists in COVID-19: A scoping literature review25
Framework to enable pharmacist access to health care data using Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence24
Naloxone availability and dispensing in Indiana pharmacies 2 years after the implementation of a statewide standing order24
Screening for social determinants of health in community pharmacy: Identifying best practices, barriers, and strategies for success23
Addressing social determinants of health in community pharmacy: Innovative opportunities and practice models22
Mental Health First Aid training and assessment among university students: A systematic review22
The role and impact of the pharmacist in long-term care settings: A systematic review21
Reimbursement for pharmacist-provided health care services: A multistate review21
Trends in gender composition on editorial boards in leading medicine, nursing, and pharmacy journals21