Mobile Information Systems

(The H4-Index of Mobile Information Systems is 26. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Application and Research of the Intelligent Management System Based on Internet of Things Technology in the Era of Big Data49
Vision Navigator: A Smart and Intelligent Obstacle Recognition Model for Visually Impaired Users44
Multimodal Data Guided Spatial Feature Fusion and Grouping Strategy for E-Commerce Commodity Demand Forecasting42
Heart Risk Failure Prediction Using a Novel Feature Selection Method for Feature Refinement and Neural Network for Classification40
Multimedia Interaction-Based Computer-Aided Translation Technology in Applied English Teaching38
A Method for Improving Prediction of Human Heart Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithms38
Development of a Mobile Application for Interaction between Patients and Doctors in Rural Populations35
Factors Affecting Learners’ Adoption of an Educational Metaverse Platform: An Empirical Study Based on an Extended UTAUT Model34
Automated Registration of Multiangle SAR Images Using Artificial Intelligence34
Multiscale Dense Cross-Attention Mechanism with Covariance Pooling for Hyperspectral Image Scene Classification33
Design of English Automatic Translation System Based on Machine Intelligent Translation and Secure Internet of Things33
From Blackbox to Explainable AI in Healthcare: Existing Tools and Case Studies32
Innovative Research of Trajectory Prediction Algorithm Based on Deep Learning in Car Network Collision Detection and Early Warning System32
Rating-Based Recommender System Based on Textual Reviews Using IoT Smart Devices32
Ambient Assistive Living for Monitoring the Physical Activity of Diabetic Adults through Body Area Networks31
Computation Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing and Mobile Edge Computing: Survey, Taxonomy, and Open Issues31
Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy through Machine Learning30
Self-Sovereign Identity Solution for Blockchain-Based Land Registry System: A Comparison29
Multimedia Teaching of College Musical Education Based on Deep Learning28
Research on the Application of Multimedia Elements in Visual Communication Art under the Internet Background28
Identification of Pneumonia Disease Applying an Intelligent Computational Framework Based on Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques27
Construction of Video Courses of Physical Education and Health Education in Colleges and Universities under the MOOC Platform27
Application of Mobile Information System Based on Internet in College Physical Education Classroom Teaching27
A Smart System for Sitting Posture Detection Based on Force Sensors and Mobile Application26
Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Automation: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities26
Research on Mining of Applied Mathematics Educational Resources Based on Edge Computing and Data Stream Classification26
Intelligent Sports Training System Based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data26
DeepFire: A Novel Dataset and Deep Transfer Learning Benchmark for Forest Fire Detection26