Software and Systems Modeling

(The H4-Index of Software and Systems Modeling is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Cyber security threat modeling based on the MITRE Enterprise ATT&CK Matrix51
Low-code development and model-driven engineering: Two sides of the same coin?49
Opportunities in intelligent modeling assistance37
The triptych of conceptual modeling32
Uncertainty representation in software models: a survey31
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality24
Spectra: a specification language for reactive systems23
A systematic literature review of cross-domain model consistency checking by model management tools22
An interdisciplinary comparison of sequence modeling methods for next-element prediction22
Recommending metamodel concepts during modeling activities with pre-trained language models21
Modelling in low-code development: a multi-vocal systematic review20
Recommender systems in model-driven engineering18
Model-driven development platform selection: four industry case studies16
An ontological metamodel for cyber-physical system safety, security, and resilience coengineering16
Multi-paradigm modelling for cyber–physical systems: a descriptive framework16
A technique for evaluating and improving the semantic transparency of modeling language notations15
Wodel-Test: a model-based framework for language-independent mutation testing15
On the assessment of generative AI in modeling tasks: an experience report with ChatGPT and UML15
Mixed-semantics composition of statecharts for the component-based design of reactive systems15
Characteristics, potentials, and limitations of open-source Simulink projects for empirical research15
Modelling multi-criticality vehicular software systems: evolution of an industrial component model15