European Journal of Developmental Psychology

(The H4-Index of European Journal of Developmental Psychology is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Moral disengagement and cyberbullying involvement: A systematic review52
School engagement and school burnout profiles during high school – The role of socio-emotional skills51
Parenting styles and its relations with personal and social adjustment beyond adolescence: Is the current evidence enough?38
Identifying pathways from early adversity to psychopathology: A review on dysregulated HPA axis functioning and impaired self-regulation in early childhood33
Kindness: a perspective from developmental psychology24
Children’s Well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Relationships with attitudes, family structure, and mothers’ Well-being21
How do children, adolescents, and young adults relate to climate change? Implications for developmental psychology17
Adolescent brain in a social world: Unravelling the positive power of peers from a neurobehavioral perspective16
Do the face-to-face actions of adults have an online impact? The effects of parent and teacher responses on cyberbullying among students16
Teachers’ responses to bullying: Unravelling their consequences and antecedents. Introduction to the special issue14
Subtle forms of prejudice in Greek day-care centres. Early childhood educators’ attitudes towards same-sex marriage and children’s adjustment in same-sex families14
Gender role identity and gender intensification: Agency and communion in adolescents’ spontaneous self-descriptions13
The role of bullying-related policies: Understanding how school staff respond to bullying situations13