Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

(The H4-Index of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control is 60. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Speech emotion recognition with deep convolutional neural networks306
Application of deep learning techniques for detection of COVID-19 cases using chest X-ray images: A comprehensive study266
An IoT-based framework for early identification and monitoring of COVID-19 cases190
Deep learning for motor imagery EEG-based classification: A review188
A fully automated deep learning-based network for detecting COVID-19 from a new and large lung CT scan dataset174
Automated Atrial Fibrillation Detection using a Hybrid CNN-LSTM Network on Imbalanced ECG Datasets165
A review of machine learning techniques in photoplethysmography for the non-invasive cuff-less measurement of blood pressure146
Endoscope image mosaic based on pyramid ORB128
Breast mass segmentation in ultrasound with selective kernel U-Net convolutional neural network125
Intra- and inter-epoch temporal context network (IITNet) using sub-epoch features for automatic sleep scoring on raw single-channel EEG119
Deep learning architecture based on segmented fundus image features for classification of diabetic retinopathy119
Automated emotion recognition based on higher order statistics and deep learning algorithm116
An image quality enhancement scheme employing adolescent identity search algorithm in the NSST domain for multimodal medical image fusion116
An improved method for soft tissue modeling114
Fusion of convolution neural network, support vector machine and Sobel filter for accurate detection of COVID-19 patients using X-ray images113
EEG-based emotion recognition using simple recurrent units network and ensemble learning111
A review on medical image denoising algorithms110
Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using universum support vector machine based recursive feature elimination (USVM-RFE)107
A deep learning based approach for automatic detection of COVID-19 cases using chest X-ray images106
Iterative reconstruction of low-dose CT based on differential sparse105
Surface EMG signal classification using ternary pattern and discrete wavelet transform based feature extraction for hand movement recognition104
ECG arrhythmia classification by using a recurrence plot and convolutional neural network104
A review of the key technologies for sEMG-based human-robot interaction systems102
A lightweight CNN for Diabetic Retinopathy classification from fundus images98
FPGA-based real-time epileptic seizure classification using Artificial Neural Network90
MH-COVIDNet: Diagnosis of COVID-19 using deep neural networks and meta-heuristic-based feature selection on X-ray images89
EEG-based mental workload estimation using deep BLSTM-LSTM network and evolutionary algorithm88
A new transfer learning based approach to magnification dependent and independent classification of breast cancer in histopathological images87
Automated breast cancer detection in digital mammograms: A moth flame optimization based ELM approach86
Automatic classification of breast cancer histopathological images based on deep feature fusion and enhanced routing85
MFCC-based Recurrent Neural Network for automatic clinical depression recognition and assessment from speech85
EEG-based emotion recognition using tunable Q wavelet transform and rotation forest ensemble classifier85
DepHNN: A novel hybrid neural network for electroencephalogram (EEG)-based screening of depression85
Advances in Parkinson's Disease detection and assessment using voice and speech: A review of the articulatory and phonatory aspects80
Deep learning models for cuffless blood pressure monitoring from PPG signals using attention mechanism79
Real‑time COVID-19 diagnosis from X-Ray images using deep CNN and extreme learning machines stabilized by chimp optimization algorithm78
Electroencephalography-based motor imagery classification using temporal convolutional network fusion75
Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease from EEG signals using Hjorth parameters74
Database for an emotion recognition system based on EEG signals and various computer games – GAMEEMO72
Machine learning techniques for diagnosis of alzheimer disease, mild cognitive disorder, and other types of dementia71
X-ray and CT-scan-based automated detection and classification of covid-19 using convolutional neural networks (CNN)71
Detection of epileptic seizures on EEG signals using ANFIS classifier, autoencoders and fuzzy entropies71
Attention Res-UNet with Guided Decoder for semantic segmentation of brain tumors71
DCT & DWT based watermarking scheme for medical information security70
Multi-class multi-label ophthalmological disease detection using transfer learning based convolutional neural network68
Detection of apnea events from ECG segments using Fourier decomposition method66
Towards effective classification of brain hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke using CNN66
A high-precision arrhythmia classification method based on dual fully connected neural network65
Automated diagnosis of breast cancer using multi-modal datasets: A deep convolution neural network based approach65
Emotion recognition from EEG signals using empirical mode decomposition and second-order difference plot64
An efficient multi-scale CNN model with intrinsic feature integration for motor imagery EEG subject classification in brain-machine interfaces63
A smart ontology-based IoT framework for remote patient monitoring63
Hybrid deep neural network using transfer learning for EEG motor imagery decoding63
Schizophrenia detection technique using multivariate iterative filtering and multichannel EEG signals61
Review of challenges associated with the EEG artifact removal methods61
Seizures classification based on higher order statistics and deep neural network61
A new automated CNN deep learning approach for identification of ECG congestive heart failure and arrhythmia using constant-Q non-stationary Gabor transform60
Monitoring of heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, and blood pressure using a smartphone60
An efficient dimensionality reduction method using filter-based feature selection and variational autoencoders on Parkinson's disease classification60
EEG-based driving fatigue detection using multilevel feature extraction and iterative hybrid feature selection60