Enterprise Information Systems

(The TQCC of Enterprise Information Systems is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Big data analytics in healthcare: a systematic literature review119
Managing digital transformation of smart cities through enterprise architecture – a review and research agenda91
Environmental cost control system of manufacturing enterprises using artificial intelligence based on value chain of circular economy81
A comprehensive survey on machine learning approaches for malware detection in IoT-based enterprise information system63
A survey of phishing attack techniques, defence mechanisms and open research challenges61
Factors influencing the adoption of telemedicine health services during COVID-19 pandemic crisis: an integrative research model61
Examining the digitalisation of virtual enterprises amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic and meta-analysis54
Deep neural network-based application partitioning and scheduling for hospitals and medical enterprises using IoT assisted mobile fog cloud51
Blockchain technology – recent research and future trend50
Making smart manufacturing smarter – a survey on blockchain technology in Industry 4.050
Investigation of critical success factors for improving supply chain quality management in manufacturing48
The influence of intelligent manufacturing on financial performance and innovation performance: the case of China37
A novel service level agreement model using blockchain and smart contract for cloud manufacturing in industry 4.035
Exploring deep learning approaches for Urdu text classification in product manufacturing34
Evaluating security and privacy issues of social networks based information systems in Industry 4.031
Robotic process automation - a systematic mapping study and classification framework28
Designing interoperable telehealth platforms: bridging IoT devices with cloud infrastructures28
PersonalisedComfort: a personalised thermal comfort model to predict thermal sensation votes for smart building residents26
AI-enabled Enterprise Information Systems for Manufacturing26
Implementing blockchain in information systems: a review25
RealForAll: real-time system for automatic detection of airborne pollen22
Privacy, security and resilience in mobile healthcare applications21
Combining symbiotic simulation systems with enterprise data storage systems for real-time decision-making19
Promoting e-banking actual usage: mix of technology acceptance model and technology-organisation-environment framework19
Distributed Ledger and Decentralised Technology Adoption for Smart Digital Transition in Collaborative Enterprise18
Technical debt as an indicator of software security risk: a machine learning approach for software development enterprises18
A computational framework for ranking prediction of cloud services under fuzzy environment18
Human factors among workers in a small manufacturing enterprise: a case study18
A distributed dynamic authorisation method for Internet+ medical & healthcare data access based on consortium blockchain18
Maintenance optimisation and coordination with fairness concerns for the service-oriented manufacturing supply chain18
Building trust of Blockchain-based Internet-of-Thing services using public key infrastructure18
A Novel Deep Learning-based Sentiment Analysis Method Enhanced with Emojis in Microblog Social Networks17
Blockchain technology and its applications in agriculture and supply chain management: a retrospective overview and analysis17
IoTPulse: machine learning-based enterprise health information system to predict alcohol addiction in Punjab (India) using IoT and fog computing15
Valuing free-form text data from maintenance logs through transfer learning with CamemBERT15
How does intelligent manufacturing affects enterprise innovation? The mediating role of organisational learning15
Understanding cloud-based BYOD information security protection behaviour in smart business: in perspective of perceived value13
Influence of the high-speed railway (HSR) construction on industrial structure transformation13
A cloud-based platform for the non-invasive management of coronary artery disease13
Using a heuristic multi-objective genetic algorithm to solve the storage assignment problem for CPS-based pick-and-pass system12
Linear approximation fuzzy model for fault detection in cyber-physical system for supply chain management12
Opinion mining in higher education: a corpus-based approach12
Standardising fresh produce selection and grading process for improving quality assurance in perishable food supply chains: an integrated Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework12
Using vendor management inventory system for goods inventory management in IoT manufacturing11
Multi-copy dynamic cloud data auditing model based on IMB tree11
Vendor-managed inventory supply chain coordination based on commitment-penalty contracts with bilateral asymmetric information11
A decision support system for strategic supply chain capacity planning under uncertainty: conceptual framework and experiment11
A decision support system for Taiwan’s forest resource management using Remote Sensing Big Data10
A personalized Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) for construction safety managementbased on context-aware technology10
A study of KOL effectiveness on brand image of skincare products10
Risk assessment of supply-chain systems: a probabilistic inference method10
Intellectual structure of cybersecurity research in enterprise information systems10
Maximal Marginal Relevance-Based Recommendation for Product Customisation9
Research on the influence mechanism of anchors’ professionalism on consumers’ impulse buying intention in the livestream shopping scenario9
A semantic model for enterprise application integration in the era of data explosion and globalisation9