IET Circuits Devices & Systems

(The H4-Index of IET Circuits Devices & Systems is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Design of ternary logic gates and circuits using GNRFETs27
Design of 10T SRAM cell with improved read performance and expanded write margin22
Design and applications of interval observers for uncertain dynamical systems22
A low‐offset low‐power and high‐speed dynamic latch comparator with a preamplifier‐enhanced stage20
A high‐performance full swing 1‐bit hybrid full adder cell19
New mixed‐mode second‐generation voltage conveyor based first‐order all‐pass filter17
Performance investigation of asymmetric double‐gate doping less tunnel FET with Si/Ge heterojunction17
A new coplanar design of a 4‐bit ripple carry adder based on quantum‐dot cellular automata technology15
A fault‐diagnosis and tolerant control technique for five‐level cascaded H‐bridge inverters15
An effective nano design of demultiplexer architecture based on coplanar quantum‐dot cellular automata15
Memristor‐based stateful logic gates for multi‐functional logic circuit14
Systematic circuit design and analysis using generalised g m / I D functions of MOS devices14
Floating memristor and inverse memristor emulation configurations with electronic/resistance controllability14
Developed wireless sensor network to supervise the essential parameters in greenhouses for internet of things applications13
Split gated silicon nanotube FET for bio‐sensing applications13
A simple memristive jerk system13