Reviews in Aquaculture

(The H4-Index of Reviews in Aquaculture is 44. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Nutritional immunity of fish intestines: important insights for sustainable aquaculture278
Deep learning for smart fish farming: applications, opportunities and challenges142
Use of biofloc technology in shrimp aquaculture: a comprehensive review, with emphasis on the last decade115
The decline of mussel aquaculture in the European Union: causes, economic impacts and opportunities111
A global analysis on the systemic effects of antibiotics in cultured fish and their potential human health risk: a review106
Enzymatic fish protein hydrolysates in finfish aquaculture: a review88
Yeast as major protein‐rich ingredient in aquafeeds: a review of the implications for aquaculture production87
Immune responses and immunoprotection in crustaceans with special reference to shrimp86
Microplastics and their potential effects on the aquaculture systems: a critical review85
Moving towards more sustainable aquaculture practices: a meta‐analysis on the potential of plant‐enriched diets to improve fish growth, immunity and disease resistance85
Habitat value of bivalve shellfish and seaweed aquaculture for fish and invertebrates: Pathways, synthesis and next steps81
Healthy microbiome: a key to successful and sustainable shrimp aquaculture80
Probiotics and competitive exclusion of pathogens in shrimp aquaculture75
A review on the beneficial effect of thymol on health and production of fish75
Microbiome diversity and dysbiosis in aquaculture72
The redclaw crayfish: A prominent aquaculture species with invasive potential in tropical and subtropical biodiversity hotspots69
Prevention not cure: a review of methods to avoid sea lice infestations in salmon aquaculture69
Stress management in aquaculture: a review of dietary interventions67
Fish welfare in offshore salmon aquaculture67
A multidisciplinary review ofTetradesmus obliquus: a microalga suitable for large‐scale biomass production and emerging environmental applications67
The nitrification process for nitrogen removal in biofloc system aquaculture66
The role of currently used medicinal plants in aquaculture and their action mechanisms: A review66
Environmental enrichment in fish aquaculture: A review of fundamental and practical aspects65
Effects of ammonia on shrimp physiology and immunity: a review64
Sustainable aquaculture development: a review on the roles of cloud computing, internet of things and artificial intelligence (CIA)62
Lycopene reduces the impacts of aquatic environmental pollutants and physical stressors in fish60
Climate change adaptation in aquaculture58
Multifaceted applications of probiotic Bacillus species in aquaculture with special reference to Bacillus subtilis58
Kelp aquaculture in China: a retrospective and future prospects58
Mechanical induced wounds in fish – a review on models and healing mechanisms57
The role of oregano herb and its derivatives as immunomodulators in fish53
A review on Spirulina: alternative media for cultivation and nutritive value as an aquafeed51
The aquaponic principle—It is all about coupling51
Future feed resources in sustainable salmonid production: A review50
Development and current state of seawater shrimp farming, with an emphasis on integrated multi‐trophic pond aquaculture farms, in China – a review49
Selective breeding of edible bivalves and its implication of global climate change49
Fish pigmentation and coloration: Molecular mechanisms and aquaculture perspectives48
Understanding and managing suspended solids in intensive salmonid aquaculture: a review46
Cryptocaryon irritans (Brown, 1951) is a serious threat to aquaculture of marine fish46
Trained immunity and perspectives for shrimp aquaculture46
Commensal bacteria‐immunity crosstalk shapes mucosal homeostasis in teleost fish46
Incidence of antibiotic resistance in Vibrio spp46
The new aspects of using some safe feed additives on alleviated imidacloprid toxicity in farmed fish: a review45
Interactions and associated resistance development mechanisms between microplastics, antibiotics and heavy metals in the aquaculture environment44
Genome editing and its applications in genetic improvement in aquaculture44
Cleaner fish in aquaculture: review on diseases and vaccination44
Nitrification and denitrification in recirculating aquaculture systems: the processes and players44
Emerging indicators of fish welfare in aquaculture44