Biodata Mining

(The median citation count of Biodata Mining is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) is more reliable than balanced accuracy, bookmaker informedness, and markedness in two-class confusion matrix evaluation361
ChatGPT and large language models in academia: opportunities and challenges56
Identification of the active substances and mechanisms of ginger for the treatment of colon cancer based on network pharmacology and molecular docking55
Deep learning methods improve linear B-cell epitope prediction44
The Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) should replace the ROC AUC as the standard metric for assessing binary classification40
ISLAND: in-silico proteins binding affinity prediction using sequence information36
Exploring active ingredients and function mechanisms of Ephedra-bitter almond for prevention and treatment of Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) based on network pharmacology30
Deep learning-based ovarian cancer subtypes identification using multi-omics data29
Examining the effector mechanisms of Xuebijing injection on COVID-19 based on network pharmacology28
Gaussian noise up-sampling is better suited than SMOTE and ADASYN for clinical decision making25
Indels in SARS-CoV-2 occur at template-switching hotspots24
Network pharmacology reveals the multiple mechanisms of Xiaochaihu decoction in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease20
Evaluation of different approaches for missing data imputation on features associated to genomic data20
Acoustic and language analysis of speech for suicidal ideation among US veterans19
A comparison of methods for interpreting random forest models of genetic association in the presence of non-additive interactions18
Machine Learning Algorithms for understanding the determinants of under-five Mortality16
A network pharmacology-based study on Alzheimer disease prevention and treatment of Qiong Yu Gao16
Application of network pharmacology and molecular docking to elucidate the potential mechanism of Eucommia ulmoides-Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae against osteoarthritis16
Detection of iron deficiency anemia by medical images: a comparative study of machine learning algorithms15
Therapeutic mechanism of Toujie Quwen granules in COVID-19 based on network pharmacology14
eQTpLot: a user-friendly R package for the visualization of colocalization between eQTL and GWAS signals14
Data analytics and clinical feature ranking of medical records of patients with sepsis13
Ideas for how informaticians can get involved with COVID-19 research13
LPI-EnEDT: an ensemble framework with extra tree and decision tree classifiers for imbalanced lncRNA-protein interaction data classification13
Benchmarking AutoML frameworks for disease prediction using medical claims12
Diagnosis of thyroid nodules for ultrasonographic characteristics indicative of malignancy using random forest12
Prediction of the risk of developing end-stage renal diseases in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus using artificial intelligence algorithms11
Comparative analysis, applications, and interpretation of electronic health record-based stroke phenotyping methods11
Development and validation of a novel blending machine learning model for hospital mortality prediction in ICU patients with Sepsis11
Mechanistic modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 disease map11
Prediction of short-term mortality in acute heart failure patients using minimal electronic health record data11
PredictPTB: an interpretable preterm birth prediction model using attention-based recurrent neural networks10
Merging microarray studies to identify a common gene expression signature to several structural heart diseases9
Integrating pathway knowledge with deep neural networks to reduce the dimensionality in single-cell RNA-seq data9
Estimating sequencing error rates using families9
Feature selection using distributions of orthogonal PLS regression vectors in spectral data9
Revisiting the use of graph centrality models in biological pathway analysis9
Influenza, dengue and common cold detection using LSTM with fully connected neural network and keywords selection8
COVID-TRACK: world and USA SARS-COV-2 testing and COVID-19 tracking8
LightCUD: a program for diagnosing IBD based on human gut microbiome data8
A self-inspected adaptive SMOTE algorithm (SASMOTE) for highly imbalanced data classification in healthcare8
Prediction of synergistic drug combinations using PCA-initialized deep learning8
Machine learning approaches for the genomic prediction of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus7
iGlioSub: an integrative transcriptomic and epigenomic classifier for glioblastoma molecular subtypes7
Machine learning and statistical approaches for classification of risk of coronary artery disease using plasma cytokines7
Humans and machines in biomedical knowledge curation: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy molecular mechanisms’ representation7
The accelerated aging model reveals critical mechanisms of late-onset Parkinson’s disease6
Privacy-preserving chi-squared test of independence for small samples6
New neural network classification method for individuals ancestry prediction from SNPs data6
A prognostic model based on seven immune-related genes predicts the overall survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma6
Prescreening and treatment of aortic dissection through an analysis of infinite-dimension data5
Interpretable recurrent neural network models for dynamic prediction of the extubation failure risk in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit5
Prediction of MoRFs based on sequence properties and convolutional neural networks5
An efficient computational method for predicting drug-target interactions using weighted extreme learning machine and speed up robot features5
Identification of natural selection in genomic data with deep convolutional neural network4
mSRFR: a machine learning model using microalgal signature features for ncRNA classification4
Polygenic risk modeling of tumor stage and survival in bladder cancer4
Comparison of 16S and whole genome dog microbiomes using machine learning4
RASMA: a reverse search algorithm for mining maximal frequent subgraphs4
A multi-feature hybrid classification data mining technique for human-emotion4
Gene function finding through cross-organism ensemble learning4
An epistatic interaction between pre-natal smoke exposure and socioeconomic status has a significant impact on bronchodilator drug response in African American youth with asthma4
Conservation machine learning4
Genetic risk score for ovarian cancer based on chromosomal-scale length variation3
Automated quantitative trait locus analysis (AutoQTL)3
iSuc-ChiDT: a computational method for identifying succinylation sites using statistical difference table encoding and the chi-square decision table classifier3
Expanding a database-derived biomedical knowledge graph via multi-relation extraction from biomedical abstracts3
ParticleChromo3D: a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for chromosome 3D structure prediction from Hi-C data3
iU-Net: a hybrid structured network with a novel feature fusion approach for medical image segmentation3
Identification of therapeutic targets from genetic association studies using hierarchical component analysis3
Predicting molecular initiating events using chemical target annotations and gene expression3
Robust and rigorous identification of tissue-specific genes by statistically extending tau score3
Neural network methods for diagnosing patient conditions from cardiopulmonary exercise testing data3
Probability calibration-based prediction of recurrence rate in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma3
Machine-learning based feature selection for a non-invasive breathing change detection3
Signature literature review reveals AHCY, DPYSL3, and NME1 as the most recurrent prognostic genes for neuroblastoma3
Evaluating risk detection methods to uncover ontogenic-mediated adverse drug effect mechanisms in children3