International Journal of Public Theology

(The median citation count of International Journal of Public Theology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Public Theology in the Context of the Religious Dualization Phenomenon in Multiple Modernities5
The Critical Study of Religion and Division in the Age of Covid-195
Always with You: Questioning the Theological Construction of the Un/Deserving Poor3
Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low-Lying Islands, Coasts and Communities, written by Michael Oppenheimer and Bruce C. Glavovic3
Freedom, Compassion and Creativity2
Jesus as a Socially (Ir)responsible Innovator: Seeking the Common Good in a Dialogue between Wisdom Christologies and Social Entrepreneurship2
Ex- and Post-Evangelicalism: Recent Developments in Brazil’s Changing Religious Landscape2
Legal Euthanasia in Pastoral Practice: Experiences of Pastors in the Protestant Church in the Netherlands2
Rethinking Public Theology in Ethiopia: Politics, Religion, and Ethnicity in a Declining National Harmony2
Christian Ethics, Public Debate, and Pluralistic Society2
Hope in the Context of Climate Change: Jonathan Sacks’ Interpretation of the Exodus and Radical Uncertainty2
Capitalism and the Ecological Crisis: The Spirituality of Voluntary Sacrifice2
Public Theology and Global Governance: Weak Actors in Lawmaking for the World Economy2
Churches, Dignity, Gender: the Istanbul Convention as a Matter of Public Theology in Ukraine2
Via Tertia for the Orthodox Churches1
Public Theology Facing Digital Spaces Public Theology, Digital Theology and Changing Spaces for Theological Reasoning1
Is There No Sense of Shame among Evangélicos? The Idolatry of Bolsonaro and the Constraints of the Gospel1
Does Theology Belong in the University? Schleiermacherian Reflections from an Australian Context1
How Can I Keep from Singing? Being the Church amid the Covid-19 Pandemic1
The Prophetic Role of the Church and Postcolonial Portrait of Nigeria in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus1
Editorial: The Intersections of a Public Theology1
Blue Disciple: A Christian Call for the Sea in Peril1
Amos and the Beyond Aid Agenda: The 0.7% Target, COVID-19, and Reimagining International Development1
Editorial: Fresh Voices1
Apocalyptic Visions and Anthems of Hope: Climate Change Communication and Future Possibilities1
Confronting the Ideology Behind the Post-Truth Phenomenon: Outlining a Public Theology of Ultimate Concern1
Attacking Punitive Retribution at Its Heart – A Restorative Justice Thrust1
Bringing Bonhoeffer into Dialogue with Schmitt in Contemporary China1
Introduction: Bamberg GNPT1
What’s Wrong with Rights?, written by Nigel Biggar0
Tension, War, Peace, and Unification: South Korea’s Unification Policies in the Light of Theological-Ethical Theories of War and Peace0
Subaltern Public Theology: Dalits and the Indian Public Sphere, written by Raj Bharat Patta0
Notes on Contributors0
Public Theology Perspectives on Religion and Education, edited by Manfred L. Pirner, Johannes Lähnemann, Werner Haussmann, and Susanne Schwarz, in connection with Peter Bubmann, Florian Höhne, Andreas0
‘Flood this Nation with the Bible’: Rev. Godfridah Sumaili, Politics and the People’s Bible in Zambia0
A Biblical-Theological Critique of Neo-Liberal and Neo-Conservative Evangelicalism in the Season of Climate Change0
Front matter0
Back matter0
Lost for Words: Samoa’s Constitutional Crisis and the Case for a Public Theology0
Apologies for the Public Good: Towards a Taxonomy of Sorrow0
An Ecological Theology of Liberation: Salvation and Political Ecology, written by Daniel P. Castillo0
Protestant Theological Perspectives on the Contribution of Military Chaplains to Moral Formation0
Secularism under Dispute: Towards Agonistic, Pluralistic, and Democratic Politics. A Latin American Perspective0
Reconsidering David Tracy’s Public Theology in a Digital Age0
The Relevance of the Study of Christian Theology in the University and Society Today0
Publisher’s Note0
Editorial: Seeking a Witness to What Is Good0
Liberation Theology for a Democratic Society: Essays in Public Theology, written by Heinrich Bedford-Strohm0
Toward a Public Theology in Myanmar, edited by Lal Tin Hre and David Selvaraj0
Indian Christianity and Its Public Role: Socio-Theological Explorations, edited by Patrick Gnana0
Ethnic Reconciliation from the Margins0
The Provocations of Contact Zones: Spaces for Negotiating Post-Migrant Identities0
A Theological Case for Ukraine’s European Integration: Deconstructing the Myth of “Holy Russia” versus “Decadent Europe”0
Winning by Process: The State and Neutralization of Ethnic Minorities in Myanmar, written by Jacques Bertrand, Alexandre Pelletier, and Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung0
Notes on Contributors0
Displaced People and Public Mercy: A Theological Account0
Human Flourishing and a Theology of Poverty Alleviation0
Beyond Divisive Categorization in Young Adult Fiction: Lessons from Divergent0
Embodying Aga Tausili: A Public Theology from Oceania, written by Mercy Ah Siu-Maliko0
Confronting the Monster of Slavery: David Ruggles, Public Theology, and Structural Sin0
Christian Theology and the Capabilities Approach: Constructing a Method for Engagement0
Of Subjunctives and Apologetics: A Response to Judith Wolfe0
Franz Magnis-Suseno, Dialogue Ethics and Public Reasoning of Religions0
The Aesthetics of Atheism: Theology and Imagination in Contemporary Culture, written by Kutter Callaway and Barry Taylor0
Church, State, and Pluralistic Society0
Suffering and Spirituality in Myanmar Today: Hope amid the National Crisis0
“I Must Honestly Confess That I Am Afraid of You”0
Essentiality and Responsibility in Times of Crises Anthropodicy beyond the Limits of Reason Alone0
Notes on Contributors0
Scholarly Circles: A Practice for Thinking Christianly in the University0
The Works of Alan Richardson as a Prototype Public Theology0
Natural Theologies of Gender as National Conservative Political Theology0
Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Violence in Africa: Biblical, Pastoral and Ethical Perspectives, edited by Marius J. Nel, Dion A. Forster, and Christo H. Thesnaar0
Self-Defence and a Phronetic Use of Violence: A Christian Response to Muslim-mob Attacks in Northern Nigeria0
A Christian Response to Global Conflict: Realism and Reconciliation0
Editorial: Trends0
Notes on Contributors0
Back matter0
Enacting a Public Theology, edited by Clive Pearson0
Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism, written by Jonathan Tran0
Editorial: ‘Meanwhile … in the Lead Up and in the Background’0
A Burmese Public Theology of Religions and Reconciliation after the 2021 Coup0
Sovereignty: Indigenous Counter-Examples0
The Making of Christian Toryism: The Public Faith of Harold Macmillan0
The Eclipse of Equality in a World of Extremes0
Notes on Contributors0
Nuclear Weapons and the Christian: Disarmament or Learning to Live with Nuclear Armed Adversaries?0
From Consumption to Communion: The Ecclesial Role of Public Theologians in Cultivating a Livable City0
Is Sino-Christian Theology Truly “Theology”? Problematizing Sino-Christian Theology as a Public Theology0
Cemeteries as Spaces of Interreligious Encounter? The Use of Different Types of Neutrality in the Context of Graveyards in Scandinavia0
World Christianity and Interfaith Relations, edited by Richard F. Young0
The Practice of Pluralism: How Ritual Strengthens Democratic Politics0
T&T Clark Handbook of Public Theology, edited by Hübenthal Christoph, and Christiane Alpers0
Postcolonial Politics and Theology: Unraveling Empire for a Global World, written by Kwok, Pui-lan0
Mother Teresa: The Saint and Her Nation, written by Alpion, Gëzim0
‘Who Touched Me?’ Embodied Witness as Public Theology0
A Public Convergence: Embracing the Congregation as a Place of Difference0
Editorial: Listening to the Disciplinary Other0
Notes on Contributors0
Theology in the University and Society: Response to Judith Wolfe0
The Role of Ethnic Minorities in the Resistance Movement0
Front matter0
A Jewish Public Theology: God and the Global City, written by Abraham Unger0
A Metaphysical Foundation for Religious Thinking in Public? On Sharing Reason with Afro-protestant Thought0
The Spirit and the Common Good: Shared Flourishing in the Image of God, written by Daniela C. Augustine0
A Public Theological Reflection on Biblical Antecedents of Protocols for Managing Pandemics0
God and Community Organizing: A Covenantal Approach, written by Lee, Hak Joon0
Public Theology and the Anthropocene: Exploring Human-Animal Relations0
A Trauma-Ridden Body Lifted High: Eschatological Imagination in a Public Square0
Faith and the Political in the Post-Secular Age, edited by Anthony Maher0
On the Relevant Conversation of Theology’s Relevance in the University and Society Today0
Editorial: the Conundrums of a Public Theology0
Barth on Divine Simplicity and the Attributes of God: A Theological Agenda for Christian/Muslim Dialogue0
Black Protest as Public Theology0
Rehearsal of the Apocalypse: Christians of the Post-Soviet Regions about Covid-190
Good Soldiering and Re-Virtuing Military Ethics Training0
A Journey without Maps0
Elder Sexual Abuse and Sexual Freedom in Faith-based Residential Care Facilities: Ethical Dilemmas, and Institutional Integrity0
Back matter0
Amen: Jews, Christians and Muslims Keep Faith with God, written by Patrick J. Ryan, S.J.0
Public Theology in the Age of Social Media0
Shrewd Samaritan: Faith, Economics, and the Road to Loving Our Global Neighbor, written by Bruce Wydick0
Editorial: In the Shadow of Covid-190
Using Your Outside Voice: Public Biblical Interpretation, written by Greg Carey0
Exploring Local Church Praxis of Public Theology0
Notes on Contributors0
Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Social Justice: A Chinese Interdisciplinary Dialogue with Global Perspective, edited by Zhibin Xie, Pauline Kollontai and Sebastian Kim0
Fashion Theology, written by Robert Covolo0
‘Instruments of Justice:’ Biblical Contributions to a Public Theology of Engagement in Eastern European Context0
Notes on Contributors0
Who Is My Neighbour? Reading the Good Samaritan in the Context of the Coup0
On Patting Snakes and Sitting under Trees: Just Peace Theory and Prophetic Witness0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
God of the Small: Engaging Public Theology in Small Business0
Notes on Contributors0
The Refugee and the Sovereign State0
Editorial: Public Theology and Democratic Variants0
What are the Opinion Editorials Saying to the Church in the Philippines? Toward a Diagnostic Public Theology0
Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Myanmar: Contested Identities, edited by Perry Schmidt-Leukel, Hans-Peter Grosshans and Madlen Krueger0
Liveability at Risk0
Living beyond Fear0
Front matter0
City as Human Good and Epiphany0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
Reconstructing Love for God vis-à-vis Religious Intolerance in Nigeria through the Philosophy of Samae Spirit0
Editorial: Into the Future0
Notes on Contributors0
Curitiba, Brazil: Social Crisis and Policy Innovation for Cities in Light of Laudato Si’0
Notes on Contributors0
Reading Romans 13:1–7 as a Hidden Transcript of Public Theology0
Alone and Naked: Reading the Torture of Jesus alongside the Torture of Miriam Leitão0
Rousseau’s Contribution to Public Theology0
The Twin Challenges Facing Myanmar and How the World Can Help0
Space, Place and the Church: Fostering a Consciousness and a Theology of Spatial Justice in South African Churches0
Looking Behind the Blue Cards: Understanding Contested Ethical Approaches in the Ecumenical Space0
T&T Clark Handbook of Public Theology, edited by Christoph Hübenthal and Christiane Alpers0
Hybrid Organization in the Church: Hybrid Church as a Strategy for Public Engagement0
Time and Space in the Kingdom of God: Exploring Bonhoeffer’s Worldly and Earthly Christianity in the Anthropocene0
Notes on Contributors0
Broadening the Reign of God in Every Sphere: Understanding Christian Action between Church and State in Schleiermacher’s Philosophical and Christian Ethics0
The Third Space Between Church and City: Coproduction in a Danish Municipality0
Editorial: ‘Real Places’0
The Church, Kingdom and Society in the Writings of Vasilii V. Ivanov (1846–1919): towards a Public Theology for Post-Soviet Baptists0
When Did We See You Naked? Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse, edited by Jayme R. Reaves, David Tombs, and Rocio Figueroa0
Promise in Preaching and Pop Culture: in Search of a Sermon for Latin American Vulnerable Life0
A Church for the World: The Church’s Role in Fostering Democracy and Sustainable Development, edited by Samuel Yonas Deressa and Josh de Keijzer0
Editorial: Currency0
Theology and the University: A Reply to Professor Wolfe0
The Necessity of a Polycentric Federal Democracy in Myanmar0
Slavery-Free Communities: Emerging Theologies and Faith Responses to Modern Slavery, edited by Dan Pratt0
Editorial: For a Time Like This0
Justice and the Atonement: a Public Theology to Confront Police Brutality in America0
Towards a Christian Face amid Political Islam’s Presence in Indonesia0
The Problem of Dualistic Worldviews in a Season of Climate Change0
The Claim to Christianity: Responding to the Far Right, written by Hannah Strømmen and Ulrich Schmiedel0
Notes on Contributors0
Public Theology: Exploring Expressions of the Christian Faith, edited by Bonnie Miriam Jacob0
Theology from the Suburbs: The Challenge of Life for the City as a Whole0
International Relations’ Critical Turn in the Humanitarian Space: Opportunities for Christian Engagement0
Populism and ‘People’: Precarities and Polarizations as a Challenge and Task for a Public Theology0
Religious Symbols in Public Spaces in Brazil: Controversies and Propositions0
Christian Political Theology in an Age of Discontent: Mediating Scripture, Doctrine, and Political Reality, written by Jonathan Cole0
Editorial: Public Theology In Extremis0
Ukrainian Public Theology, written by Archimandrite Cyril Hovorun0
Introduction: Public Theology after Maidan0
The Eutopian City: The Challenge of Urban Conviviality in the Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti Encyclicals0
The Challenges of Radical Hospitality for Evangelical Public Theology: the Ukrainian Case0