Entertainment Computing

(The H4-Index of Entertainment Computing is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
A novel hybrid bidirectional unidirectional LSTM network for dynamic hand gesture recognition with Leap Motion64
Factors affecting continuous purchase intention of fashion products on social E-commerce: SOR model and the mediating effect47
A systematic review on the impacts of game-based learning on argumentation skills40
“Nice to see you virtually”: Thoughtful design and evaluation of virtual avatar of the other user in AR and VR based telexistence systems33
Variations in visual sensitivity predict motion sickness in virtual reality31
Learning through play: Gamification model in university-level distance learning30
The key elements of gamification in corporate training – The Delphi method27
Systematic literature review on health effects of playing Pokémon Go27
Playful-consumption experiences and subjective well-being: Children’s smartphone usage25
Serious games to improve social and emotional intelligence in children with autism25
Which are the patterns of video game use in Spanish school adolescents? Gender as a key factor23
Empowering vulnerable target groups with serious games and gamification22
Designing for meaningful social interaction in digital serious games21
Exergames in formal school teaching: A pre-post longitudinal field study on the effects of a dance game on motor learning, physical enjoyment, and learning motivation20
Design requirements for educational serious games with focus on player enjoyment20
Individualization in serious games: A systematic review of the literature on the aspects of the players to adapt to18
Boosting: Rank and skill deception in esports18
Quality of experience (QoE) assessment of games on workstations and mobile17
Serious games for people with mental disorders: State of the art of practices to maintain engagement and accessibility17
When ignorance is bliss: The role of curiosity in online games adoption17
Improving girls’ perception of computer science as a viable career option through game playing and design: Lessons from a systematic literature review17
Investigating Taiwan Instagram users’ behaviors for social media and social commerce development17