CBE-Life Sciences Education

(The median citation count of CBE-Life Sciences Education is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Gender Differences in Student Participation in an Active-Learning Classroom70
Fourteen Recommendations to Create a More Inclusive Environment for LGBTQ+ Individuals in Academic Biology59
Fear of Negative Evaluation and Student Anxiety in Community College Active-Learning Science Courses58
“How Well Does Your Structural Equation Model Fit Your Data?”: Is Marcoulides and Yuan’s Equivalence Test the Answer?55
Instructor Strategies to Alleviate Stress and Anxiety among College and University STEM Students46
Demystifying the Meaning of Active Learning in Postsecondary Biology Education44
BioSkills Guide: Development and National Validation of a Tool for Interpreting theVision and ChangeCore Competencies43
Fostering Metacognition to Support Student Learning and Performance41
COVID-19 and Undergraduates with Disabilities: Challenges Resulting from the Rapid Transition to Online Course Delivery for Students with Disabilities in Undergraduate STEM at Large-Enrollment Institu41
The Tyranny of Content: “Content Coverage” as a Barrier to Evidence-Based Teaching Approaches and Ways to Overcome It37
An Exploratory Study of Students with Depression in Undergraduate Research Experiences36
Is Active Learning Accessible? Exploring the Process of Providing Accommodations to Students with Disabilities36
“I Like and Prefer to Work Alone”: Social Anxiety, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Students’ Perceptions of Active Learning36
Factors Influencing Retention of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students in Undergraduate STEM Majors34
The Dark Side of Development: A Systems Characterization of the Negative Mentoring Experiences of Doctoral Students30
Is This Science? Students’ Experiences of Failure Make a Research-Based Course Feel Authentic29
“Accepting Evolution Means You Can’t Believe in God”: Atheistic Perceptions of Evolution among College Biology Students29
Gains and Losses in Virtual Mentorship: A Descriptive Case Study of Undergraduate Mentees and Graduate Mentors in STEM Research during the COVID-19 Pandemic29
Design-Based Research: A Methodology to Extend and Enrich Biology Education Research27
A Pandemic Crash Course: Learning to Teach Equitably in Synchronous Online Classes27
A New Measure of Students’ Perceived Conflict between Evolution and Religion (PCoRE) Is a Stronger Predictor of Evolution Acceptance than Understanding or Religiosity24
Applying Experiential Learning to Career Development Training for Biomedical Graduate Students and Postdocs: Perspectives on Program Development and Design23
Reconsidering the Share of a Think–Pair–Share: Emerging Limitations, Alternatives, and Opportunities for Research23
A Detailed Characterization of the Expert Problem-Solving Process in Science and Engineering: Guidance for Teaching and Assessment23
PhDepression: Examining How Graduate Research and Teaching Affect Depression in Life Sciences PhD Students22
Success for All? A Call to Re-examine How Student Success Is Defined in Higher Education22
Female In-Class Participation and Performance Increase with More Female Peers and/or a Female Instructor in Life Sciences Courses22
Scientific Societies Fostering Inclusive Scientific Environments through Travel Awards: Current Practices and Recommendations20
Training Faculty as an Institutional Response to COVID-19 Emergency Remote Teaching Supported by Data20
Aspects of Large-Enrollment Online College Science Courses That Exacerbate and Alleviate Student Anxiety20
Mindset, Motivation, and Teaching Practice: Psychology Applied to Understanding Teaching and Learning in STEM Disciplines19
A Meta-analysis of University STEM Summer Bridge Program Effectiveness18
Inside and Out: Factors That Support and Hinder the Self-Advocacy of Undergraduates with ADHD and/or Specific Learning Disabilities in STEM18
Relationships between the Religious Backgrounds and Evolution Acceptance of Black and Hispanic Biology Students17
Christianity as a Concealable Stigmatized Identity (CSI) among Biology Graduate Students17
Resources for Teaching and Assessing the Vision and Change Biology Core Concepts17
Transfer: A Review for Biology and the Life Sciences17
Using Systems and Systems Thinking to Unify Biology Education17
“How Do We Do This at a Distance?!” A Descriptive Study of Remote Undergraduate Research Programs during COVID-1916
Access Needs: Centering Students and Disrupting Ableist Norms in STEM16
Integrating Critical Approaches into Quantitative STEM Equity Work16
Comparison of Cluster Analysis Methodologies for Characterization of Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) Data16
Uncovering Factors Influencing Instructors’ Decision Process when Considering Implementation of a Course-Based Research Experience15
Finding a Fit: Biological Science Doctoral Students’ Selection of a Principal Investigator and Research Laboratory15
Optimizing the Efficacy of Learning Objectives through Pretests15
Science Identity among Latinx Students in the Biomedical Sciences: The Role of a Critical Race Theory–Informed Undergraduate Research Experience15
Nipped in the Bud: COVID-19 Reveals the Malleability of STEM Student Self-Efficacy15
Making a First Impression: Exploring What Instructors Do and Say on the First Day of Introductory STEM Courses15
Biosensors Show Promise as a Measure of Student Engagement in a Large Introductory Biology Course15
Diving into the Details: Constructing a Framework of Random Call Components14
Teaching Metabolism in Upper-Division Undergraduate Biochemistry Courses using Online Computational Systems and Dynamical Models Improves Student Performance14
Student Preclass Preparation by Both Reading the Textbook and Watching Videos Online Improves Exam Performance in a Partially Flipped Course14
Literature Reviews, Theoretical Frameworks, and Conceptual Frameworks: An Introduction for New Biology Education Researchers14
The ASPET Mentoring Network: Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion through Career Coaching Groups within a Scientific Society14
Value of Case-Based Learning within STEM Courses: Is It the Method or Is It the Student?14
Signaling Inclusivity in Undergraduate Biology Courses through Deliberate Framing of Genetics Topics Relevant to Gender Identity, Disability, and Race14
Undergraduate STEM Majors on and off the Pre-Med/Health Track: A STEM Identity Perspective13
Student Perceptions of Instructor Supportiveness: What Characteristics Make a Difference?13
A Call for Data-Driven Networks to Address Equity in the Context of Undergraduate Biology13
The Experiences of Undergraduates with Depression in Online Science Learning Environments13
Students’ Understanding of the Dynamic Nature of Genetics: Characterizing Undergraduates’ Explanations for Interaction between Genetics and Environment13
Navigating Tensions of Research and Teaching: Biology Graduate Students’ Perceptions of the Research–Teaching Nexus within Ecological Contexts12
Positive Impact of Multiple-Choice Question Authoring and Regular Quiz Participation on Student Learning12
“It’s completely erasure”: A Qualitative Exploration of Experiences of Transgender, Nonbinary, Gender Nonconforming, and Questioning Students in Biology Courses12
Evaluation of a Questionnaire Measuring University Students’ Sense of Belonging to and Involvement in a Biology Department12
Teaching Undergraduates to Communicate Science, Cultivate Mentoring Relationships, and Navigate Science Culture12
Reassess–Realign–Reimagine: A Guide for Mentors Pivoting to Remote Research Mentoring12
Reframing Educational Outcomes: Moving beyond Achievement Gaps12
Current Status and Implementation of Science Practices in Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs): A Systematic Literature Review11
The Moderating Effect of Faculty Mentorship on Undergraduate Students’ Summer Research Outcomes11
Drawing on Internal Strengths and Creating Spaces for Growth: How Black Science Majors Navigate the Racial Climate at a Predominantly White Institution to Succeed11
The Emerging STEM Paths and Science Identities of Hispanic/Latinx College Students: Examining the Impact of Multiple Undergraduate Research Experiences11
To What Extent Do Study Habits Relate to Performance?11
Fostering Students’ Understanding of Complex Biological Systems10
Measuring Research Mentors’ Cultural Diversity Awareness for Race/Ethnicity in STEM: Validity Evidence for a New Scale10
Diversity Interventions in the Classroom: From Resistance to Action10
Similarity and Contact Frequency Promote Mentorship Quality among Hispanic Undergraduates in STEM10
Teaching Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium using Population-Level Punnett Squares: Facilitating Calculation for Students with Math Anxiety9
“It made me feel like a bigger part of the STEM community”: Incorporation of Learning Assistants Enhances Students’ Sense of Belonging in a Large Introductory Biology Course9
Context Matters: Social Psychological Factors That Underlie Academic Performance across Seven Institutions9
Attention Matters: How Orchestrating Attention May Relate to Classroom Learning9
Teaching the Tough Topics: Fostering Ideological Awareness through the Inclusion of Societally Impactful Topics in Introductory Biology9
Brain-to-Brain Synchrony in the STEM Classroom9
The Relationship between Perceptions of Instructional Practices and Student Self-Efficacy In Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Courses9
Immersive 3D Experience of Osmosis Improves Learning Outcomes of First-Year Cell Biology Students8
A Revised Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution: Introducing the MATE 2.08
Automated Writing Assessments Measure Undergraduate Learning after Completion of a Computer-Based Cellular Respiration Tutorial8
Using Framing as a Lens to Understand Context Effects on Expert Reasoning8
Investigating Student Perceptions of Instructor Talk: Alignment with Researchers’ Categorizations and Analysis of Remembered Language8
College Student Conceptions about Changes to Earth and Life over Time8
A Cultural Impostor? Native American Experiences of Impostor Phenomenon in STEM8
Student-Authored Scientist Spotlights: Investigating the Impacts of Engaging Undergraduates as Developers of Inclusive Curriculum through a Service-Learning Course8
Punnett Squares or Protein Production? The Expert–Novice Divide for Conceptions of Genes and Gene Expression8
A Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Biology: Developing Systems Thinking through Field Experiences in Restoration Ecology8
A Framework of College Student Buy-in to Evidence-Based Teaching Practices in STEM: The Roles of Trust and Growth Mindset8
Student Perceptions of Authoring a Publication Stemming from a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)8
Instructional Models for Course-Based Research Experience (CRE) Teaching7
Entering Research Learning Assessment (ERLA): Validity Evidence for an Instrument to Measure Undergraduate and Graduate Research Trainee Development7
Developing a Model of Graduate Teaching Assistant Teacher Efficacy: How Do High and Low Teacher Efficacy Teaching Assistants Compare?7
Testing Effect on High-Level Cognitive Skills7
Interpret with Caution: COPUS Instructional Styles May Not Differ in Terms of Practices That Support Student Learning7
Antiracism and the Problems with “Achievement Gaps” in STEM Education7
Are Faculty Changing? How Reform Frameworks, Sampling Intensities, and Instrument Measures Impact Inferences about Student-Centered Teaching Practices7
A Tale of Two Institutions: Analyzing the Impact of Gamified Student Response Systems on Student Anxiety in Two Different Introductory Biology Courses7
Concept Map Assessment Reveals Short-Term Community-Engaged Fieldwork Enhances Sustainability Knowledge7
Engaging with CC Bio INSITES: Experiences of Barriers, Supports, and Belonging in Community College Faculty Participating in Biology Education Research7
The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences’ Intramural Training Program and Fellow Career Outcomes7
From Theory to Practice: Gathering Evidence for the Validity of Data Collected with the Interdisciplinary Science Rubric (IDSR)7
Writing and Using Learning Objectives7
Advancing the Guidance Debate: Lessons from Educational Psychology and Implications for Biochemistry Learning7
Moving the Needle: Evidence of an Effective Study Strategy Intervention in a Community College Biology Course6
Production Processes for Creating Educational Videos6
An Exploration across Institution Types of Undergraduate Life Sciences Student Decisions to Stay in or Leave an Academic-Year Research Experience6
Current Approaches for Integrating Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) Education into Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences: A National Assessment6
Unveiling Concealable Stigmatized Identities in Class: The Impact of an Instructor Revealing Her LGBTQ+ Identity to Students in a Large-Enrollment Biology Course6
Transfer Student Experiences and Identity Navigation in STEM: Overlapping Figured Worlds of Success6
A Unique and Scalable Model for Increasing Research Engagement, STEM Persistence, and Entry into Doctoral Programs6
Undergraduate GPA Predicts Biochemistry PhD Completion and Is Associated with Time to Degree6
Initial Development and Validation of the Plant Awareness Disparity Index6
Why Students Struggle in Undergraduate Biology: Sources and Solutions6
Talking Science: Undergraduates’ Everyday Conversations as Acts of Boundary Spanning That Connect Science to Local Communities6
Enthusiastic but Inconsistent: Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Perceptions of Their Role in the CURE Classroom6
Reflective Practices in Education: A Primer for Practitioners6
Meta-analysis of Gender Performance Gaps in Undergraduate Natural Science Courses6
“Moving the Science Forward”: Faculty Perceptions of Culturally Diverse Mentor Training Benefits, Challenges, and Support6
Using the Intended–Enacted–Experienced Curriculum Model to Map theVision and ChangeCore Competencies in Undergraduate Biology Programs and Courses6
Promoting Achievement for Community College STEM Students through Equity-Minded Practices6
Postsecondary Faculty Attitudes and Beliefs about Writing-Based Pedagogies in the STEM Classroom6
The Case for Biocalculus: Improving Student Understanding of the Utility Value of Mathematics to Biology and Affect toward Mathematics6
Simulating a Computational Biological Model, Rather Than Reading, Elicits Changes in Brain Activity during Biological Reasoning5
“Oh, that makes sense”: Social Metacognition in Small-Group Problem Solving5
Successful Problem Solving in Genetics Varies Based on Question Content5
Insight from Biology Program Learning Outcomes: Implications for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment5
Evading Race: STEM Faculty Struggle to Acknowledge Racialized Classroom Events5
The Instructor’s Role in a Model-Based Inquiry Laboratory: Characterizing Instructor Supports and Intentions in Teaching Authentic Scientific Practices5
Faculty Experiences of the Impostor Phenomenon in STEM Fields5
Using Students’ Concept-building Tendencies to Better Characterize Average-Performing Student Learning and Problem-Solving Approaches in General Chemistry5
Highlighting Prosocial Affordances of Science in Textbooks to Promote Science Interest5
Comparing the Outcomes of Face-to-Face and Synchronous Online Research Mentor Training Using Propensity Score Matching5
Disciplinary Bias, Money Matters, and Persistence: Deans’ Perspectives on Science Faculty with Education Specialties (SFES)5
Research Anxiety Predicts Undergraduates’ Intentions to Pursue Scientific Research Careers5
The Academic Career Readiness Assessment: Clarifying Hiring and Training Expectations for Future Biomedical Life Sciences Faculty5
A Course-Based Teaching Experience for STEM Undergraduates Improves Student Perceptions of Teaching Self-Efficacy and Attitudes Toward Teaching Careers5
Probing Internal Assumptions of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy5
Teaching and Learning Science through Multiple Representations: Intuitions and Executive Functions5
Supporting Undergraduate Biology Students’ Academic Success: Comparing Two Workshop Interventions5
Student Behaviors and Interactions Influence Group Discussions in an Introductory Biology Lab Setting5
Evaluation of a Culturally Responsive Mentorship Education Program for the Advisers of Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Program Graduate Students5
Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of the Scientific Research Culture after Participating in Different Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience Models4
To Cope or Not to Cope? Characterizing Biology Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Coping with Teaching and Research Anxieties4
Co-teaching in Undergraduate STEM Education: A Lever for Pedagogical Change toward Evidence-Based Teaching?4
What I Wish My Instructor Knew: How Active Learning Influences the Classroom Experiences and Self-Advocacy of STEM Majors with ADHD and Specific Learning Disabilities4
Scientist Spotlights in Secondary Schools: Student Shifts in Multiple Measures Related to Science Identity after Receiving Written Assignments4
“No matter what your story is, there is a place for you in science”: Students’ Ability to Relate to Scientists Positively Shifts after Scientist Spotlight Assignments, Especially for First-Generation 4
Communicating Complex STEM Program Evaluation to Diverse Stakeholders4
Identifying Group Work Experiences That Increase Students’ Self-Efficacy for Quantitative Biology Tasks4
The Aspects of Active-Learning Science Courses That Exacerbate and Alleviate Depression in Undergraduates4
Developing the DELTA: Capturing Cultural Changes in Undergraduate Departments4
Teaching Discipline-Based Problem Solving4
Relationships between Prediction Accuracy, Metacognitive Reflection, and Performance in Introductory Genetics Students4
Supporting Scientific Practice through Model-Based Inquiry: A Students’-Eye View of Grappling with Data, Uncertainty, and Community in a Laboratory Experience4
A Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience Improves Outcomes in Mentored Research4
Professional Development, Shifting Perspectives, and Instructional Change among Community College Anatomy and Physiology Instructors4
Student Motivations and Barriers toward Online and In-Person Office Hours in STEM Courses4
Community College Student Understanding and Perceptions of Evolution4
A Hierarchical Mentoring Program Increases Confidence and Effectiveness in Data Analysis and Interpretation for Undergraduate Biology Students4
Experience with Scientific Teaching in Face-to-Face Settings Promoted Usage of Evidence-Based Practices during Emergency Remote Teaching4
Advancing Science while Training Undergraduates: Recommendations from a Collaborative Biology Research Network4
Undergraduate R Programming Anxiety in Ecology: Persistent Gender Gaps and Coping Strategies4