Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science

(The TQCC of Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The Role of Affective Sensemaking in the Constitution of Experience. The Affective Pertinentization Model (APER)32
Parallelization: the Fourth Leg of Cultural Globalization Theory24
Anthropomorphizing Technology: A Conceptual Review of Anthropomorphism Research and How it Relates to Children’s Engagements with Digital Voice Assistants19
Decision Making: a Theoretical Review18
Towards a Wholistic Model of Identity: why Not a Meadow?17
Sinophobia during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Identity, Belonging, and International Politics16
Negative vs. Positive Psychology: a Review of Science of Well-Being15
Employee Engagement as Human Motivation: Implications for Theory, Methods, and Practice14
Gestures Enhance Executive Functions for the Understating of Mathematical Concepts14
Griefbots. A New Way of Communicating With The Dead?13
Vygotsky’s, Leontiev’s and Engeström’s Cultural-Historical (Activity) Theories: Overview, Clarifications and Implications13
The Emotions in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory: Personality, Emotion and Motivation in Social Relations and Activity9
A Pragmatic Turn in the Study of Early Executive Functions by Object Use and Gestures. A Case Study from 8 to 17 Months of Age at a Nursery School9
Mindful Age and Technology: a Qualitative Analysis of a Tablet/Smartphone App Intervention Designed for Older Adults9
Progressive Education is the Opium of the Educators9
The Relation Between Guanxi and Interpersonal Trust in the Workplace9
Understanding The Process of Taoistic-Informed Mindfulness from a Meadian Perspective9
Theoretical and Empirical Foundations for a Unified Pyramid of Human Motivation8
Home is Where the Heart is: Identity and Belonging Among Older Chinese Immigrants in Australia8
“I Have Been Born, Raised and Lived My Whole Life Here” – Perpetually on the Move While Remaining Still8
Vygotsky’s Legacy: Understanding and Beyond8
On the Adaptive Value of Paranormal Beliefs - a Qualitative Study7
Self-Construction in Immigration – I-Positioning through Tensional Dialogues to Powerful Foreign and Native Voices7
The teachers’ pedagogical fiduciary duty to their students6
An Epistemological Strategy for Initiating Scientific Revolution against WEIRD Psychology6
Microgenetic Analysis of Thought Trajectories: A Mixed Design6
The QBIT theory of consciousness: Entropy and qualia6
Social Normativity of Research Methods and the Methodological Discrepancy between Mainstream Psychological Research and Danish Psychology Students’ Master’s Thesis Projects6
Toward a Cultural Evolutionary Psychology: Why the Evolutionary Approach does not Imply Reductionism or Determinism6
A Simple Configural Approach for Testing Person-Oriented Mediation Hypotheses5
Well-being as Need Fulfillment: Implications for Theory, Methods, and Practice5
Cultural-Historical Theory and the Dialectics of Lower and Higher Psychological Functions5
Viktor von Weizsäcker’s Notion of Pathic: Affective Liminality, Modalization of Experience and Illness5
Existential Disruptions of Managers as a Collapse of Childhood Patterns: An Interpretative Phenomenological Investigation5
Intentional Understanding Through Action Coordination in Early Triadic Interactions5
Boundless China and Backward Asians: Hegemonic Confucianism as Epistemological Violence in Queer Psychology5
Thinking with the Rain. The Trajectory of a Metaphor in Vygotsky’s Theoretical Development5
Big and Small Stories from India in the COVID19 Plot: Directions for a ‘Post Coronial’ Psychology5
Creativity of Creativity Researchers: Invention of Problems and Experimental Objects to Study Thinking4
Adaptation across the Lifespan: Towards a Processual Evolutionary Explanation of Human Development4
Activity Theory for the De-Structuralized Modernity4
Basic Evaluation Process and some Associated Phenomena, Such as Emotions and Reactive Defense of Beliefs4
Two Sides of the Same Coin or Two Different Currencies? Representations of Happiness and Unhappiness among Finnish Women4
The Hero-Villain-Fool Narrative Construction Method: Assessing hidden organizational phenomena4
The Making of an Ethnoburb: Studying Sub-ethnicities of the China-born New Immigrants in Albany, New Zealand4
Cognition and Cognitive Reserve4
Is Another kind of Biologization Possible? On Biology and the psy Sciences4
Plasticity-Led Evolution and Human Culture4
A Critical Perspective on the (Neuro)biological Foundations of Language and Linguistic Cognition3
Creativity and Fiction: Interpretative Horizons on the Emergence of the New in the Relationship Between Individual and Culture3
An Attempt to Explain Visual Aesthetic Appreciation3
Collective Memory: Metaphor or Real?3
Strong Ties and Weak Ties Rationality: Theory and Scale Development3
Complexity in Environmental Sustainability Policy from a Semiotic Cultural Political Psychology Perspective3
Towards Dialogic Metaphors of Learning – from Socialization to Authoring3
Enacting Inner Speech on the Academic Stage. A Dialogical Review on Fossa, P. (Ed.). (2022). New Perspectives on Inner Speech. Springer3
Viktor von Weizsäcker’s Gestaltkreis Theory. The Dynamic and Subjective Relationship of Perception and Movement3
‘Measuring’ Collective Trauma: a Quantum Social Science Approach3
University without Borders3
The Relation between Emotion and Intellect: Which Governs Which?3
The Roles of Gestural and Symbolic Schematizations in Inhibition as a Component of Executive Functions3
Between Meanings and Senses-Making Spaces: Agency and Ownership Emergence Formalization from Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Position, for an AI-Friendly Model3
The Concept of Dialogical CO-Zone of Proximal Development: Intergenerationality in the Making3
Evolutionary Psychology and Normal Science: in Search of a Unifying Research Program3
SILENCE: Capturing the Feeling of Inner Quietude3
Speaking Pictures, Silent Voices: Female Athletes and the Negotiation of Selfhood2
Art Value Creation and Destruction2
The QBIT Theory: Consciousness from Entangled Qubits2
Historical Epistemology: a Research Approach in Psychiatry2
Two Sisters Family Histories: Self-In-Transit2
Care Practices Between Generations: Ambivalence and Meaning-making Process2
Critical Psychology and the Brain: Rethinking Free will in the Legal Context2
Mind-Body Correlation and its Logic: the Experience of “Invisible Body”2
The Sense of Belonging in the Context of Migration: Development and Trajectories Regarding Portuguese Migrants in Luxembourg2
The “Creativity Crisis” as a Mind in Crisis: A Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Position2
Biology, Culture and Environment: Methodological and Epistemological Principles for an Integrative Social Theory2
Indigenous Psychology as a General Science for Escaping the Snares of Psychological Methodolatry2
Separation in Unity: Dialogical Transformation of Maternal Bond2
Embodied Minds: Hearts and Brains in Psychiatry and Chinese Medicine2
Cultural Historical Psychology and the Reset of History2
The Essence of What it Is to Act Rationally: A Perspective on Distinctively Human Action Based on Aristotelian Philosophy and Evolutionary Science2
What Are Group Level Traits and How Do They Evolve?2
Dramatizing Living-in-the-World: Affective Generalization in Drama-in-Education Workshop2
Episodic Events as Spatiotemporal Memory: The Sequence of Information in the Episodic Buffer of Working Memory for Language Comprehension2
Embracing Diversity: the Complexities of Reckoning and Accepting Otherness2
Vygotsky’s Emotions: Desire/Passion in Spinoza, Proposal/Proposition in Halliday, and Teaching Sexual Consent to Children in Korea2
Motivational Congruence Theory: Beyond the Dualistic Approach to Human Motivation2
What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Culture? There is a Missing Link Between the Natural and the Social Sciences2
The Necessity to Recognize Processes of Radicalization from a Socio-cultural Perspective2
Adapting Ourselves, Instead of the Environment: An Inquiry into Human Enhancement for Function and Beyond2
A Critical Sociocultural Understanding of Evidence-Based Research and Practice Paradigm in Contemporary Psychology2
Enhancing Enneagram Therapy with Contemporary Research on the Conscious and Unconscious Mind2
Socioeconomic Status and Childhood Executive Function: Differing Conceptualizations, Diverse Assessments, and Decontextualized Investigations2
Real-Time Assessment of Causal Attribution Shift and Stay Between Two Successive Tests of Movement Aids2
Self – Regard of Individuals with Autism – How People from the Autism Spectrum Perceive Autism. A Netnographic Research2
Introducing Cultural Psychology: An open Approach of Thinking2
Stages in Theory and Experiment. Fuzzy-Structuralism and Piagetian Stages2
Neurotechnologies, Ethics, and the Limits of Free Will2
The cultural ground of academic knowledge construction: a methodological discussion opening paths for possible future researches2
Peasants’ Fatalistic Thinking in Chinese Communism: an Analysis of a Rural Family’s Oral History2
Anthropological Prosociality via Sub-Group Level Selection2
Animal Creativity as a Function of Behavioral Innovation and Behavior Flexibility in Problem-solving Situations2
Graphical Representation of the Movements of Motives of Consciousness in Leontyev’s Activity Theory2
Inquiry in psychology2
Transitions of bonding: The borders between hidden roots and visible roads in life course2