Celebrity Studies

(The TQCC of Celebrity Studies is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Governing entertainment celebrities in China: practices, policies and politics (2005–2020)11
The rise and fall of the ‘King of Hanmai’—MC Tianyou10
FromParis is Burningto #dragrace: social media and the celebrification of drag culture9
Internationalising Celebrity Studies: turning towards Asia9
The art of attracting attention: a process model of Chinese toubu vloggers’ strategies to create online identities and self-brands8
Fifteen seconds of fame: Rupaul’s drag race, camp and ‘memeability’8
BTS for BLM: K-pop, Race, and Transcultural Fandom7
Performing nationalist populism in Turkey: an exploration of anti-Western, anti-elite and Muslim conservative undercurrents6
Celebrity in the #MeToo Era6
Social media’s commodified, transgender ambassador: Caitlyn Jenner, celebrity activism, and social media5
‘Assume the position: two queens stand before me’: RuPaul as ultimate queen5
Singaporean Influencers and Covid-19 on Instagram Stories5
Idols, celebrities, and fans at the time of post-catastrophe4
‘No one is trash, no one is garbage, no one is cancelled’: the cultural politics of trauma, recovery and rage inRuPaul’s Drag Race4
Filter bubbles and guru effects: Jordan B. Peterson as a public intellectual in the attention economy4
Celebrity memes, audioshop, and participatory fan culture: a case study on Keanu Reeves memes4
Product endorsement on Slovak TV: Generation Y’s recall of celebrity endorsements and brands3
Look what you made them do: understanding fans’ affective responses to Taylor Swift’s political coming-out3
#ModiWithAkshay: ‘Brand Modi’, social media and Bollywood star power3
We’re all television stars in a pandemic3
Warburg’s dogs: Nobel laureates and scientific celebrity3
Performing whiteness: skin beauty as somatechnics in South Korean stardom and celebrity3
What makes the giant panda a celebrity?3
Free Britney, b**ch!: femininity, fandom and #FreeBritney activism3
Analysing celebrity politics from Obama to Trump3
National populists: right-wing celebrity politicians in contemporary Europe3
Celebrity, Inc.: the self as work in the era of presentational culture online3
‘Are there Marlians in the Buhari government?’ Popular music and personality cult in Nigeria3
On good girls and woke white women: Miss Americana and the performance of popular white womanhood2
Working the red carpet: a framework for analysing celebrities’ red carpet labour2
The world according to Siderov: the rise of the far-right celebrity politician in Bulgaria2
The concept of an ‘anticelebrity’: a new type of antihero of the media age and its impact on modern politics2
Aunt Becky goes rogue: de-celebrification and de-mothering in the college cheating scandal, Operation Varsity Blues2
Heritage child stars on Disney+: the liquidities of child stardom in the SVOD era2
Forever Gor Gor, changing fans: Leslie Cheung posthumous fandom revisited2
Fame-bridging, stereotypes, and the celebrity labour of Anna Nicole Smith2
‘Labouring in the image’: celebrity, femininity, and the fully commodified self in the drag of Willam Belli2
Black Lives Matter in London, June 2020: Patrick Hutchinson, instant celebrity, and changing discourses of race and class in British media2
Black celebrity matters: on the instability of fame2
Policing the celebrity of Taylor Swift: introduction2
Crazy Rich Eurasians: white enough to be acceptable, Asian enough to be an asset2
Homemade pet celebrities: the everyday experience of micro-celebrity in promoting the self and others2
Rewriting ‘herstory’: Sasha Velour’s drag as art and activism2
Do parasocial relationships with micro- and mainstream celebrities differ? An empirical study testing four attributes of the parasocial relationship2
Drag celebrity impersonation as queer caricature in The Snatch Game2
The celebrity whitewashing of Black Lives Matter and social injustices2
French after all: the Hollywood career of Marion Cotillard2
Representing embodied expertise: anorexia and the celebrity athlete’s lifestyle advice2
Communication, class and the commodified self: exploring the divergent pathways to celebrity in the electro dance subculture2
‘Charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent’: RuPaul’s Drag Race and the cultural politics of fame2