BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care

(The median citation count of BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Impact of dementia on informal care: a systematic review of family caregivers’ perceptions88
Integration of palliative care into COVID-19 pandemic planning84
Can video consultations replace face-to-face interviews? Palliative medicine and the Covid-19 pandemic: rapid review63
Symptom burden and clinical profile of COVID-19 deaths: a rapid systematic review and evidence summary51
Hospice care access inequalities: a systematic review and narrative synthesis49
Advance care plans and hospitalized frail older adults: a systematic review36
Development and validation of a machine learning-based prediction model for near-term in-hospital mortality among patients with COVID-1936
Opioids for breathlessness: a narrative review33
Acupuncture for palliative cancer pain management: systematic review33
Anticipatory prescribing in community end-of-life care in the UK and Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic: online survey30
Evaluation of current medical approaches for COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis29
Symptom clusters in patients receiving chemotherapy: A systematic review28
Newly diagnosed cancer and the COVID-19 pandemic: tumour stage migration and higher early mortality27
Systematic mixed-method review of barriers to end-of-life communication in the family context26
Advance care planning: the future26
Cardiorespiratory fitness in breast cancer survivors: a randomised controlled trial of home-based smartphone supported high intensity interval training25
Breast cancer nursing interventions and clinical effectiveness: a systematic review24
The patient-generated subjective global assessment is a promising screening tool for cancer cachexia21
Specialist palliative care services response to ethnic minority groups with COVID-19: equal but inequitable—an observational study21
Telehealth: rapid adoption in community palliative care due to COVID-19: patient and professional evaluation21
Inappropriate end-of-life cancer care in a generalist and specialist palliative care model: a nationwide retrospective population-based observational study20
Anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in hospital staff: systematic review plus meta-analysis20
Place-of-death preferences among patients with cancer and family caregivers in inpatient and outpatient palliative care20
How to communicate with families living in complete isolation20
Healthcare trajectories and costs in the last year of life: a retrospective primary care and hospital analysis19
Chinese perspective on end-of-life communication: a systematic review19
Global quality of life in breast cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis18
Coronavirus pandemic: compassionate communities and information technology18
Asymptomatic COVID-19 infection: diagnosis, transmission, population characteristics18
Preferred and actual place of death in haematological malignancies: a report from the UK haematological malignancy research network18
Euthanasia in the Netherlands: a claims data cross-sectional study of geographical variation17
Central catheter-associated deep vein thrombosis in cancer: clinical course, prophylaxis, treatment17
Pandemic ICU triage challenge and medical ethics17
COVID-19 pandemic: changes in cancer admissions17
Global palliative care research (2002-2020): bibliometric review and mapping analysis17
Telenursing home care and COVID-19: a qualitative study16
Sleep quality, anxiety and depression in advanced lung cancer: patients and caregivers16
Clinician responses to legal requests for hastened death: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research15
Physician attitudes to voluntary assisted dying: a scoping review15
Home parenteral nutrition versus artificial hydration in malnourished patients with cancer in palliative care: a prospective, cohort survival study15
Adult palliative care 2004–2030 population study: estimates and projections in Malaysia15
What is the impact of clinically assisted hydration in the last days of life? A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis15
Early palliative care: the surprise question and the palliative care screening tool—better together15
NECPAL tool prognostication in advanced chronic illness: a rapid review and expert consensus15
Exercise interventions in metastatic cancer disease: a literature review and a brief discussion on current and future perspectives15
What is a good death? A critical discourse policy analysis14
Double-edged MAiD death family legacy: a qualitative descriptive study14
Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool prognostic value in older hospitalised patients: a prospective multicentre study14
Facilitators and barriers to general practitioner and general practice nurse participation in end-of-life care: systematic review14
Efficacy and safety of pharmacological cachexia interventions: systematic review and network meta-analysis13
Harmful consequences of COVID-19 fear in patients with cancer13
End-of-life care in natural disasters including epidemics and pandemics: a systematic review13
Breaking bad news: tackling cultural dilemmas13
Improved cancer-related fatigue in a randomised clinical trial: methylphenidate no better than placebo13
Global and regional geographical prevalence of depression in gastric cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis13
Efficacy of naloxegol on symptoms and quality of life related to opioid-induced constipation in patients with cancer: a 3-month follow-up analysis12
Colorectal cancer survivors’ quality of life: a qualitative study of unmet need12
Primary-level palliative care national capacity: Pallium Canada12
Early palliative/supportive care in acute myeloid leukaemia allows low aggression end-of-life interventions: observational outpatient study12
Virtual reality in specialist palliative care: a feasibility study to enable clinical practice adoption12
Dignity therapy, psycho-spiritual well-being and quality of life in the terminally ill: systematic review and meta-analysis12
Decision-making in palliative care: patient and family caregiver concordance and discordance—systematic review and narrative synthesis12
Virtual reality in hospice: improved patient well-being12
End-of-life care quality measures: beyond place of death12
Nutrition and physical activity: French intergroup clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up (SNFGE, FFCD, GERCOR, UNICANCER, SFCD, SFED, SFRO, ACHBT, AFC, SFP-APA, SFNCM, AF12
Prognostic awareness in advanced cancer: an integrative literature review11
Current collaboration between palliative care and neurology: a survey of clinicians in Europe11
Healthcare use and costs in the last year of life: a national population data linkage study11
Findings and lessons learnt from early termination of a pragmatic comparative effectiveness trial of video consultations in home-based palliative care11
Family carer needs in advanced disease: systematic review of reviews10
Serious Illness Conversations in advanced kidney disease: a mixed-methods implementation study10
Palliative care in critically ill COVID-19 patients: the early New York City experience10
Meaning in life and quality of life: palliative care patients versus the general population10
Prognostic disclosure in oncology - current communication models: a scoping review10
Exercise intervention and sexual function in advanced prostate cancer: a randomised controlled trial10
AI-based clinical decision-making systems in palliative medicine: ethical challenges10
Action plans in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a qualitative study—‘I do what I can do’10
Advance care planning in nursing homes: new conversation and documentation tools10
Experiences of fathers of children with a life-limiting condition: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis10
Opioids impair nivolumab outcomes: a retrospective propensity score analysis in non-small-cell lung cancer10
Cachexia is associated with depression, anxiety and quality of life in cancer patients10
Early palliative care in haematological patients: a systematic literature review9
Pulmonary referrals to specialist palliative medicine: a survey9
Research participation in palliative medicine—benefits and barriers for patients and families: rapid review and thematic synthesis9
How can existential or spiritual strengths be fostered in palliative care? An interpretative synthesis of recent literature9
To be mortal is human: professional consensus around the need for more psychology in palliative care9
Global, regional and national quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis: a global systematic review and meta-analysis9
Nutrition and physical activity professional education in gastrointestinal oncology: a national multidisciplinary survey9
Effect of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool intervention (CSNAT-I) in the Danish specialised palliative care setting: a stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial9
Public knowledge and attitudes concerning palliative care9
Ethical issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic in patients with cancer: experience and organisations in a French comprehensive cancer centre9
Subcutaneous furosemide in advanced heart failure: service improvement project8
Prognosis palliative care study, palliative prognostic index, palliative prognostic score and objective prognostic score in advanced cancer: a prospective comparison8
NECPAL prognostic tool: a palliative medicine retrospective cohort study8
Duloxetine for prevention and treatment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN): systematic review and meta-analysis8
Upside down solutions: palliative care and COVID-198
Integrated palliative homecare in advanced dementia: reduced healthcare utilisation and costs8
Telemedicine for outpatient palliative care during COVID-19 pandemics: a longitudinal study8
The wish to die and hastening death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A scoping review8
Mindful gratitude journaling: psychological distress, quality of life and suffering in advanced cancer: a randomised controlled trial8
General practice nurses and physicians and end of life: a systematic review of models of care8
Informal caregivers and advance care planning: systematic review with qualitative meta-synthesis8
Distinct financial distress profiles in patients with breast cancer prior to and for 12 months following surgery8
Palliative care knowledge test for nurses and physicians: validation and cross-cultural adaptation7
Limitations in health professionals’ knowledge of end-of-life law: a cross-sectional survey7
Factors associated with unscheduled care use by cancer decedents: a systematic review with narrative synthesis7
Advance care planning and caregiver outcomes: intervention efficacy – systematic review7
Dealing with cultural diversity in palliative care7
Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous clonidine for refractory symptoms in palliative medicine: a retrospective study7
Dysphagia screening post-stroke: systematic review7
Unmet spiritual needs in palliative care: psychometrics of a screening checklist7
Advance care planning in the community: factors of influence7
Virtual visits in palliative care: about time or against the grain?7
Swallowing functional outcomes and nutritional status in head and neck cancer radiotherapy: longitudinal study7
Serious Illness Care Programme—contextual factors and implementation strategies: a qualitative study7
Timely community palliative and end-of-life care: a realist synthesis7
Symptom reduction in palliative care from single session mindful breathing: a randomised controlled trial7
Severe mental illness and palliative care: patient semistructured interviews7
Occupational therapy and physiotherapy interventions in palliative care: a cross-sectional study of patient-reported needs7
Randomised trial of a serious illness decision aid (Plan Well Guide) for patients and their substitute decision-makers to improve engagement in advance care planning7
The impact of routine Edmonton symptom assessment system use on receiving palliative care services: results of a population-based retrospective-matched cohort analysis7
Wish to die and hasten death in palliative care: a cross-sectional study factor analysis7
Deaths in dementia: a scoping review of prognostic variables7
mHOMR: a prospective observational study of an automated mortality prediction model to identify patients with unmet palliative needs7
End-of-life care for older first-generation migrants: a scoping review6
Family meetings in paediatric palliative care: an integrative review6
Prospective oversight and approval of assisted dying cases in Victoria, Australia: a qualitative study of doctors’ perspectives6
Patient awareness of palliative care: systematic review6
Patient card games in palliative care: integrative review6
Designing the physical environment for inpatient palliative care: a narrative review6
Cancer-related fatigue—pharmacological interventions: systematic review and network meta-analysis6
Early palliative intervention: effects on patient care satisfaction in advanced cancer6
Cancer survivors 75 years and older: physical, emotional and practical needs6
Distress Thermometer in breast cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis6
Androgen deprivation therapy and radiation for prostate cancer—cognitive impairment, sleep, symptom burden: a prospective study6
Home parenteral nutrition in neuroendocrine tumour intestinal failure: improved quality of life and longevity6
Naltrexone for cholestatic itch: a systematic review6
How Leaders, Teams and Organisations can prevent Burnout and build Resilience: a thematic analysis’6
Impact of palliative care consult service in inpatient hospital setting: a systematic literature review6
Spiritual well-being, dignity-related distress and demoralisation at the end of life-effects of dignity therapy: a randomised controlled trial6
Furosemide in end-stage heart failure: community subcutaneous infusions6
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)-enhanced communication skills: development and evaluation of a novel training programme6
Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation—clinical outcomes: impact of leg muscle strength6
Interstitial lung disease and specialist palliative care access: a healthcare professionals survey6
Administration of label and off-label drugs by the subcutaneous route in palliative care: an observational cohort study6
Chemotherapy decision-making in advanced lung cancer: a prospective qualitative study6
Specialised outpatient paediatric palliative care team–parent collaboration: narrative interviews with parents6
Frailty and palliative care6
Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis—health-related quality of life: systematic review plus meta-analysis6
Specialist palliative care classification: typology development6
Clinical nurse specialists and survival in patients with cancer: the UK National Cancer Experience Survey5
Depression and complicated grief in bereaved caregivers in cardiovascular diseases: prevalence and determinants5
Virtual learning environment (‘Ivy Street’) for palliative medicine education: student and facilitator evaluation5
‘Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT) improves renal nurses’ confidence in recognising patients approaching end of life’5
Healthcare interpreters and difficult conversations: a survey5
Palliative versus hospice care in patients with cancer: a systematic review5
Physicians’ views on the usefulness and feasibility of identifying and disclosing patients’ last phase of life: a focus group study5
Therapeutic thoracentesis symptoms and activity: a qualitative study5
Seizures in palliative medicine: brivaracetam5
Death from cancer: frequent unscheduled care5
Does acupressure help reduce nausea and vomiting in palliative care patients? A double blind randomised controlled trial5
Mapping palliative care provision in European prisons: an EAPC Task Force Survey5
Short-term efficacy of home-based heart rate variability biofeedback on sleep disturbance in patients with incurable cancer: a randomised open-label study5
Cancer centre supportive oncology service: health economic evaluation5
Emergency department presentations in palliative care patients: a retrospective cohort study5
Performance status and survival in cancer patients undergoing palliative care: retrospective study5
Exploring the reasons cancer survivors do not seek help for their concerns: a descriptive content analysis5
Community access to palliative care medicines—patient and professional experience: systematic review and narrative synthesis5
Telemedicine family meetings in palliative care: etiquette5
Symptoms of advanced cancer in palliative medicine: a longitudinal study5
Finalising the administration of co-SSPedi, a dyad approach to symptom screening for paediatric patients receiving cancer treatments5
Best supportive care and prognosis: advanced gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma5
Supportive and palliative care in the age of deferred death: primary care’s central role5
Antibiotic use towards the end of life: development of good practice recommendations5
Advance directives and real-world end-of-life clinical practice: a case–control study5
Nutritional status and symptom burden in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: results of the dietetic assessment and intervention in lung cancer (DAIL) trial5
COVID-19 deaths in care homes: primary care management study5
Primary palliative care integrated model in paediatric ICU: an international cross-sectional study5
Mechanical ventilation withdrawal in motor neuron disease: an evaluation of practice5
The Surprise Question5
Oncology to specialised palliative home care systematic transition: the Domus randomised trial5
Palliative care environments for patient, family and staff well-being: an ethnographic study of non-standard design5
Volunteers in palliative care: A healthcare system-wide cross-sectional survey5
Group-led creative writing and behavioural health in cancer: a randomised clinical trial5
Burnout in physicians: a survey of the Danish society for palliative medicine5
Unplanned hospitalisations in older people: illness trajectories in the last year of life5
Parental terminal cancer and dependent children: a systematic review5
Prostate cancer: unmet supportive and palliative care needs: national survey of patients and family carers5
Strengthening palliative care in the hospital setting: a codesign study5
Symptom prevalence and severity in palliative cancer medicine5
Cancer survivors and neurotoxic chemotherapy: hearing loss and tinnitus5
Patient–caregiver dyads advance care plan value discussions: randomised controlled cancer trial of video decision support tool5
Assisted dying request assessments by trained consultants: changes in practice and quality - Repeated cross-sectional surveys (2008–2019)5
The ‘Surprise question’ in heart failure: a prospective cohort study5
Quality of life support in advanced cancer—web and technological interventions: systematic review and narrative synthesis5
Palliative care integration indicators: an European regional analysis4
Palliative care for homeless and vulnerably housed people: scoping review and thematic synthesis4
Global health-related quality of life in schizophrenia: systematic review and meta-analysis4
Anticipatory grief prevalence among caregivers of persons with a life-threatening illness: A meta-analysis4
Prognostic disclosure and quality of life in palliative care: a systematic review4
Spirituality and religiosity in a palliative medicine population: mixed-methods study4
Patient and caregiver experiences with advanced cancer care: a qualitative study informing the development of an early palliative care pathway4
Sevoflurane topical analgesia for intractable pain with suicidal ideation4
Early palliative care and quality of dying and death in patients with advanced cancer4
Lung cancer deaths (England 2001–2017)—comorbidities: a national population-based analysis4
Acupuncture for postprostatectomy incontinence: a systematic review4
COVID-19 emergency and palliative medicine: an intervention model’4
Pegfilgrastim safety and efficacy on the last chemotherapy day versus the next: systematic review and meta-analysis4
Hospital end-of-life care: families’ free-text notes4
Inadequate completion of advance care directives by individuals with dementia: national audit of health and aged care facilities4
‘Advance care planning, general practitioners and patients: a phase II cluster-randomised controlled trial in chronic life-limiting illness’4
Grief and bereavement of family and friends around medical assistance in dying: scoping review4
Peripheral nerve blocks in advanced cancer pain: retrospective case series4
Hospice delivery models and survival differences in the terminally ill: a large cohort study4
Neutropenic versus regular diet for acute leukaemia induction chemotherapy: randomised controlled trial4
Psychological well-being of hospice staff: systematic review4
Incompatible: end-of-life care and health economics4
Clinical decision support system to optimise symptom management in palliative medicine: focus group study4
Cancer palliative care referral: patients’ and family caregivers’ perspectives – a systematic review4
Core elements of serious illness conversations: an integrative systematic review4
Increased legalisation of medical assistance in dying: relationship to palliative care4
Methadone rotation for cancer pain: an observational study4
What do we know about patients’ perspectives and expectations relating to palliative and end-of-life care in advanced liver disease? A systematic review of qualitative literature using ENTREQ guidelin4
Cross-sectional survey of the wish to die among palliative patients in Spain: one phenomenon, different experiences4
Sarcopenia and anthracycline cardiotoxicity in patients with cancer4
Percutaneous cervical cordotomy for cancer-related pain: prospective multimodal outcomes evaluation4
Influence of individual, illness and environmental factors on place of death among people with neurodegenerative diseases: a retrospective, observational, comparative cohort study4
Multidisciplinary team meetings in palliative care: an ethnographic study4
Duration of palliative care involvement and cancer care aggressiveness near the end of life4
The ACS-TQIP palliative care guidelines at two level I trauma centres: a prospective study of patient and caregiver satisfaction4
Anxiety and depression prevalence in digestive cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis4
Access for Cancer Caregivers to Education and Support for Shared Decision Making (ACCESS) intervention: a cluster cross-over randomised clinical trial4
Palliative sedation outside a palliative care unit4
Haematological cancer versus solid tumour end-of-life care: a longitudinal data analysis4
Advance care planning participation by people with dementia: a cross-sectional survey and medical record audit4
Physician emotional experience of communication and decision making with end-of-life patients: qualitative studies systematic review4
Coping in patients with pancreatic cancer: a scoping review and narrative synthesis4
Pharmacogenomics-guided opioid management4
End-of-life communication in advanced cancer: international trends (2009–2014)4
Methadone and neuropathic cancer pain subcomponents: a prospective cohort pilot study4
Paediatric end-of-life care – symptoms and problems: parent assessment4
Parkinson’s disease – palliative care needs assessment tool: adaptation and psychometric testing4
Addition of aprepitant improves acute emesis control in children and adolescents receiving induction chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukaemia: a randomised, open-label trial4
‘Palliative care education in nursing homes: a qualitative evaluation of telementoring4
Provision of palliative care in National Cancer Grid treatment centres in India: a cross-sectional gap analysis survey4
SPIDER as a framework to formulate eligibility criteria in qualitative systematic reviews4
Burnout in Palliative Care - Difficult Cases: Qualitative Study4
The carbon footprint of a hospice3
Medical assistance in dying in hospice: A qualitative study3
Quality of life in paediatric solid tumours: a randomised study of metronomic chemotherapy versus placebo3