BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation

(The H4-Index of BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The effect of exercise on cytokines: implications for musculoskeletal health: a narrative review53
Physical activity induced alterations of gut microbiota in humans: a systematic review40
The effect of regular aerobic exercise on sleep quality and fatigue among female student dormitory residents27
Match running performance in Brazilian professional soccer players: comparisons between successful and unsuccessful teams23
What is the impact of fitness on injury risk during police academy training? A retrospective cohort study20
The feasibility of implementing high-intensity interval training in cardiac rehabilitation settings: a retrospective analysis20
The effect of a sand surface on physical performance responses of junior male handball players to plyometric training19
Fear-avoidance beliefs are associated with exercise adherence: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) among female healthcare workers with recurrent low back pain19
Influence of contextual factors on physical demands and technical-tactical actions regarding playing position in professional soccer players18
Identifying the factors affecting ‘patient engagement’ in exercise rehabilitation18
Technical and tactical diagnosis model of table tennis matches based on BP neural network17
LOAD-intensity and time-under-tension of exercises for men who have Achilles tendinopathy (the LOADIT trial): a randomised feasibility trial17
Patterns of rapid weight loss in elite sambo athletes17
Athletic identity and sport commitment in athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction who have returned to sports at their pre-injury level of competition17
Peak week recommendations for bodybuilders: an evidence based approach17
Sleep quality and athletic performance according to chronotype16