Frontiers of Computer Science

(The H4-Index of Frontiers of Computer Science is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Ethereum smart contract security research: survey and future research opportunities100
A survey of density based clustering algorithms74
DeepM6ASeq-EL: prediction of human N6-methyladenosine (m6A) sites with LSTM and ensemble learning56
DFD-Net: lung cancer detection from denoised CT scan image using deep learning51
Challenges and future directions of secure federated learning: a survey47
Meaningful image encryption algorithm based on compressive sensing and integer wavelet transform38
A survey of music emotion recognition30
Graph convolution machine for context-aware recommender system29
Image smog restoration using oblique gradient profile prior and energy minimization26
A survey of Intel SGX and its applications23
Protein interaction networks: centrality, modularity, dynamics, and applications23
Brain tumor localization and segmentation using mask RCNN23
Compositional metric learning for multi-label classification23
piEnPred: a bi-layered discriminative model for enhancers and their subtypes via novel cascade multi-level subset feature selection algorithm22
Derivative-free reinforcement learning: a review21
AIDEDNet: anti-interference and detail enhancement dehazing network for real-world scenes20
Practical age estimation using deep label distribution learning19
Cancer classification with data augmentation based on generative adversarial networks19
Towards a better prediction of subcellular location of long non-coding RNA19