Applied Neuropsychology-Child

(The H4-Index of Applied Neuropsychology-Child is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Rethinking “gold standards” and “best practices” in the assessment of autism18
Novel linguistic evaluation of prefrontal synthesis (LEPS) test measures prefrontal synthesis acquisition in neurotypical children and predicts high-functioning versus low-functioning class assignment15
A mobile app that uses neurofeedback and multi-sensory learning methods improves reading abilities in dyslexia: A pilot study15
Assessing executive functions in Brazilian children: A critical review of available tools14
The emotion word fluency test as an embedded performance validity indicator – Alone and in a multivariate validity composite14
Changes in EEG complexity with neurofeedback and multi-sensory learning in children with dyslexia: A multiscale entropy analysis14
Hippotherapy in neurodevelopmental disorders: a narrative review focusing on cognitive and behavioral outcomes13
Attentional profile of adolescents with ADHD in virtual-reality dual execution tasks: A pilot study12
Association between motor competence and executive functions in children11
Differences in performance on the test of variables of attention between credible vs. noncredible individuals being screened for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder11
Using change scores on the vestibular ocular motor screening (VOMS) tool to identify concussion in adolescents11