Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences

(The median citation count of Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Affect and emotions as drivers of climate change perception and action: a review174
A guide to the measurement and interpretation of fMRI test-retest reliability100
Balancing exploration and exploitation with information and randomization97
Influences of social norms on climate change-related behaviors95
Conspiracy theories and the conspiracy mindset: implications for political ideology91
Learning Structures: Predictive Representations, Replay, and Generalization87
Extensive sampling for complete models of individual brains85
The dimensionality of neural representations for control77
Positive emotions and climate change75
Polarization in the contemporary political and media landscape73
Nationalism as collective narcissism71
Thinking clearly about causal inferences of politically motivated reasoning: why paradigmatic study designs often undermine causal inference68
Age-related neural dedifferentiation and cognition61
The role of cognitive rigidity in political ideologies: theory, evidence, and future directions61
Resource-rational decision making60
The prevalence and importance of statistical learning in human cognition and behavior57
The early origins and the growing popularity of the individual-subject analytic approach in human neuroscience57
Global Warming’s Six Americas: a review and recommendations for climate change communication56
Meta-learning in natural and artificial intelligence55
Consumer behavior and climate change: consumers need considerable assistance54
What do reinforcement learning models measure? Interpreting model parameters in cognition and neuroscience50
Polarization in America: two possible futures49
Motivated reasoning and climate change48
We need climate change mitigation and climate change mitigation needs the ‘We’: a state-of-the-art review of social identity effects motivating climate change action47
The neuroscience of socioeconomic inequality46
Acetylcholine and the complex interdependence of memory and attention46
Not quite over the rainbow: the unrelenting and insidious nature of heteronormative ideology45
Brain activity is not only for thinking45
Problematic Internet use (PIU) in youth: a brief literature review of selected topics44
Testing network properties of episodic memory using non-invasive brain stimulation43
Rethinking the episodic-semantic distinction from a gradient perspective41
Habit and climate change41
Sensitive periods in human development: charting a course for the future40
Looking up at the curious personality: individual differences in curiosity and openness to experience39
Neural circuitry of information seeking38
Ideology and the promotion of social change38
Environmental values and identities at the personal and group level38
Why so curious? Quantifying mechanisms of information seeking37
Sensitive periods in executive function development37
Context-dependent outcome encoding in human reinforcement learning37
The eyes are a window into memory36
Cultivating an understanding of curiosity as a seed for creativity36
The authoritarian-conservatism nexus36
Explanation-seeking curiosity in childhood36
Ideologies that justify political violence35
The seductive lure of curiosity: information as a motivationally salient reward35
Computational theory-driven studies of reinforcement learning and decision-making in addiction: what have we learned?32
What can narratives tell us about the neural bases of human memory?32
Epistemic curiosity and the region of proximal learning32
Extreme weather experience and climate change opinion31
The role of worldviews in shaping how people appraise climate change31
Sleep in the dog: comparative, behavioral and translational relevance31
Positive affect and behavior change31
The social functions of positive emotions31
Reward and emotion: an affective neuroscience approach31
Characteristics and consequences of co-experienced positive affect: understanding the origins of social skills, social bonds, and caring, healthy communities30
Timescales of cognition in the brain30
Affective regulation through touch: homeostatic and allostatic mechanisms30
Positive affect: nature and brain bases of liking and wanting28
Computation noise in human learning and decision-making: origin, impact, function27
Multi-step planning in the brain27
Precision estimates of parallel distributed association networks: evidence for domain specialization and implications for evolution and development27
The role of executive function in shaping reinforcement learning27
Conceptual, empirical, and practical problems with the claim that intolerance, prejudice, and discrimination are equivalent on the political left and right27
Sleep and academic performance: measuring the impact of sleep27
When and why is economic inequality seen as fair26
Representations of uncertainty: where art thou?26
How different are cultural and economic ideology?26
Mindful positive emotion regulation as a treatment for addiction: from hedonic pleasure to self-transcendent meaning26
Physiological changes in sleep that affect fMRI inference26
High-resolution fMRI at 7 Tesla: challenges, promises and recent developments for individual-focused fMRI studies26
Ideological (A)symmetries in prejudice and intergroup bias25
Prevalence of problematic Internet use during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic25
Editorial overview: Deep imaging of the individual brain: past, practice, and promise25
Attentional and perceptual biases of climate change25
Understanding the effects of partisan identity on climate change24
Meaning makes touch affective24
The current status of Cyberbullying research: a short review of the literature24
Sweet anticipation and positive emotions in music, groove, and dance24
Climate change, behavior, and the possibility of spillover effects: recent advances and future directions24
Learning from other minds: an optimistic critique of reinforcement learning models of social learning24
The prime psychological suspects of toxic political polarization24
The political significance of fragile masculinity24
Light through the fog: using precision fMRI data to disentangle the neural substrates of cognitive control23
Climate change mitigation within the Campbell paradigm: doing the right thing for a reason and against all odds23
How do we remember events?23
Predicting attention across time and contexts with functional brain connectivity23
Assessing problematic use of social media: where do we stand and what can be improved?23
Variable specificity of memory trace reactivation during hippocampal sharp wave ripples23
The palliative function of system-justifying ideologies23
Interoception relates to sleep and sleep disorders23
A conflict within a conflict: intragroup ideological polarization and intergroup intractable conflict22
Xenophobia, prejudice, and right-wing populism in East-Central Europe22
On educating, curiosity, and interest development22
Curiosity, information demand and attentional priority22
Curiosity as the impulse to know: common behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying curiosity and impulsivity22
Applying dense-sampling methods to reveal dynamic endocrine modulation of the nervous system21
Three types of individual variation in brain networks revealed by single-subject functional connectivity analyses21
Sensitive periods in cognitive development: a mutualistic perspective21
Elite influence on public attitudes about climate policy21
Development of face processing: are there critical or sensitive periods?21
Differentiating self-touch from social touch20
Systems neuroscience of curiosity20
Sleep and academic performance: considering amount, quality and timing20
How positive affect buffers stress responses20
Understanding how early life effects evolve: progress, gaps, and future directions20
Latent learning, cognitive maps, and curiosity20
Intrinsic reward: potential cognitive and neural mechanisms19
Precision functional mapping of human memory systems19
Improving precision functional mapping routines with multi-echo fMRI19
Cognitive maps and novel inferences: a flexibility hierarchy19
The retrosplenial cortex and long-term spatial memory: from the cell to the network19
The merciless mind in a dog-eat-dog society: neoliberalism and the indifference to social inequality19
Coping with Politics: The Benefits and Costs of Emotion Regulation19
Is there evidence for sensitive periods in emotional development?19
Value-free reinforcement learning: policy optimization as a minimal model of operant behavior19
Is the core function of orbitofrontal cortex to signal values or make predictions?19
The hierarchical construction of value18
Neural correlates of sleep, stress, and selective memory consolidation18
Supporting curiosity in schools and classrooms18
Caregiving influences on emotional learning and regulation: applying a sensitive period model18
Sensitive phases in the development of rodent social behavior18
The promise of awake behaving infant fMRI as a deep measure of cognition18
A taxonomy of positive emotions18
Curiosity and the economics of attention18
Human skill learning: expansion, exploration, selection, and refinement17
The self-regulatory affective touch: a speculative framework for the development of executive functioning17
Approach motivation and positive affect17
Finding a balance: modulatory effects of positive affect on attentional and cognitive control17
What are ‘positive’ affect and emotion?17
On the genetic basis of political orientation17
Context-sensitive valuation and learning17
Concept formation as a computational cognitive process17
To know, to feel, to share? Exploring the motives that drive curiosity for negative content17
Resilience to stress and social touch17
C-tactile (CT) afferents: evidence of their function from microneurography studies in humans17
Expectable environments in early life16
Psychopathology and positive emotions in daily life16
The evolution of sensitive periods in development: insights from insects16
Understanding subprocesses of working memory through the lens of model-based cognitive neuroscience16
Physiological effects induced by stimulation of cutaneous sensory nerves, with a focus on oxytocin16
Sleep and intelligence: critical review and future directions16
Proposing a multi-dimensional, context-sensitive approach to the study of ideological (a)symmetry in emotion16
The power of media in shaping political attitudes15
Improving autobiographical memory in Alzheimer’s disease by transcranial alternating current stimulation15
Challenges and opportunities of mesoscopic brain mapping with fMRI15
Comparison of the determinants for positive and negative affect proposed by appraisal theories, goal-directed theories, and predictive processing theories15
Correspondence between functional connectivity and task-related activity patterns within the individual15
Serotonergic modulation of cognitive computations15
System justification in France: liberté, égalité, fraternité15
Diving into the deep end: a personal reflection on the MyConnectome study15
A goldilocks critique of the hot cognition perspective on climate change skepticism15
New directions in sleep and memory research: the role of autonomic activity15
Gut microbiome-brain axis and inflammation in temperament, personality and psychopathology14
Affective touch: a communication channel for social exchange14
Social touch in virtual reality14
Emergence of relational reasoning14
The role of slow-wave sleep rhythms in the cortical-hippocampal loop for memory consolidation14
Memory and sleep: brain networks, cell dynamics and global states14
Multisensory contributions to affective touch14
Wild cognition – linking form and function of cognitive abilities within a natural context14
Epigenetic protection: maternal touch and DNA-methylation in early life13
Learning same and different relations: cross-species comparisons13
Imaging the temporal dynamics of brain states with highly sampled fMRI13
The paradox of pursuing happiness13
Local warming is real: A meta-analysis of the effect of recent temperature on climate change beliefs13
Environmental neuroeconomics: how neuroscience can inform our understanding of human responses to climate change13
The dorsomedial striatum: an optimal cellular environment for encoding and updating goal-directed learning13
A gene-maturation-environment model for understanding sensitive period effects in musical training13
The role of C-tactile nerve fibers in human social development13
Curiosity as end and means13
Multi-level analyses of associative recognition memory: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts13
Ideology and predictive processing: coordination, bias, and polarization in socially constrained error minimization13
Excessive shopping on the internet: recent trends in compulsive buying-shopping disorder13
When does empathy feel good?12
Virtual touch and the human social world12
Physiology predicts ideology. Or does it? The current state of political psychophysiology research12
Exploiting the plasticity of compassion to improve psychotherapy12
Cognitive effects of multi-night adolescent sleep restriction: current data and future possibilities12
The basolateral amygdala and lateral hypothalamus bias learning towards motivationally significant events12
The role of the amygdala in processing social and affective touch12
The psychological structure, social consequences, function, and expression of pride experiences12
Combined lesion-deficit and fMRI approaches in single-case studies: unique contributions to cognitive neuroscience12
A role for adaptive developmental plasticity in learning and decision making12
Editorial overview: Can behavioral science solve the climate crisis?12
The contextual regulation of goal-directed actions12
Political ideology and compensatory control mechanisms12
The same-different task as a tool to study unconscious processing11
Learning of sameness/difference relationships by honey bees: performance, strategies and ecological context11
Pregnancy as an intergenerational conduit of adversity: how nutritional and psychosocial stressors reflect different historical timescales of maternal experience11
The visual prefrontal cortex of anthropoids: interaction with temporal cortex in decision making and its role in the making of ‘visual animals’11
How go/no-go training changes behavior: A value-based decision-making perspective11
Same-different conceptualization: a machine vision perspective11
Affective and discriminative touch: a reappraisal11
What is dopamine doing in model-based reinforcement learning?11
Explaining discrepancies in the study of maternal effects: the role of context and embryo11
Deprivation and discovery motives determine how it feels to be curious11
Revisiting positive affect and reward influences on cognitive control11
Neuro-cognitive processes as mediators of psychological treatment effects11
Inference as a fundamental process in behavior11
Defining immediate effects of sensitive periods on infant neurobehavioral function11
Categorizing the function of positive emotions11
Understanding exploration in humans and machines by formalizing the function of curiosity11
Precision functional mapping of the subcortex and cerebellum10
Individual differences in learning positive affective value10
Issues in the comparative cognition of same/different abstract-concept learning10
Social pleasures of music10
Fish ecology and cognition: insights from studies on wild and wild-caught teleost fishes10
Social touch — a tool rather than a signal10
Change is on the horizon: call to action for the study of positive emotion and reward in psychopathology10
Do C-tactile afferents go to sleep? A potential role for somatosensory stimulation in sleep regulation10
Dynamic network organization of the self: implications for affective experience10
Neural circuits for inference-based decision-making10
On defining positive affect (PA): considering attitudes toward emotions, measures of PA, and approach motivation10
Liberty and the pursuit of science denial10
Nested sensitive periods: how plasticity across the microbiota-gut-brain axis interacts to affect the development of learning and memory10
Sleep as a window to treat affective disorders10
Not seeing eye to eye: challenges to building ethnically and economically diverse environmental coalitions10
Curiosity in childhood and adolescence — what can we learn from the brain10
Wired for social touch: the sense that binds us to others10
Gaming disorder: current research directions9
Precision estimates of macroscale network organization in the human and their relation to anatomical connectivity in the marmoset monkey9
Understanding others through observed touch: neural correlates, developmental aspects, and psychopathology9
Current controversies in the cognitive science of short-term memory9
Positive affect as a computational mechanism9
Individual subject approaches to mapping sensory-biased and multiple-demand regions in human frontal cortex9
Zooming in and zooming out: the importance of precise anatomical characterization and broader network understanding of MRI data in human memory experiments9
A push for examining subjective experience in value-based decision-making9
Utopia and ideology in cultural dynamics9
Beyond the dichotomy between field and lab — the importance of studying cognition in context9
Do transdiagnostic factors influence affective touch perception in psychiatric populations?9
New challenges in facing cyberchondria during the coronavirus disease pandemic9
A review of the genetic basis of problematic Internet use9
The cost burden of problematic internet usage8
A “thinking animal” in conflict: studying wild elephant cognition in the shadow of anthropogenic change8
Have behavioral sciences delivered on their promise to influence environmental policy and conservation practice?8
Acoustic Developmental Programming: implications for adaptive plasticity and the evolution of sensitive periods8
Climate change cognition and education: given no silver bullet for denial, diverse information-hunks increase global warming acceptance8
How do animals navigate the urban jungle? A review of cognition in urban-adapted animals8
Later-life sleep, cognition, and neuroimaging research: an update for 20208
Population differences in performance on Relational Match to Sample (RMTS) sometimes reflect differences in inductive biases alone8
A comparative framework of inter-individual coordination and pair-bonding8
Religion, cognitive style, and rational thinking8
Is early good or bad? Early puberty onset and its consequences for learning8
Canonical cortical circuits and the duality of Bayesian inference and optimal control8
How do crows and parrots come to spontaneously perceive relations-between-relations?8
What is next for the neurobiology of temperament, personality and psychopathology?7
Dissociable mechanisms of information sampling in prefrontal cortex and the dopaminergic system7
Infant-inspired intrinsically motivated curious robots7
Tracking plasticity of individual human brains7