IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

(The H4-Index of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters is 68. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Fast Underwater Image Enhancement for Improved Visual Perception545
FAST-LIO: A Fast, Robust LiDAR-Inertial Odometry Package by Tightly-Coupled Iterated Kalman Filter251
DIGIT: A Novel Design for a Low-Cost Compact High-Resolution Tactile Sensor With Application to In-Hand Manipulation194
A General Framework for Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning146
Multi-Sensor Guided Hand Gesture Recognition for a Teleoperated Robot Using a Recurrent Neural Network132
What the Constant Velocity Model Can Teach Us About Pedestrian Motion Prediction130
An Efficient Sampling-Based Method for Online Informative Path Planning in Unknown Environments130
Cooperative Control of Heterogeneous Connected Vehicle Platoons: An Adaptive Leader-Following Approach128
Towards High-Performance Solid-State-LiDAR-Inertial Odometry and Mapping128
A Dexterous Soft Robotic Hand for Delicate In-Hand Manipulation126
EGO-Planner: An ESDF-Free Gradient-Based Local Planner for Quadrotors126
Deep Neural Network Approach in Robot Tool Dynamics Identification for Bilateral Teleoperation124
Graduated Non-Convexity for Robust Spatial Perception: From Non-Minimal Solvers to Global Outlier Rejection124
DOOR-SLAM: Distributed, Online, and Outlier Resilient SLAM for Robotic Teams123
Mobile Robot Path Planning in Dynamic Environments Through Globally Guided Reinforcement Learning118
Lio-A Personal Robot Assistant for Human-Robot Interaction and Care Applications117
On an Improved State Parametrization for Soft Robots With Piecewise Constant Curvature and Its Use in Model Based Control114
Nonlinear MPC for Collision Avoidance and Control of UAVs With Dynamic Obstacles114
Online Trajectory Generation With Distributed Model Predictive Control for Multi-Robot Motion Planning113
BADGR: An Autonomous Self-Supervised Learning-Based Navigation System111
CNN-Based Lidar Point Cloud De-Noising in Adverse Weather111
An Open Torque-Controlled Modular Robot Architecture for Legged Locomotion Research111
Data-Driven MPC for Quadrotors110
Pixel-Level Extrinsic Self Calibration of High Resolution LiDAR and Camera in Targetless Environments107
Learning Robust Control Policies for End-to-End Autonomous Driving From Data-Driven Simulation107
DeepGait: Planning and Control of Quadrupedal Gaits Using Deep Reinforcement Learning107
Cross-View Semantic Segmentation for Sensing Surroundings106
Distributed Proprioception of 3D Configuration in Soft, Sensorized Robots via Deep Learning106
DynaSLAM II: Tightly-Coupled Multi-Object Tracking and SLAM105
R $^2$ LIVE: A Robust, Real-Time, LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Tightly-Coupled State Estimator and Mapping99
CNN Based Road User Detection Using the 3D Radar Cube98
Real-Time Fusion Network for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation Incorporating Unexpected Obstacle Detection for Road-Driving Images97
Visual-Inertial Mapping With Non-Linear Factor Recovery96
Spatiotemporal Relationship Reasoning for Pedestrian Intent Prediction96
SLOAM: Semantic Lidar Odometry and Mapping for Forest Inventory96
A Unified MPC Framework for Whole-Body Dynamic Locomotion and Manipulation95
TLIO: Tight Learned Inertial Odometry95
Moving Object Segmentation in 3D LiDAR Data: A Learning-Based Approach Exploiting Sequential Data92
Safe and Fast Tracking on a Robot Manipulator: Robust MPC and Neural Network Control92
A Teleoperation Framework for Mobile Robots Based on Shared Control92
BALM: Bundle Adjustment for Lidar Mapping91
DSEC: A Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Driving Scenarios90
3D-MiniNet: Learning a 2D Representation From Point Clouds for Fast and Efficient 3D LIDAR Semantic Segmentation89
FUEL: Fast UAV Exploration Using Incremental Frontier Structure and Hierarchical Planning89
RLBench: The Robot Learning Benchmark & Learning Environment89
Forecasting Trajectory and Behavior of Road-Agents Using Spectral Clustering in Graph-LSTMs86
Grasping in the Wild: Learning 6DoF Closed-Loop Grasping From Low-Cost Demonstrations86
Self-Supervised Learning of State Estimation for Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects85
ERASOR: Egocentric Ratio of Pseudo Occupancy-Based Dynamic Object Removal for Static 3D Point Cloud Map Building85
Ground-Aware Monocular 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving83
Interactive Gibson Benchmark: A Benchmark for Interactive Navigation in Cluttered Environments81
A Robust UAV System for Operations in a Constrained Environment80
Learning Force Control for Contact-Rich Manipulation Tasks With Rigid Position-Controlled Robots78
Robot Navigation in Crowds by Graph Convolutional Networks With Attention Learned From Human Gaze78
Real-Time Semantic Segmentation With Fast Attention77
Control Oriented Modeling of Soft Robots: The Polynomial Curvature Case75
Track to Reconstruct and Reconstruct to Track74
Autonomy in Physical Human-Robot Interaction: A Brief Survey74
Real-Time Gait Phase Estimation for Robotic Hip Exoskeleton Control During Multimodal Locomotion73
Sim2Real Predictivity: Does Evaluation in Simulation Predict Real-World Performance?72
LOCUS: A Multi-Sensor Lidar-Centric Solution for High-Precision Odometry and 3D Mapping in Real-Time72
DeepFactors: Real-Time Probabilistic Dense Monocular SLAM71
Combining Events and Frames Using Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal Networks for Monocular Depth Prediction71
Augmented LiDAR Simulator for Autonomous Driving71
High-Speed Autonomous Drifting With Deep Reinforcement Learning70
LQR-Assisted Whole-Body Control of a Wheeled Bipedal Robot With Kinematic Loops69
Recovery RL: Safe Reinforcement Learning With Learned Recovery Zones69
BiTraP: Bi-Directional Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction With Multi-Modal Goal Estimation69
Multi-Agent Motion Planning for Dense and Dynamic Environments via Deep Reinforcement Learning68