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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Developmental Review17
2 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience13
3 Autism12
- Child Development Perspectives12
5 Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry10
- New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development10
7 Child Development9
- Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology9
- Autism Research9
10 Adolescent Research Review8
11 Journal of Research on Adolescence7
- Developmental Science7
- European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry7
- Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders7
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence7
- Attachment & Human Development7
- Development and Psychopathology7
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly7
19 Journal of Experimental Child Psychology6
- Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders6
- Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders6
- Sex Roles6
- Infant Mental Health Journal6
- International Journal of Behavioral Development6
- Journal of Adolescence6
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology6
- Journal of Pediatric Psychology6
- Psychology and Aging6
- School Mental Health6
- Infant Behavior & Development6
31 Journal of Adolescent Health5
- Journal of Attention Disorders5
- Journal of Cognition and Development5
- Journal of Latinx Psychology5
- Early Education and Development5
- Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology5
- Cognitive Development5
- Developmental Neuropsychology5
- European Journal of Developmental Psychology5
- Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities5
41 Journal for the Study of Education and Development4
- Journal of Adult Development4
- Journal of Child and Family Studies4
- Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities4
- Child Psychiatry & Human Development4
- Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry4
- Developmental Psychology4
- Journal of Adolescent Research4
- Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics4
- Journal of Early Adolescence4
- Journal of Genetic Psychology4
- Journal of School Violence4
- Language Learning and Development4
- Mind Brain and Education4
- Parenting-Science and Practice4
- Aging Neuropsychology and Cognition4
- Child Care Health and Development4
- Child & Youth Care Forum4
- Emerging Adulthood4
- Infancy4
61 International Journal of Aging & Human Development3
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly-Journal of Developmental Psychology3
- Applied Developmental Science3
- British Journal of Developmental Psychology3
- Early Child Development and Care3
- First Language3
- Human Development3
- Journal of Child Language3
- Social Development3
70 Kindheit und Entwicklung2
- Infant and Child Development2
- Infants & Young Children2
73 Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie1
74 Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry0