Arts & Humanities

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(A journal has H4-Index of h when h of its past four year's publications has h citations, whereby h is the highest possible number that renders the former statement true. The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal H4-Index
1 Agriculture and Human Values23
2 Science and Engineering Ethics21
3 Eurasian Geography and Economics19
- Journal of Responsible Innovation19
- Science & Education19
- Synthese19
- Heritage Science19
8 Public Understanding of Science18
- British Journal for the Philosophy of Science18
10 Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts17
11 Theory Culture & Society16
- European Journal of Cultural Studies16
13 Latin American Research Review15
- Biology & Philosophy15
- ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage15
- Journal of Chinese Political Science15
- Journal of Contemporary China15
- Social Studies of Science15
- Medicine Health Care and Philosophy15
20 International Journal of Heritage Studies14
- Cultural Trends14
22 Economic Development and Cultural Change13
- European Security13
- South Atlantic Quarterly13
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science13
- International Journal of Cultural Studies13
27 Philosophy of Science12
- Journal of Asian Public Policy12
- Journal of Contemporary European Studies12
- International Journal of Cultural Policy12
- Journal of Cultural Economy12
- Journal of Asian and African Studies12
- Daedalus12
- Games and Culture12
35 China Quarterly11
- East European Politics11
- Social Semiotics11
- Post-Soviet Affairs11
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences11
- Minerva11
- Museum Management and Curatorship11
- Journal of Consumer Culture11
- Cultural Studies11
44 Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies10
- China Journal10
- Europe-Asia Studies10
- Journal of Contemporary Asia10
- Science As Culture10
- Africa10
- Journal of African Cultural Studies10
- Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics10
- Centaurus10
- Critical Inquiry10
- Medical Humanities10
- Memory Studies10
- Critical Asian Studies10
- Nationalities Papers-The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity10
- African Affairs10
- Cultural Studies of Science Education10
- European Journal for Philosophy of Science10
61 Central Asian Survey9
- Mediterranean Politics9
- Social Epistemology9
- New Genetics and Society9
- Turkish Studies9
- Journal of Asian Studies9
- Communication and Critical-Cultural Studies9
- Bulletin of Latin American Research9
- Postcolonial Studies9
- Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies9
- Pacific Review9
- Space and Culture9
- Review of African Political Economy9
- Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences9
- Identities-Global Studies in Culture and Power9
- Biosemiotics9
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science9
- Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies9
- Journal of Visual Culture9
80 Asia Pacific Viewpoint8
- European Review8
- Journal of Eastern African Studies8
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C-Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences8
- Engineering Studies8
- Nanoethics8
- Contemporary South Asia8
- Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies8
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities8
- Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies8
- East European Politics and Societies8
- Public Culture8
- Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs8
- Africa Spectrum8
- Foundations of Science8
95 Journal of Southern African Studies7
- Latin American Perspectives7
- Senses & Society7
- Science and Technology Studies7
- African Studies Review7
- Inter-Asia Cultural Studies7
- Asian Studies Review7
- Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte7
- Curator-The Museum Journal7
- Empirical Studies of the Arts7
- Fashion Theory-The Journal of Dress Body & Culture7
- Foundations of Chemistry7
- Historia Ciencias Saude-Manguinhos7
- Historic Environment-Policy & Practice7
- History of the Human Sciences7
- China Information7
- China Perspectives7
- Journal of Modern African Studies7
- Latin American Politics and Society7
- Small Axe7
- Southeast European and Black Sea Studies7
- Visual Studies7
- Nexus Network Journal7
- African Studies7
- Asian Survey7
- Interventions-International Journal of Postcolonial Studies7
- Isis7
- Celebrity Studies7
- Journal of Latin American Studies7
- Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences7
125 Israel Affairs6
- Journal of Palestine Studies6
- Slavic Review6
- South Asia-Journal of South Asian Studies6
- Perspectives in Biology and Medicine6
- IEEE Annals of the History of Computing6
- Journal of Arts Management Law and Society6
- East Asian Science Technology and Society-An International Journal6
- Angelaki-Journal of the Theoretical Humanities6
- International Journal of Middle East Studies6
- Semiotica6
- Middle East Critique6
- Pacific Affairs6
- British Journal for the History of Science6
- Journal of African Media Studies6
- Journal of the American Oriental Society6
- Fashion Practice-The Journal of Design Creative Process & the Fashion Industry6
142 Bilig5
- Contemporary Southeast Asia5
- Patterns of Prejudice5
- India Review5
- Middle East Policy5
- Modern Asian Studies5
- Pacific Focus5
- South East Asia Research5
- Social Science Japan Journal5
- Archive for History of Exact Sciences5
- Journal of Material Culture5
- British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies5
- Osiris5
- University of Toronto Quarterly5
- Indonesia and the Malay World5
- Journal of American Folklore5
- Journal of Australian Studies5
- Critical Arts-South-North Cultural and Media Studies5
- Journal of Scholarly Publishing5
- Journal of the History of Biology5
- History and Philosophy of Logic5
- History of Science5
164 NTM4
- Parallax4
- Journal of Baltic Studies4
- Middle Eastern Studies4
- Modern Italy4
- Speculum-A Journal of Medieval Studies4
- Theology and Science4
- History of Geo- and Space Sciences4
- Index on Censorship4
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science4
- Boundary 2-An International Journal of Literature and Culture4
- Journal of American Studies4
- Journal of Canadian Studies-Revue d'Etudes Canadiennes4
- Journal of Southeast Asian Studies4
- Journal of the American Institute for Conservation4
- French Cultural Studies4
- Arbor-Ciencia Pensamiento y Cultura4
- Notes and Records-The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science4
- Nuncius-Journal of the History of Science4
- IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies4
- Signs and Society4
- Modern China4
- Social Dynamics-A Journal of African Studies4
- Text and Performance Quarterly4
- Theoria-Revista de Teoria Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia4
- Trames-Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences4
- Cryptologia4
- Endeavour4
- Journal of the History of the Neurosciences4
- International Journal of Asian Studies4
- Asian Philosophy4
- Bijdragen Tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde4
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine4
- Italian Studies4
- Journal of Aesthetic Education4
- Journal of Indian Philosophy4
- Culture et Musees4
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)