Arts & Humanities

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal Median citations
1 Journal of Responsible Innovation4
2 Social Studies of Science3
- Science and Engineering Ethics3
4 Public Understanding of Science2
- Journal of African Media Studies2
- Post-Soviet Affairs2
- Agriculture and Human Values2
- Engineering Studies2
- Medicine Health Care and Philosophy2
- Heritage Science2
- European Security2
- Biology & Philosophy2
- British Journal for the Philosophy of Science2
- Science & Education2
- Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics2
- Pacific Review2
- Synthese2
18 East European Politics1
- Economic Development and Cultural Change1
- International Journal of Cultural Studies1
- Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts1
- Biosemiotics1
- Journal of Asian Public Policy1
- Isis1
- Journal of Eastern African Studies1
- Science As Culture1
- Latin American Research Review1
- Social Epistemology1
- Journal of Consumer Culture1
- Social Semiotics1
- New Genetics and Society1
- Cultural Studies1
- Cultural Studies of Science Education1
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C-Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences1
- Daedalus1
- Theory Culture & Society1
- European Journal for Philosophy of Science1
- Fashion Practice-The Journal of Design Creative Process & the Fashion Industry1
- Nanoethics1
- Foundations of Science1
- Games and Culture1
- Asia Pacific Viewpoint1
- Ambix1
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences1
- Osiris1
- History of the Human Sciences1
- Archive for History of Exact Sciences1
- Critical Asian Studies1
- International Journal of Cultural Policy1
- International Journal of Heritage Studies1
- Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte1
- Journal of Chinese Political Science1
- Journal of Contemporary China1
- Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs1
- Journal for the History of Astronomy1
- Centaurus1
- Minerva1
- Space and Culture1
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science1
- Journal of Material Culture1
- European Journal of Cultural Studies1
- Medical Humanities1
- Journal of the History of the Neurosciences1
- ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage1
- Africa Spectrum1
- Asian Survey1
67 NTM0
- Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences0
- American Studies in Scandinavia0
- Central Asian Survey0
- NWIG-New West Indian Guide-Nieuwe West-Indische Gids0
- History and Philosophy of Logic0
- Annals of Science0
- China Journal0
- Oriens0
- History of Science0
- Anuario de Estudios Medievales0
- China Quarterly0
- Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America0
- Identities-Global Studies in Culture and Power0
- Archipel-Etudes Interdisciplinaires sur Le Monde Insulindien0
- Contemporary Southeast Asia0
- Parallax0
- Imago Mundi-The International Journal for the History of Cartography0
- Archives and Records-The Journal of the Archives and Records Association0
- Patterns of Prejudice0
- Indian Historical Review0
- Archiv fuer Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete0
- Philosophy of Science0
- Indonesia and the Malay World0
- Arthuriana0
- European Review0
- Polis0
- International Journal of Asian Studies0
- Asian Philosophy0
- Europe-Asia Studies0
- Positions-Asia Critique0
- Atenea0
- India Review0
- Postmedieval-A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies0
- International Journal of the Classical Tradition0
- Bijdragen Tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde0
- Israel Affairs0
- Interventions-International Journal of Postcolonial Studies0
- Iran-Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies0
- British Journal for the History of Science0
- Journal of Baltic Studies0
- Ramus-Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature0
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine0
- Journal of Contemporary Asia0
- Renaissance Quarterly0
- Italian Studies0
- Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies-University of London0
- Journal of Contemporary European Studies0
- Representations0
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science0
- Byzantinische Zeitschrift0
- Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica0
- Journal of Aesthetic Education0
- Canadian Review of American Studies0
- Journal of Palestine Studies0
- Celebrity Studies0
- Journal of Southern African Studies0
- Science in Context0
- Journal of American Folklore0
- Central Asiatic Journal0
- Latin American Perspectives0
- Senses & Society0
- Journal of Arabic Literature0
- Chinese Studies in History0
- Signa-Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Semiotica0
- Journal of Asian History0
- Classical Quarterly0
- Mediterranean Politics0
- Slavic Review0
- Journal of Australian Studies0
- Co-herencia0
- Middle Eastern Studies0
- Slovo0
- Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture0
- Common Knowledge0
- Middle East Policy0
- Configurations0
- Modern Asian Studies0
- Journal of English and Germanic Philology0
- Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies0
- Modern Italy0
- Societes0
- Journal of Hellenic Studies0
- Critical Arts-South-North Cultural and Media Studies0
- South Asia-Journal of South Asian Studies0
- Journal of Indian Philosophy0
- CR-The New Centennial Review0
- Pacific Focus0
- South East Asia Research0
- Journal of Korean Studies0
- Speculum-A Journal of Medieval Studies0
- Journal of Latin American Studies0
- Science and Technology Studies0
- Journal of Medical Biography0
- Culture et Musees0
- Social Science Japan Journal0
- Synthesis-La Plata0
- Journal of Medieval History0
- Turkish Studies0
- Textile-Cloth and Culture0
- Journal of Modern Greek Studies0
- Differences-A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies0
- Theology and Science0
- Journal of Popular Culture0
- Disparidades-Revista de Antropologia0
- Journal of Scholarly Publishing0
- Dress-The Journal of the Costume Society of America0
- Traditio-Studies in Ancient and Medieval History Thought and Religion0
- Journal of Song-Yuan Studies0
- Dynamis0
- Trends in Classics0
- Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies0
- Early Modern Women-An Interdisciplinary Journal0
- Utopian Studies0
- Journal of the American Oriental Society0
- Early Science and Medicine0
- Victorian Periodicals Review0
- Journal of the History of Biology0
- Eire-Ireland0
- Wasafiri0
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences0
- English Literary Renaissance0
- Word & Image0
- Journal of Visual Culture0
- Library0
- European Journal of English Studies0
- Earth Sciences History0
- Luso-Brazilian Review0
- Exemplaria-Medieval Early Modern Theory0
- Medical History0
- History of Geo- and Space Sciences0
- Folk Life-Journal of Ethnological Studies0
- Medium Aevum0
- Folklore-Electronic Journal of Folklore0
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)